Sage Interactions - Statistics and Probability

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A Random Walk

by William Stein

html('<h1>A Random Walk</h1>')
vv = []; nn = 0
def foo(pts = checkbox(True, "Show points"), 
        refresh = checkbox(False, "New random walk every time"),
        steps = (50,(10..500))):
    # We cache the walk in the global variable vv, so that
    # checking or unchecking the points checkbox doesn't change
    # the random walk. 
    html("<h2>%s steps</h2>"%steps)
    global vv
    if refresh or len(vv) == 0:
        s = 0; v = [(0,0)]
        for i in range(steps): 
             s += random() - 0.5
             v.append((i, s)) 
        vv = v
    elif len(vv) != steps:
        # Add or subtract some points
        s = vv[-1][1]; j = len(vv)
        for i in range(steps - len(vv)):
            s += random() - 0.5
        v = vv[:steps]
        v = vv
    L = line(v, rgbcolor='#4a8de2')
    if pts: L += points(v, pointsize=10, rgbcolor='red')
    show(L, xmin=0, figsize=[8,3])


3D Random Walk

def rwalk3d(n=(50,1000), frame=True):
    pnt = [0,0,0]
    v = [copy(pnt)]
    for i in range(n):
        pnt[0] += random()-0.5
        pnt[1] += random()-0.5
        pnt[2] += random()-0.5
