Differences between revisions 15 and 17 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 15 as of 2010-12-18 06:42:59
Size: 14052
Editor: Eviatar
Revision 17 as of 2012-04-07 04:44:22
Size: 14162
Editor: jason
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== Interactive 2d Plotting == == Interactive 2D Plotting ==
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Sage Interactions - Graphics

goto interact main page

Curves of Pursuit

by Marshall Hampton. {{{#!sagecell#!sagecell npi = RDF(pi) from math import cos,sin def rot(t):

def pursuit(n,x0,y0,lamb,steps = 100, threshold = .01):

html('<h3>Curves of Pursuit</h3>') @interact def curves_of_pursuit(n = slider([2..20],default = 5, label="# of points"),steps = slider([floor(1.4^i) for i in range(2,18)],default = 10, label="# of steps"), stepsize = slider(srange(.01,1,.01),default = .2, label="stepsize"), colorize = selector(['BW','Line color', 'Filled'],default = 'BW')):

  • outpaths = pursuit(n,0,1,stepsize, steps = steps) mcolor = (0,0,0) outer = line([q[0] for q in outpaths]+[outpaths[0][0]], rgbcolor = mcolor) polys = Graphics() if colorize=='Line color':
    • colors = [hue(j/steps,1,1) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
    elif colorize == 'BW':
    • colors = [(0,0,0) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
    • colors = [hue(j/steps,1,1) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))] polys = sum([polygon([outpaths[(i+1)%n][j+1],outpaths[(i+1)%n][j], outpaths[i][j+1]], rgbcolor = colors[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(len(outpaths[0])-1)]) #polys = polys[0] colors = [(0,0,0) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]
    nested = sum([line([q[j] for q in outpaths]+[outpaths[0][j]], rgbcolor = colors[j]) for j in range(len(outpaths[0]))]) lpaths = [line(x, rgbcolor = mcolor) for x in outpaths] show(sum(lpaths)+nested+polys, axes = False, figsize = [5,5], xmin = -1, xmax = 1, ymin = -1, ymax =1)

}}} pcurves.png

Catalog of 3D Parametric Plots


Interactive rotatable raytracing with Tachyon3d


Interactive 3d plotting


Somewhat Silly Egg Painter

by Marshall Hampton (refereed by William Stein)


Plot Coloring

by Timothy Clemans


Interactive 2D Plotting

by Timothy Clemans


Interact with matplotlib




interact/graphics (last edited 2020-06-02 15:13:32 by kcrisman)