Differences between revisions 5 and 17 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2008-05-24 16:50:23
Size: 2330
Revision 17 as of 2019-11-14 20:54:59
Size: 9935
Editor: chapoton
Comment: no xrange
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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goto [:interact:interact main page]


== Automorphism Groups of some Graphs ==
by William Stein (I spent less than five minutes on this):

def _(graph=['CycleGraph', 'CubeGraph', 'RandomGNP'],
      n=selector([1..10],nrows=1), p=selector([10,20,..,100],nrows=1)):
    print graph
    if graph == 'CycleGraph':
       print "n (=%s): number of vertices"%n
       G = graphs.CycleGraph(n)
    elif graph == 'CubeGraph':
       if n > 8:
           print "n reduced to 8"
           n = 8
       print "n (=%s): dimension"%n
       G = graphs.CubeGraph(n)
    elif graph == 'RandomGNP':
       print "n (=%s) vertices"%n
       print "p (=%s%%) probability"%p
       G = graphs.RandomGNP(n, p/100.0)
    print G.automorphism_group()

goto [[interact|interact main page]]

Line 35: Line 8:
(Very simple so far.)
grs = ['BalancedTree', 'BullGraph', 'ChvatalGraph', 'CirculantGraph', 'CircularLadderGraph', 'ClawGraph', 'CompleteBipartiteGraph', 'CompleteGraph', 'CubeGraph', 'CycleGraph', 'DegreeSequence', 'DegreeSequenceConfigurationModel', 'DegreeSequenceExpected', 'DegreeSequenceTree', 'DesarguesGraph', 'DiamondGraph', 'DodecahedralGraph', 'DorogovtsevGoltsevMendesGraph', 'EmptyGraph', 'FlowerSnark', 'FruchtGraph', 'Grid2dGraph', 'GridGraph', 'HeawoodGraph', 'HexahedralGraph', 'HoffmanSingletonGraph', 'HouseGraph', 'HouseXGraph', 'IcosahedralGraph', 'KrackhardtKiteGraph', 'LCFGraph', 'LadderGraph', 'LollipopGraph', 'MoebiusKantorGraph', 'OctahedralGraph', 'PappusGraph', 'PathGraph', 'PetersenGraph', 'RandomBarabasiAlbert', 'RandomGNM', 'RandomGNP', 'RandomHolmeKim', 'RandomLobster', 'RandomNewmanWattsStrogatz', 'RandomRegular', 'RandomTreePowerlaw', 'StarGraph', 'TetrahedralGraph', 'ThomsenGraph', 'WheelGraph']
Line 60: Line 33:
    print docs[0:doc_ex_loc].replace('\n ','\n')     print(docs[0:doc_ex_loc].replace('\n ','\n'))
Line 65: Line 38:
            print "Invalid arguments, using default"             print("Invalid arguments, using default")
Line 72: Line 45:
attachment:graph_browse.png {{attachment:graph_browse.png}}

== Automorphism Groups of some Graphs ==
by William Stein:

def _(graph=['CycleGraph', 'CubeGraph', 'RandomGNP'],
      n=selector([1..10],nrows=1), p=selector([10,20,..,100],nrows=1)):
    if graph == 'CycleGraph':
       print("n = %s (number of vertices)" % n)
       G = graphs.CycleGraph(n)
    elif graph == 'CubeGraph':
       if n > 8:
           print("n reduced to 8")
           n = 8
       print("n = %s (dimension)" % n)
       G = graphs.CubeGraph(n)
    elif graph == 'RandomGNP':
       print("n = %s (number of vertices)" % n)
       print("p = %s%% (edge probability)" % p)
       G = graphs.RandomGNP(n, p / 100.0)


== View an induced subgraph ==
by Jason Grout


def show_subgraph(to_delete=selector(range(10),buttons=True)):
    html.table([["Original", "New"],
               [plot(a,save_pos=True), plot(a.subgraph(subgraph_vertices))]],


== Animations of Graph Minors ==
by Pablo Angulo

def animate_contraction(g, e, frames = 12, **kwds):
    v1, v2 = e
    if not g.has_edge(v1,v2):
        raise ValueError, "Given edge not found on Graph"
    ls = []
    posd = g.get_pos()
    for j in range(frames):
        gp = Graph(g)
        posdp = dict(posd)
        p1 = posdp[v1]
        p2 = posdp[v2]
        posdp[v2] = [a*(frames-j)/frames + b*j/frames
                    for a,b in zip(p2,p1)]

        ls.append(plot(gp, **kwds))
    return ls

def animate_vertex_deletion(g, v, frames = 12, **kwds):
    kwds2 = dict(kwds)
    if 'vertex_colors' in kwds:
        cs = dict(kwds['vertex_colors'])
        for c, vs in kwds['vertex_colors'].items():
            if v in vs:
                vs2 = list(vs)
                cs[c] = vs2
        kwds2['vertex_colors'] = cs
        kwds2 = dict(kwds)
    g2 = Graph(g)
    posd = dict(g.get_pos())
    del posd[v]
    return [plot(g, **kwds),plot(g2, **kwds2)]*int(frames/2)
def animate_edge_deletion(g, e, frames = 12, **kwds):
    v1, v2 = e
    g2 = Graph(g)
    return [plot(g, **kwds),plot(g2, **kwds)]*int(frames/2)
def animate_glide(g, pos1, pos2, frames = 12, **kwds):
    ls = []
    for j in range(frames):
        gp = Graph(g)
        pos = {}
        for v in gp.vertices():
            p1 = pos1[v]
            p2 = pos2[v]
            pos[v] = [b*j/frames + a*(frames-j)/frames
                        for a,b in zip(p1,p2)]
        ls.append(plot(gp, **kwds))
    return ls
def medio(p1, p2):
    return tuple((a+b)/2 for a,b in zip(p1, p2))

def new_color():
    return (0.1+0.8*random(), 0.1+0.8*random(), 0.1+0.8*random())
def animate_minor(g, m, frames = 12, pause = 50, step_time = 100):
    '''Crea una animación que muestra cómo un grafo tiene un menor m
    posd = dict(g.get_pos())
    posg = posd.values()
    posm = m.get_pos().values()
    xmax = max(max(x for x,y in posg), max(x for x,y in posm))
    ymax = max(max(y for x,y in posg), max(y for x,y in posm))
    xmin = min(min(x for x,y in posg), min(x for x,y in posm))
    ymin = min(min(y for x,y in posg), min(y for x,y in posm))
    dd = g.minor(m)
    #Set colors
    m_colors = dict((v,new_color()) for v in m.vertices())
    g_colors = dict((m_colors[k],vs)
                        for k,vs in dd.items())

    extra_vs = (set(g.vertices()) -
                set(v for vs in dd.values()
                      for v in vs))
    g_colors[(0,0,0)] = list(extra_vs)

    #pics contains the frames of the animation
    #no colors at the beggining
    gg = Graph(g)
    pics = [plot(gg)]*frames

    #First: eliminate extra vertices
    for v in extra_vs:
        pics.extend(animate_vertex_deletion(gg, v, frames,
                            vertex_colors = g_colors))
        del posd[v]
    del g_colors[(0,0,0)]
    #Second: contract edges
    for color, vs in g_colors.items():
        while len(vs) > 1:
            for j in range(1, len(vs)):
                if gg.has_edge(vs[0], vs[j]):
            pics.extend(animate_contraction(gg, (vs[0], vs[j]), frames,
                                vertex_colors = g_colors))
            for v in gg.neighbors(vs[j]):
            del posd[vs[j]]
            posd = dict(gg.get_pos())
            del vs[j]

    #Relabel vertices of m so that they match with those of gg
    m = Graph(m)
    dd0 = dict((k, vs[0])
                  for k,vs in dd.items() )

    #Third: glide to position in m
    pos_m = m.get_pos()
    pos_g = gg.get_pos()
    pics.extend(animate_glide(gg, pos_g, pos_m, frames,
                                vertex_colors = g_colors))
    #Fourth: delete redundant edges
    for e in gg.edges(labels = False):
        if not m.has_edge(e):
            pics.extend(animate_edge_deletion(gg, e, frames,
                                vertex_colors = g_colors))

    #And wait for a moment
    pics.extend([plot(gg, vertex_colors = g_colors)]*frames)
    return animate(pics, xmin = xmin - 0.1, xmax = xmax + 0.1,
                         ymin = ymin - 0.1, ymax = ymax + 0.1)

graph_list = {'CompleteGraph4':graphs.CompleteGraph(4),
def _(u1 = text_control(value='Does this graph'),
      g = selector(graph_list.keys(), buttons = True,default='CompleteGraph4'),
      u2 = text_control(value='have a minor isomorphic to this other graph:'),
      m = selector(graph_list.keys(), buttons = True,default='CycleGraph4'),
      u3 = text_control(value='''? If it has, show it to me,
      with an animation with the following parameters'''),
      frames = slider(1,15,1,4, label = 'Frames per second'),
      step_time = slider(1/10,2,1/10,1, label = 'Seconds per step')):
    g = graph_list[g]
    m = graph_list[m]
    if g == m:
        html('<h3>Please select two different graphs</h3>')
        a = animate_minor(g, m, frames = frames)
    except ValueError:
        html('''<h3>The first graph have <strong>NO</strong> minor isomorphic to the second</h3>''')

Sage Interactions - Graph Theory

goto interact main page

Graph Browser

by Marshall Hampton


Automorphism Groups of some Graphs

by William Stein:


View an induced subgraph

by Jason Grout


Animations of Graph Minors

by Pablo Angulo


interact/graph_theory (last edited 2020-02-08 12:53:38 by chapoton)