Copy cells from wiki-form window in sage worksheet and paste directly into wiki edit.

   1 sage: a = 5

   1 sage: a
   2 5

   1 sage: for i in range(10):
   2 ...    print i*i - 2
   3 -2
   4 -1
   5 2
   6 7
   7 14
   8 23
   9 34
  10 47
  11 62
  12 79

   1 sage: c=0
   2 sage: for i in range(20):
   3 ...    a = 2^i -1
   4 ...    if a.is_prime():
   5 ...        print str(c + 1)+': '
   6 ...        print a
   7 1: 
   8 3
   9 1: 
  10 7
  11 1: 
  12 31
  13 1: 
  14 127
  15 1: 
  16 8191
  17 1: 
  18 131071
  19 1: 
  20 524287

   1 sage: a.is_prime()
   2 True


   1 sage: a = 5

   1 sage: a
   2 5

   1 sage: sage.server.notebook.worksheet.Cell.worksheet.im_class.files_html()
   2 Traceback (most recent call last):
   3 ...
   4 TypeError: unbound method files_html() must be called with Cell instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

   1 sage: _scratch___plain__
   2 Traceback (most recent call last):
   3 ...
   4 NameError: name '_scratch___plain__' is not defined

   1 sage: for i in range(10):
   2 ...    print i*i - 2
   3 -2
   4 -1
   5 2
   6 7
   7 14
   8 23
   9 34
  10 47
  11 62
  12 79
