Differences between revisions 13 and 28 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 13 as of 2007-02-19 12:26:44
Size: 4186
Editor: anonymous
Revision 28 as of 2008-11-14 13:41:50
Size: 12645
Editor: anonymous
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Emily Kirkman is working on this project.

The goal of the Graph Generators Class is to implement constructors for many common graphs, as well as thorough docstrings that can be used for reference. The graph generators will grow as the Graph Theory Project does. So please check back for additions and feel free to leave requests in the suggestions section.  

We currently have 30 constructors of named graphs and basic structures. Most of these graphs are constructed with a preset dictionary of x-y coordinates of each node. This is advantageous for both style and time. (The default graph plotting in SAGE using the spring-layout algorithm). SAGE graphs all have an associated graphics object, and examples of plotting options are shown on the graphs below.
The Cayley graph for $A_5$:

sage: G = sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup.AlternatingGroup(5)
sage: C = G.cayley_graph()
sage: C.show3d(bgcolor=(0,0,0), arc_color=(1,1,1), vertex_size=0.02, arc_size=0.007, arc_size2=0.01, xres=1000, yres=800, iterations=200)


Emily Kirkman and Robert Miller are working on this project.  [[http://wiki.sagemath.org/graph|Back to main wiki.]]

The goal of the Graph Generators Class is to implement constructors for many common graphs, as well as thorough docstrings that can be used for reference. The graph generators will grow as the Graph Theory Project does. So please check back for additions and feel free to leave requests in the suggestions section.

We currently have 54 constructors of named graphs and basic structures. Most of these graphs are constructed with a preset dictionary of x-y coordinates of each node. This is advantageous for both style and time. (The default graph plotting in SAGE uses the spring-layout algorithm). SAGE graphs all have an associated graphics object, and examples of plotting options are shown on the graphs below.
Line 9: Line 19:
Due to the volume of graphs now in the generators class, this wiki page is now intended to give status updates and serve as a gallery of graphs currently implemented. To see information on a specific graph, run SAGE or the SAGE [http://sage.math.washington.edu:8100 notebook]. For a list of graph constructos, type "graphs." and hit tab. For docstrings, type the graph name and one question mark (i.e.: "graphs.!CubeGraph?") then shift + enter. For source code, do likewise with two question marks.

The SAGE [http://sage.math.washington.edu:9001/graph Graph Theory Project] aims to implement Graph objects and algorithms in ["SAGE"].

Due to the volume of graphs now in the generators class, this wiki page is now intended to give status updates and serve as a gallery of graphs currently implemented. To see information on a specific graph, run SAGE or the SAGE [[http://sage.math.washington.edu:8100|notebook]]. For a list of graph constructors, type "graphs." and hit tab. For docstrings, type the graph name and one question mark (i.e.: "graphs.!CubeGraph?") then shift + enter. For source code, do likewise with two question marks.

Line 22: Line 30:
 * Balanced tree
 * Dorogovstev golstev mendes graph
Line 25: Line 31:
 * Chvatal
 * Desargues
 * Pappus
Line 32: Line 35:
 * Also many more random generators and gens from degree sequence to sort through
Line 44: Line 46:
 * Icosahedron
Line 56: Line 57:
=== Chvatal Graph ===
sage: (graphs.ChvatalGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Desargues Graph ===
sage: (graphs.DesarguesGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 62: Line 75:
Line 66: Line 79:

sage: frucht = graphs.FruchtGraph()
sage: frucht.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 72: Line 86:


=== Moebius Kantor ===

sage: heawood = graphs.HeawoodGraph()
sage: heawood.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Möbius Kantor ===
sage: moebius_kantor = graphs.MoebiusKantorGraph()
sage: moebius_kantor.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Pappus Graph ===
sage: (graphs.PappusGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 84: Line 106:

sage: petersen = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: petersen.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 90: Line 113:

sage: thomsen = graphs.ThomsenGraph()
sage: thomsen.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 98: Line 122:

sage: comp_bip_list = []
sage: for i in range (2):
... for j in range (4):
... comp_bip_list.append(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(i+3,j+1))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(comp_bip_list)
Line 104: Line 133:

sage: comp_list = []
sage: for i in range(13)[1:]:
... comp_list.append(graphs.CompleteGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(comp_list)
Line 110: Line 143:

sage: cube_list = []
sage: for i in range(6)[2:]:
... cube_list.append(graphs.CubeGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(cube_list)

sage: bigger_cube = graphs.CubeGraph(8)
sage: bigger_cube.show(figsize=[8,8], node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, graph_border=True)

=== Balanced Tree ===
sage: (graphs.BalancedTree(3,5)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== LCF Graph ===
sage: (graphs.LCFGraph(20, [-10,-7,-5,4,7,-10,-7,-4,5,7,-10,-7,6,-5,7,-10,-7,5,-6,7], 1)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

== Platonic Solids ==

=== Tetrahedral Graph ===
sage: tetrahedral = graphs.TetrahedralGraph()
sage: tetrahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Hexahedral Graph ===
sage: (graphs.HexahedralGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Octahedral Graph ===
sage: octahedral = graphs.OctahedralGraph()
sage: octahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], vertex_labels=False, node_size=50, graph_border=True)

=== Icosahedral Graph ===
sage: (graphs.IcosahedralGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Dodecahedral Graph ===
sage: dodecahedral = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
sage: dodecahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], vertex_labels=False, node_size=50, graph_border=True)

== Pseudofractal Graphs ==

=== Dorogovtsev Goltsev Mendes Graph ===
sage: (graphs.DorogovtsevGoltsevMendesGraph(5)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True, vertex_size=10, vertex_labels=False)
Line 118: Line 216:

sage: barbell_list = []
sage: for i in range (4):
... for j in range (2):
... barbell_list.append(graphs.BarbellGraph(i+3, j+2))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(barbell_list)
Line 124: Line 227:

sage: bull = graphs.BullGraph()
sage: bull.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 130: Line 234:

sage: circ_ladder = graphs.CircularLadderGraph(9)
sage: circ_ladder.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 136: Line 241:

sage: claw = graphs.ClawGraph()
sage: claw.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 142: Line 248:

sage: cycle = graphs.CycleGraph(17)
sage: cycle.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 148: Line 255:


=== Dodecahedral Graph ===

sage: diamond = graphs.DiamondGraph()
sage: diamond.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 160: Line 262:

sage: empty = graphs.EmptyGraph()
sage: empty.show(figsize=[1,1], graph_border=True)
Line 166: Line 269:

sage: grid = graphs.Grid2dGraph(3,5)
sage: grid.show(figsize=[5,3])
Line 172: Line 276:

sage: house = graphs.HouseGraph()
sage: house.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 178: Line 283:

sage: houseX = graphs.HouseXGraph()
sage: houseX.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 184: Line 290:

sage: krackhardt = graphs.KrackhardtKiteGraph()
sage: krackhardt.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 190: Line 297:

sage: ladder = graphs.LadderGraph(5)
sage: ladder.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
Line 196: Line 304:


=== Octahedral Graph ===

sage: lollipop_list = []
sage: for i in range (4):
... for j in range (2):
... lollipop_list.append(graphs.LollipopGraph(i+3, j+2))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(lollipop_list)
Line 208: Line 315:

sage: path_line = graphs.PathGraph(5)
sage: path_circle = graphs.PathGraph(15)
sage: path_maze = graphs.PathGraph(45)
sage: path_list = [path_line, path_circle, path_maze]
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(path_list)
Line 214: Line 325:


=== Tetrahedral Graph ===

sage: star_list = []
sage: for i in range (12)[4:]:
... star_list.append(graphs.StarGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(star_list)
Line 226: Line 335:

sage: wheel_list = []
sage: for i in range (12)[4:]:
... wheel_list.append(graphs.WheelGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(wheel_list)
Line 233: Line 346:

Use for dense graphs:
sage: (graphs.RandomGNP(16,.77)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
My results:
CPU time: 0.74 s, Wall time: 0.73 s
Line 239: Line 356:

Use for sparse graphs:
sage: (graphs.RandomGNPFast(16,.19)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)
My results:
CPU time: 0.63 s, Wall time: 0.62 s

=== Random Barabasi Albert ===
sage: (graphs.RandomBarabasiAlbert(7,3)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random GNM ===
sage: (graphs.RandomGNM(7,16)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Newman Watts Strogatz ===
sage: (graphs.RandomNewmanWattsStrogatz(7,3,.5)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Holme Kim ===
sage: (graphs.RandomHolmeKim(12,3,.4)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Lobster ===
sage: (graphs.RandomHolmeKim(12,3,.4)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Tree Powerlaw ===
sage: (graphs.RandomTreePowerlaw(15)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Regular ===
sage: (graphs.RandomRegular(3,20)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Shell ===
sage: (graphs.RandomShell([(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)])).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

== Random Directed Graphs ==

=== Random Directed GN ===
sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGN(12)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Directed GNC ===
sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGNC(12)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Random Directed GNR ===
sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGNR(12,.15)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

== Graphs With a Given Degree Sequence ==

=== Degree Sequence ===
sage: (graphs.DegreeSequence([3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3])).show(vertex_labels=False, node_size=30, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Degree Sequence Configuration Model ===
sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceConfigurationModel([3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3])).show(vertex_labels=False, node_size=30, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Degree Sequence Tree ===
sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceTree([3,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,1])).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

=== Degree Sequence Expected ===
sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceExpected([1,2,3,2,3])).show(figsize=[4,4],graph_border=True)

The Cayley graph for A_5:

sage: G = sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup.AlternatingGroup(5)
sage: C = G.cayley_graph()
sage: C.show3d(bgcolor=(0,0,0), arc_color=(1,1,1), vertex_size=0.02, arc_size=0.007, arc_size2=0.01, xres=1000, yres=800, iterations=200)


Emily Kirkman and Robert Miller are working on this project. Back to main wiki.

The goal of the Graph Generators Class is to implement constructors for many common graphs, as well as thorough docstrings that can be used for reference. The graph generators will grow as the Graph Theory Project does. So please check back for additions and feel free to leave requests in the suggestions section.

We currently have 54 constructors of named graphs and basic structures. Most of these graphs are constructed with a preset dictionary of x-y coordinates of each node. This is advantageous for both style and time. (The default graph plotting in SAGE uses the spring-layout algorithm). SAGE graphs all have an associated graphics object, and examples of plotting options are shown on the graphs below.

As we implement algorithms into the Graph Theory Package, the constructors of known graphs would set their properties upon instantiation as well. For example, if someone created a very large complete bipartite graph and then asked if it is a bipartite graph (not currently implemented), then instead of running through an algorithm to check it, we could return a value set at instantiation. Further, this will improve the reference use of the docstrings as we would list the properties of each named graph.

Due to the volume of graphs now in the generators class, this wiki page is now intended to give status updates and serve as a gallery of graphs currently implemented. To see information on a specific graph, run SAGE or the SAGE notebook. For a list of graph constructors, type "graphs." and hit tab. For docstrings, type the graph name and one question mark (i.e.: "graphs.CubeGraph?") then shift + enter. For source code, do likewise with two question marks.


  • ???

Graphs I Plan to Add

Inherited from NetworkX

  • Bipartite Generators
  • Grid (n-dim)
  • Sedgewick
  • Truncated cube
  • Truncated tetrahedron
  • Tutte

Families of Graphs

  • Generalized Petersen graphs
  • Petersen Graph family
  • Trees (Directed – not simple. Maybe Balanced tree constructor and query isTree)
  • Cayley (Requires Edge Coloring)
  • Paley

Named Graphs

  • Brinkman
  • Clebsch
  • Grötzsch graph
  • Tutte eight-cage
  • Szekeres snark
  • Thomassen graph
  • Johnson (maybe own class)
  • Turan

Gallery of Graph Generators in SAGE

Named Graphs

Chvatal Graph

sage: (graphs.ChvatalGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Desargues Graph

sage: (graphs.DesarguesGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Flower Snark

sage: flower_snark = graphs.FlowerSnark()
sage: flower_snark.set_boundary([15,16,17,18,19])
sage: flower_snark.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)



sage: frucht = graphs.FruchtGraph()
sage: frucht.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)



sage: heawood = graphs.HeawoodGraph()
sage: heawood.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Möbius Kantor

sage: moebius_kantor = graphs.MoebiusKantorGraph()
sage: moebius_kantor.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Pappus Graph

sage: (graphs.PappusGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)



sage: petersen = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: petersen.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)



sage: thomsen = graphs.ThomsenGraph()
sage: thomsen.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Graph Families

Complete Bipartite Graphs

sage: comp_bip_list = []
sage: for i in range (2):
... for j in range (4):
...  comp_bip_list.append(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(i+3,j+1))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(comp_bip_list)


Complete Graphs

sage: comp_list = []
sage: for i in range(13)[1:]:
... comp_list.append(graphs.CompleteGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(comp_list)


Cube Graphs

sage: cube_list = []
sage: for i in range(6)[2:]:
... cube_list.append(graphs.CubeGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(cube_list)


sage: bigger_cube = graphs.CubeGraph(8)
sage: bigger_cube.show(figsize=[8,8], node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, graph_border=True)


Balanced Tree

sage: (graphs.BalancedTree(3,5)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


LCF Graph

sage: (graphs.LCFGraph(20, [-10,-7,-5,4,7,-10,-7,-4,5,7,-10,-7,6,-5,7,-10,-7,5,-6,7], 1)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Platonic Solids

Tetrahedral Graph

sage: tetrahedral = graphs.TetrahedralGraph()
sage: tetrahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Hexahedral Graph

sage: (graphs.HexahedralGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Octahedral Graph

sage: octahedral = graphs.OctahedralGraph()
sage: octahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], vertex_labels=False, node_size=50, graph_border=True)


Icosahedral Graph

sage: (graphs.IcosahedralGraph()).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Dodecahedral Graph

sage: dodecahedral = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
sage: dodecahedral.show(figsize=[4,4], vertex_labels=False, node_size=50, graph_border=True)


Pseudofractal Graphs

Dorogovtsev Goltsev Mendes Graph

sage: (graphs.DorogovtsevGoltsevMendesGraph(5)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True, vertex_size=10, vertex_labels=False)


Basic Structures

Barbell Graph

sage: barbell_list = []
sage: for i in range (4):
... for j in range (2):
...  barbell_list.append(graphs.BarbellGraph(i+3, j+2))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(barbell_list)


Bull Graph

sage: bull = graphs.BullGraph()
sage: bull.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Circular Ladder Graph

sage: circ_ladder = graphs.CircularLadderGraph(9)
sage: circ_ladder.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Claw Graph

sage: claw = graphs.ClawGraph()
sage: claw.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Cycle Graphs

sage: cycle = graphs.CycleGraph(17)
sage: cycle.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Diamond Graph

sage: diamond = graphs.DiamondGraph()
sage: diamond.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Empty Graph

sage: empty = graphs.EmptyGraph()
sage: empty.show(figsize=[1,1], graph_border=True)


Grid 2d Graph

sage: grid = graphs.Grid2dGraph(3,5)
sage: grid.show(figsize=[5,3])


House Graph

sage: house = graphs.HouseGraph()
sage: house.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


House X Graph

sage: houseX = graphs.HouseXGraph()
sage: houseX.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Krackhardt Kite Graph

sage: krackhardt = graphs.KrackhardtKiteGraph()
sage: krackhardt.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Ladder Graph

sage: ladder = graphs.LadderGraph(5)
sage: ladder.show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Lollipop Graph

sage: lollipop_list = []
sage: for i in range (4):
... for j in range (2):
...  lollipop_list.append(graphs.LollipopGraph(i+3, j+2))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(lollipop_list)


Path Graph

sage: path_line = graphs.PathGraph(5)
sage: path_circle = graphs.PathGraph(15)
sage: path_maze = graphs.PathGraph(45)
sage: path_list = [path_line, path_circle, path_maze]
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(path_list)


Star Graph

sage: star_list = []
sage: for i in range (12)[4:]:
... star_list.append(graphs.StarGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(star_list)


Wheel Graph

sage: wheel_list = []
sage: for i in range (12)[4:]:
... wheel_list.append(graphs.WheelGraph(i))
sage: graphs_list.show_graphs(wheel_list)


Random Generators

Random GNP

Use for dense graphs:

sage: (graphs.RandomGNP(16,.77)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

My results: CPU time: 0.74 s, Wall time: 0.73 s random.png

Random GNP Fast

Use for sparse graphs:

sage: (graphs.RandomGNPFast(16,.19)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)

My results: CPU time: 0.63 s, Wall time: 0.62 s randomfast.png

Random Barabasi Albert

sage: (graphs.RandomBarabasiAlbert(7,3)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random GNM

sage: (graphs.RandomGNM(7,16)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Newman Watts Strogatz

sage: (graphs.RandomNewmanWattsStrogatz(7,3,.5)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Holme Kim

sage: (graphs.RandomHolmeKim(12,3,.4)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Lobster

sage: (graphs.RandomHolmeKim(12,3,.4)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Tree Powerlaw

sage: (graphs.RandomTreePowerlaw(15)).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Regular

sage: (graphs.RandomRegular(3,20)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Shell

sage: (graphs.RandomShell([(10,20,0.8),(20,40,0.8)])).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Directed Graphs

Random Directed GN

sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGN(12)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Directed GNC

sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGNC(12)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Random Directed GNR

sage: (graphs.RandomDirectedGNR(12,.15)).show(node_size=20, vertex_labels=False, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Graphs With a Given Degree Sequence

Degree Sequence

sage: (graphs.DegreeSequence([3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3])).show(vertex_labels=False, node_size=30, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Degree Sequence Configuration Model

sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceConfigurationModel([3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3])).show(vertex_labels=False, node_size=30, figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Degree Sequence Tree

sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceTree([3,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,1])).show(figsize=[4,4], graph_border=True)


Degree Sequence Expected

sage: (graphs.DegreeSequenceExpected([1,2,3,2,3])).show(figsize=[4,4],graph_border=True)


graph_generators (last edited 2008-11-14 13:41:50 by anonymous)