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Revision 11 as of 2008-03-11 22:09:06
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Revision 12 as of 2008-03-11 23:28:28
Size: 3756
Editor: was
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Line 72: Line 72:
def diffie_hellman(button=selector(['New example'],label='',buttons=True)):
    import random
    p = random_prime(30)
    g = random.choice([2, 5])
    a = ZZ(randint(10, 30))
    b = ZZ(randint(10, 30))
def diffie_hellman(button=selector(["New example"],label='',buttons=True),
    bits=("Number of bits of prime", (8,12,..512))):
    maxp = 2^bits
    p = random_prime(maxp)
    k = GF(p)
    g = k.multiplicative_generator()
    a = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
    b = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
Line 93: Line 95:
<h2>%s-Bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange</h2>
Line 94: Line 97:
<li>Alice and Bob agree to use a prime number p=%s and base g=%s.</li>
<li>Alice chooses a secret integer a=%s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob chooses a secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Alice and Bob agree to use the prime number p=%s and base g=%s.</li>
<li>Alice chooses the secret integer a=%s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob chooses the secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
Line 100: Line 103:
    """ % (p, g, a, g, a, p, (mod(g ^ a, p)), b, g, b, p, (mod(g ^ b, p)), (mod(g ^ b, p)), a, p, mod((mod(g ^ b, p)) ^ a, p), (mod(g ^ a, p)), b, p, mod((mod(g ^ a, p)) ^ b, p))     """ % (bits, p, g, a, g, a, p, (g^a), b, g, b, p, (g^b), (g^b), a, p,
(g^ b)^a, g^a, b, p, (g^a)^b)

Sage Interactions

Post code that demonstrates the use of the interact command in Sage here. It should be easy for people to just scroll through and paste examples out of here into their own sage notebooks.

We'll likely restructure and reorganize this once we have some nontrivial content and get a sense of how it is laid out.



A contour map and 3d plot of two inverse distance functions

def _(q1=(-1,(-3,3)), q2=(-2,(-3,3)), 
      cmap=['autumn', 'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'gray', 'hot', 'hsv', 
           'jet', 'pink', 'prism', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter']):
     x,y = var('x,y')
     f = q1/sqrt((x+1)^2 + y^2) + q2/sqrt((x-1)^2+(y+0.5)^2)
     C = contour_plot(f, (-2,2), (-2,2), plot_points=30, contours=15, cmap=cmap)
     show(C, figsize=3, aspect_ratio=1)
     show(plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)), figsize=5, viewer='tachyon')     


Number Theory

Illustrating the prime number thoerem

def _(N=(100,(2..2000))):
    html("<font color='red'>$\pi(x)$</font> and <font color='blue'>$x/(\log(x)-1)$</font> for $x < %s$"%N)
    show(plot(prime_pi, 0, N, rgbcolor='red') + plot(x/(log(x)-1), 5, N, rgbcolor='blue'))


Computing the cuspidal subgroup

html('<h1>Cuspidal Subgroups of Modular Jacobians J0(N)</h1>')
def _(N=selector([1..8*13], ncols=8, width=10, default=10)):
    A = J0(N)
    print A.cuspidal_subgroup()


A Charpoly and Hecke Operator Graph

# Note -- in Sage-2.10.3; multiedges are missing in plots; loops are missing in 3d plots
def f(N = prime_range(11,400),
      p = selector(prime_range(2,12),nrows=1),
      three_d = ("Three Dimensional", False)):
    S = SupersingularModule(N)
    T = S.hecke_matrix(p)
    G = Graph(T, multiedges=True, loops=not three_d)
    html("<h1>Charpoly and Hecke Graph: Level %s, T_%s</h1>"%(N,p))
    if three_d:
        show(G.plot3d(), aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])


Demonstrating the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol

def diffie_hellman(button=selector(["New example"],label='',buttons=True), 
    bits=("Number of bits of prime", (8,12,..512))):
    maxp = 2^bits
    p = random_prime(maxp)
    k = GF(p)
    g = k.multiplicative_generator()
    a = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
    b = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)

    print """
.gamodp {
.gbmodp {
.dhsame {
<h2>%s-Bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange</h2>
<ol style="color:#000;font:12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<li>Alice and Bob agree to use the prime number p=%s and base g=%s.</li>
<li>Alice chooses the secret integer a=%s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob chooses the secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Alice computes (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>a</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob computes (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>b</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
    """ % (bits, p, g, a, g, a, p, (g^a), b, g, b, p, (g^b), (g^b), a, p, 
       (g^ b)^a, g^a, b, p, (g^a)^b)


interact (last edited 2021-08-23 15:58:42 by anewton)