MathBook: An XML Application

A specification for XML tags and stylesheets to create usable output.

Shuttleworth Funded

Design Goals:

  1. Simple for authors to use - no more complicated logically than LaTeX
  2. Capture the structure of writing about mathematics and Sage
  3. Processing into a variety of formats
  4. A limited number of rational tags, with simple names
  5. Minimal use of external shell scripts
  6. XSLT 1.0 compatible: ideally the only required tool is xsltproc

Output Formats:

  1. HTML web pages, enhanced with MathJax, Sage Cell server, knowls

  2. LaTeX input to create PDFs and print with pdflatex

  3. HTML for in-browser previewing
  4. Doctesting of Sage code examples
  5. E-Books, once technically feasible
  6. Maybe a DocBook representation for conversion to other outputs

Project Status:

Files and Examples

Updated: June 25, 2013

Easiest: you should be able to preview the source file (calculus-article.xml) by opening it in a web browser with the stylesheet (article-html.xsl) in the same directory. This works on some browsers, and not on others, so experiment. I have used Firefox on Ubuntu with success.

Easy: use the following command to create XHTML output and view in your browser by opening the output file, which should look like: XHTML Output. MathJax does the math, Sage Cell Server does the code.

xsltproc article-html.xsl calculus-article.xml > calculus-article.html

Alternate: issue the following to produce PDF Output. Sage cells are being ignored right now. A textual version of these should be easy to implement.

xsltproc article-latex.xsl calculus-article.xml > calculus-article.tex
pdflatex calculus-article.tex

Advanced: create a Sage Cloud worksheet from the same source. I have this working in the lab.

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