Sage Interactions - Algebra

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Groebner fan of an ideal

by Marshall Hampton; (needs sage-2.11 or higher, with gfan-0.3 interface)

def gfan_browse(p1 = input_box('x^3+y^2',type = str, label='polynomial 1: '), p2 = input_box('y^3+z^2',type = str, label='polynomial 2: '), p3 = input_box('z^3+x^2',type = str, label='polynomial 3: ')):
    R.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(QQ,3)
    i1 = ideal(R(p1),R(p2),R(p3))
    gf1 = i1.groebner_fan()
    testr = gf1.render()    
    html('Groebner fan of the ideal generated by: ' + str(p1) + ', ' + str(p2) + ', ' + str(p3))
    show(testr, axes = False, figsize=[8,8*(3^(.5))/2])


Numerical Solutions of Polynomial Systems with PHCpack

by Marshall Hampton; requires phcpack optional package (PHCpack written by Jan Verschelde). The example below is a two-parameter deformation of the cyclic-6 problem. Solution paths are tracked through the parameter homotopy.

zringA.<z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,a,b> = PolynomialRing(QQ,8)
cyclic6 = [z0 + z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 + z5+a,
 z0*z1 + z1*z2 + z2*z3 + z3*z4 + z4*z5 + z5*z0,
 z0*z1*z2 + z1*z2*z3 + z2*z3*z4 + z3*z4*z5 + z4*z5*z0 + z5*z0*z1,
 z0*z1*z2*z3 + z1*z2*z3*z4 + z2*z3*z4*z5 + z3*z4*z5*z0 + z4*z5*z0*z1 
 + z5*z0*z1*z2,
 z0*z1*z2*z3*z4 + z1*z2*z3*z4*z5 + z2*z3*z4*z5*z0 + z3*z4*z5*z0*z1 
 + z4*z5*z0*z1*z2 + z5*z0*z1*z2*z3,
 z0*z1*z2*z3*z4*z5 - b]
zring.<z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5> = PolynomialRing(QQ,6)
z1 = [zring(x.subs({a:1/10, b:1/10})) for x in cyclic6]
s1 = phc.blackbox(z1,zring)
s1sas = s1.save_as_start(start_filename = DATA + 's1phc')
cstate = [open(DATA + 's1phc').read()]
def def_cyclic(ain, bin):
    eqs = [zring(x.subs({a:ain, b:bin})) for x in cyclic6]
    return eqs
slines2d = []
mpts = []
def tbp_tracker(show_eqs = checkbox(False),a = slider(-1,1,1/100,1/100), b = slider(-1,1,1/100,1/100), h_c_skew = slider(0,.1,.001,0.0, label='Homotopy skew'), scale = slider([2.0^x for x in srange(.1,4,.025)],default = 2^1.6)):
    z_pt = phc._path_track_file(start_filename_or_string = cstate[-1], polys = def_cyclic(a,b), input_ring = zring, c_skew = h_c_skew)
    z_pp = phc._parse_path_file(z_pt)
    hue_v = len(cstate)/(len(cstate)+1)
    znames = ['z0','z1','z2','z3','z4','z5']
    for a_sol in z_pp:
        for z in znames:
            mpts.append(point([a_sol[0][z].real(), a_sol[0][z].imag()], hue=hue_v,pointsize=3))
            mpts.append(point([a_sol[-1][z].real(), a_sol[-1][z].imag()], hue=hue_v,pointsize=3))
    for a_sol in z_pp:
        zlines = [[] for q in znames]
        for data in a_sol:
            for i in range(len(znames)):
                zn = znames[i]
                zlines[i].append([data[zn].real(), data[zn].imag()])
        for zl in zlines:
            slines2d.append(line(zl, thickness = .5))
    show(sum(slines2d)+sum(mpts), figsize = [5,5], xmin = -scale, xmax=scale, ymin=-scale,ymax=scale, axes = false)
    if show_eqs:
        pols = def_cyclic(a,b)
        for i in len(pols):
