Differences between revisions 6 and 63 (spanning 57 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2007-01-08 21:43:57
Size: 2384
Comment: Moved Edelman and Yelick to satisfy their time constraints
Revision 63 as of 2007-02-03 00:15:09
Size: 3668
Editor: anonymous
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Tentative Schedule for the workshop = = Schedule for the workshop =
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The (A) and (S) marks below are respectively links to each speaker's abstract and slides, when available. Please see [http://modular.math.washington.edu/msri07/schedule.html the HTML schedule].

= Slides =

== Monday, Jan 29 ==

Theme: What do we want and what can we expect from applying parallel techniques to pure mathematics research tools?

   * 9:00 Clement Pernet (University of Waterloo): Parallelism perspectives for the LinBox library [attachment:pernet.pdf PDF slides]

   * 10:30 Brian Granger (Tech X Corp): Interactive parallel computing using Python and IPython [attachment:GrangerMSRI.pdf PDF slides] [attachment:GrangerMSRIdemo.ipy Demo].
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== Notes for organizers ==    * 11:30 Jean-Louis Roch (INRIA [http://moais.imag.fr Moais] / LIG, France): Processor-oblivious parallel algorithms with provable performances [http://www-id.imag.fr/~jlroch/perso_html/talks/2007-01-MSRI-Berkeley/2007-01-msri-procobliv.pps PPT slides (7.6MB)]
[http://www-id.imag.fr/~jlroch/perso_html/talks/2007-01-MSRI-Berkeley/roch-msri.pdf PDF (11MB)]
[http://www-id.imag.fr/~jlroch/perso_html/talks/2007-01-MSRI-Berkeley/ieeevr06-mov1.mpg MPEG video]
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Please note here changes you made and why, or other constraints, so that as we reorganize this we don't break previous things that had been done for a specific reason.    * 1:30 Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research): Parallel computation tools for research: a wishlist
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The (FD) mark means 'fixed day', to indicate speakers who can only speak that day so you don't accidentally shuffle them out when reorganizing. We'll remove these marks when we're done. == Tuesday, Jan 30 ==
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Theme: Algebra
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'''Constraints'''    * 9:00 Kathy Yelick (UC Berkeley): Programming models for parallel computing [attachment:yelick.pdf PDF slides]
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  * Edelman can only speak on Friday Feb 2.
  * Kathy Yelick can only speak Monday or Thursday.
   * 10:30 Yozo Hida (UC Berkeley): Moving Lapack and ScaLapack to higher precision without too much work [attachment:hida.pdf PDF slides]
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   * 11:30 Alfred Noel (UMass Boston/MIT): Structure and representations of real reductive Lie groups: A computational approach
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||Time ||<bgcolor="#e0e0ff">Monday Jan 29||<bgcolor="#e0e0ff">Tuesday Jan 30 ||<bgcolor="#e0e0ff">Wednesday Jan 31||<bgcolor="#e0e0ff">Thursday Feb 1||<bgcolor="#e0e0ff">Friday Feb 2||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">9 am ||[http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~dbailey/ David Bailey] [:msri07/abstract/Bailey:(A)]:[[BR]]''Experimental Mathematics and[[BR]] High-Performance Computing'' ||[http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Roch_Jean-Louis/perso.html Jean-Louis Roch ] ||[http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wbhart/ Bill Hart] ||[http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~yelick/ Kathy Yelick] ||[http://www-math.mit.edu/~edelman/ Alan Edelman] (FD)||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">10 am ||[http://research.microsoft.com/~cohn/: Henry Cohn] ||[http://txcorp.com Brian Granger] ||[http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~yozo/ Yozo Hida] ||[http://www.math.umb.edu/~anoel/ Alfred Noel] ||[http://www.math.uic.edu/~jan/ Jan Verschelde ]||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">11 am ||[http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/gene/ Gene Cooperman] ||[http://www.csm.ornl.gov/harrison.html Robert Harrison] ||[http://www.math.jmu.edu/~martin/ Jason Martin] ||[http://www.yiqiang.net/ Yi Qiang]||[http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~moreno/ Moreno Maza and Xie]||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">12 pm ||||||||||<bgcolor="#80ff80" style="text-align: center;">Lunch Break ||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">1 pm ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">2 pm ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">3 pm ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">4 pm ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">5 pm ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">6pm-8pm ||||||||||<bgcolor="#80ff80" style="text-align: center;">Dinner Break ||
||<bgcolor="#ffffe0">Night ||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||<^>||
   * 1:30 Anton Leykin (IMA, Minnesota): Parallel computation of Groebner bases in the Weyl algebra [attachment:leykin.pdf PDF slides]

   * 2:00 Vladimir Tonchev (Michigan Tech): Combinatorial designs and code synchronization

== Wednesday, Jan 31 ==

Theme: Number Theory

   * 9:00 Jason Martin (James Madison): MPMPLAPACK: The Massively Parallel Multi-Precision Linear Algebra Package [attachment:martin.pdf PDF slides]

   * 10:30 Bill Hart (Warwick): Parallel computation in number theory [attachment:FLINT-msri-talk.pdf PDF slides]

   * 11:30 Yi Qiang (U Washington): Distributed computing using SAGE [attachment:qiang.pdf PDF slides]

   * 1:30 Robert Bradshaw (U Washington): Loosely dependent parallel processes [attachment:bradshaw-ipc-msri.pdf slides]

   * 2:00 Ilias Kotsireas (Laurier U, Canada): Combinatorial Designs: constructions, algorithms and new results [attachment:kotsireas.pdf PDF slides]

== Thursday, Feb 1 ==

Theme: Geometry

   * 9:00 Jan Verschelde (UIC): Parallel homotopy algorithms to solve polynomial systems

   * 10:30 Marc Moreno Maza (Western Ontario): Component-level parallelization of triangular decompositions

   * 11:30 David Bailey (Lawrence Berkeley Labs): Experimental mathematics and high-performance computing [attachment:bailey.pdf PDF slides]

   * 1:30 Thomas Wolf and Winfried Neun: Parallel sparsening and simplification of systems of equations [attachment:neun.ppt PPT slides (Neun)]

== Friday, Feb 2 ==

Theme: Large-Scale Parallel Computation

   * 9:00 Alan Edelman (MIT): Interactive parallel supercomputing: Today: MATLAB(r) and Python coming cutting edge: symbolic parallelism with Mathematica(r) and MAPLE(r)

   * 10:30 Gene Cooperman (Northeastern U): Disk-based parallel computing: a new paradigm [attachment:cooperman.pdf PDF slides]

   * 11:30 Robert Harrison (Oak Ridge National Lab): Science at the petascale: tools in the tool box

   * 1:30 Samee Khan (U Texas, Arlington): Game theoretical solutions for data replication in distributed computing systems

Schedule for the workshop

Please see [http://modular.math.washington.edu/msri07/schedule.html the HTML schedule].


Monday, Jan 29

Theme: What do we want and what can we expect from applying parallel techniques to pure mathematics research tools?

[http://www-id.imag.fr/~jlroch/perso_html/talks/2007-01-MSRI-Berkeley/roch-msri.pdf PDF (11MB)] [http://www-id.imag.fr/~jlroch/perso_html/talks/2007-01-MSRI-Berkeley/ieeevr06-mov1.mpg MPEG video]

  • 1:30 Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research): Parallel computation tools for research: a wishlist

Tuesday, Jan 30

Theme: Algebra

  • 9:00 Kathy Yelick (UC Berkeley): Programming models for parallel computing [attachment:yelick.pdf PDF slides]
  • 10:30 Yozo Hida (UC Berkeley): Moving Lapack and ScaLapack to higher precision without too much work [attachment:hida.pdf PDF slides]

  • 11:30 Alfred Noel (UMass Boston/MIT): Structure and representations of real reductive Lie groups: A computational approach
  • 1:30 Anton Leykin (IMA, Minnesota): Parallel computation of Groebner bases in the Weyl algebra [attachment:leykin.pdf PDF slides]
  • 2:00 Vladimir Tonchev (Michigan Tech): Combinatorial designs and code synchronization

Wednesday, Jan 31

Theme: Number Theory

  • 9:00 Jason Martin (James Madison): MPMPLAPACK: The Massively Parallel Multi-Precision Linear Algebra Package [attachment:martin.pdf PDF slides]
  • 10:30 Bill Hart (Warwick): Parallel computation in number theory [attachment:FLINT-msri-talk.pdf PDF slides]
  • 11:30 Yi Qiang (U Washington): Distributed computing using SAGE [attachment:qiang.pdf PDF slides]
  • 1:30 Robert Bradshaw (U Washington): Loosely dependent parallel processes [attachment:bradshaw-ipc-msri.pdf slides]
  • 2:00 Ilias Kotsireas (Laurier U, Canada): Combinatorial Designs: constructions, algorithms and new results [attachment:kotsireas.pdf PDF slides]

Thursday, Feb 1

Theme: Geometry

  • 9:00 Jan Verschelde (UIC): Parallel homotopy algorithms to solve polynomial systems
  • 10:30 Marc Moreno Maza (Western Ontario): Component-level parallelization of triangular decompositions
  • 11:30 David Bailey (Lawrence Berkeley Labs): Experimental mathematics and high-performance computing [attachment:bailey.pdf PDF slides]
  • 1:30 Thomas Wolf and Winfried Neun: Parallel sparsening and simplification of systems of equations [attachment:neun.ppt PPT slides (Neun)]

Friday, Feb 2

Theme: Large-Scale Parallel Computation

  • 9:00 Alan Edelman (MIT): Interactive parallel supercomputing: Today: MATLAB(r) and Python coming cutting edge: symbolic parallelism with Mathematica(r) and MAPLE(r)
  • 10:30 Gene Cooperman (Northeastern U): Disk-based parallel computing: a new paradigm [attachment:cooperman.pdf PDF slides]
  • 11:30 Robert Harrison (Oak Ridge National Lab): Science at the petascale: tools in the tool box
  • 1:30 Samee Khan (U Texas, Arlington): Game theoretical solutions for data replication in distributed computing systems

msri07/schedule (last edited 2008-11-14 13:41:49 by anonymous)