Differences between revisions 17 and 21 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 17 as of 2009-10-01 13:03:36
Size: 12257
Editor: qed777
Comment: Dev section mods.
Revision 21 as of 2009-10-03 06:59:03
Size: 12385
Editor: qed777
Comment: More test frameworks.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This is a general outline of targeted areas, including specific tasks, for improving Sage. The sources include [[SageUsability | Sage Usability Improvements List]] and [[http://sage.math.washington.edu:8100/file/tip/sagenb/todo.txt | sagenb/todo.txt]], but the scope here is wider. Feel free to make changes. This is a general outline of targeted areas, including specific tasks, for improving the usability of [[http://www.sagemath.org/ | Sage]]. The sources include the [[SageUsability | Sage Usability Improvements List]] and [[http://sage.math.washington.edu:8100/file/tip/sagenb/todo.txt | sagenb/todo.txt]], but the scope here is wider. Feel free to make changes.
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 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/258c07ae672a3617 | Sage Forge]].  * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/258c07ae672a3617 | SageForge]].
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 * Automated notebook benchmarking and [stress] testing: [[http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/ | mechanize]], [[http://seleniumhq.org/ | Selenium]], [[http://testled.com/ | Testled]], [[http://code.google.com/p/webdriver/ | Webdriver]], [[http://pylonshq.com/docs/en/0.9.7/testing/ | WebTest]], [[http://www.getwindmill.com/ | Windmill]].  * Automated notebook benchmarking and [stress] testing: [[http://funkload.nuxeo.org/ | FunkLoad]], [[http://seleniumhq.org/ | Selenium]],[[http://watir.com/ | Watir]], [[http://www.getwindmill.com/ | Windmill]], [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.testbrowser | Zope.testbrowser]].
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   * [[SageNotebook | notebook server]]    * [[SageNotebook | Notebook server technical overview]].
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 * Externally embed live cells / worksheets. Live published workseets. [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6855 | #6855]].  * External:
   * E
mbed live cells / worksheets - [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6855 | #6855]].
   * [[http://wave.google.com/ | Wave]] [[http://code.google.com/apis/wave/guide.html | gadgets and robots]].
   * Live published worksheets.

Sage Tasks Outline

This is a general outline of targeted areas, including specific tasks, for improving the usability of Sage. The sources include the Sage Usability Improvements List and sagenb/todo.txt, but the scope here is wider. Feel free to make changes.

1. General

2. Build / Test

  • Tests:
    • Increase coverage.
    • Meaningful statistics / benchmarks, e.g., %timeit for individual doctests.
  • Build logs:
    • Separate file for each spkg for parallel builds.
    • Group by install, upgrade, or spkg install event.
    • Remotely aggregate and display refreshed statistics.
  • Porting:
    • VirtualBox Sage.

    • andLinux Sage.
    • Windows.
    • Windows build farm.
    • Sagelite for Windows.
    • Binary distributions that don't use SSE3, etc.
  • Automated notebook benchmarking and [stress] testing: FunkLoad, Selenium,Watir, Windmill, Zope.testbrowser.

3. Development

4. Documentation

5. Notebook: Admin

  • Authentication - abstract interface:
    • LDAP.
    • UNIX accounts.
  • Dashboard for server settings / status:
    • Statistics: all / logged-in users, load, processes, worksheets [per user], etc.
    • Backups: all critical data, selective.
    • Configure thresholds, alerts, snapshot behavior.
    • Manage user accounts, groups, privileges.
    • Restricted version for users.
    • Install new / updated modules and spkgs.
  • Registration:
    • reCAPTCHA.

    • Challenge questions.
    • Admin approval.
    • Revokable custom tokens.
  • Users:
    • Groups.
    • Privileges.
    • Email address as username.
    • Use secure tokens to reset passwords.

6. Notebook: Introspection

  • Use Sphinx for sagenb.org docstrings.
  • Matrix B mentioned twice in B.solve_left?: B.solve_left(B, ...).

  • Better error detection, e.g., for Maxima command completion.
  • Completions link for mobiles.
  • Live introspection cells.
  • Introspection cross-links.
  • Improve introspection / completion interface: floating div, RHS div.
  • New documentation browser. Send worksheet docstrings to this browser.

7. Notebook: "Modes"

  • %timeit.
  • %cython mode, full and outside sage.

  • Slideshow mode.
  • interacts:
    • Auto updates.
    • Live published.
    • Control over widget layout.
    • Examples to include with Sage.
    • Free-form workspace with pipelines.

    • Display nicely formatted docstrings (or captions).
    • Simplify extension, via HTML templates or an API.
    • More widgets: vertical sliders, spreadsheets, interactive plots, etc.
  • Graph editor - #1321.

  • LaTeX doc mode.

  • reST:
  • Preparse in the browser: implicit multiplication, less work for server.
  • Chat - qwebirc, Web IRC.

    • Rich content, e.g., equations.
    • Sage compute bot.
    • Add to help page.
  • Debugging:
    • Prettier tracebacks for %modes.
    • Python debugger a la Pylons.

  • Vector graphics - #6973.

    • Draw - SVG-edit.

    • Annotate output from matplotlib's SVG backend.
  • Code editor a la BeSpin

    • Command-line history.
    • Syntax highlighting.
    • Context-sensitive completion.
  • Math input GUI plug-ins.

8. Notebook: Under the hood

  • Implement base_url.

  • Move is_valid_username, etc., out of twist.py.

  • notebook():

    • Allow default_mode='python', i.e., not 'sage'.

    • Allow a different sage command on a remote machine.
  • Smartly manage Jmol applet count, or memory use.
  • Use Python's logging facility.

  • Component architecture.

  • Cythonize pexpect.
  • Processes:
    • Balance server pool loads.
    • Run the worksheet process as another user.
    • Make ctrl-c quit the server's reference implementation.
    • Upload worksheets without blocking the server.
    • Remote worksheet processes.
    • Use fork, named pipes, and/or memory-mapped files for worksheet processes.

  • Client-server and server-server interaction:
    • TinyMCE problem.
    • Load JS / CSS components on demand.
    • Load browser-specific code only in the specific browser.
    • Better handling of concurrent worksheet use.
    • Server-to-server for backups, possibly with authentication.
  • Decouple secure transport from sage/dsage. Use OpenSSL.
  • Storage:
    • Implement infinite undo with revision logs, not snapshots.
    • Track user data / worksheets with Mercurial.
    • Deprecate the [unused] objects directory.

    • Access a user's data directory securely, e.g., via an API.
    • Use the filesystem or a database, not an sobj:

      • Worksheet list.
      • Notebook configuration.
  • Migrate to server / framework: Django, Pylons, Pyjamas, Tornado, etc.:

9. Notebook: User Interaction

  • Help:
    • Reorganize help page.
      • Search for commands
      • linking to similar and related commands
    • Easy set up of shipped jsMath fonts.
    • Automatic tips for keyboard shortcuts, editing features, etc. Opt out.
    • Friendly bug buddy that emails reports, bundles session history, etc.
  • Customization:
    • Typeset output default setting.
    • Implicit multiplication default setting.
    • Custom window close callback.
    • Function to update worksheet titlebar.
    • Easy backups of own work, with or w/o data, output, snapshots, etc.
    • Download zip files of multiple worksheets, even if accounts=True.

  • Keys
    • Restart worksheet shortcut.
    • Splash-screen with common keys.
    • Insert new cell after current cell shortcut.
    • Custom shortcuts, e.g., ctrl-bksp to delete previous word, not join cells - js-hotkeys.

  • Cells:
    • Auto-updating cells, e.g., interacts.
    • Prevent text movement by a pixel on cell frame focus.
    • Always show links for long output cells, regardless of length or interruption.
    • Easily identify idle, queued, and running cells.
    • Select, delete, (un)group, move multiple cells.

    • Leading space input bug - #6729.

  • 2D / 3D plots:
  • Worksheets:
    • Export screen with checkboxes for images, data, etc.
    • Use notebook as IDE for running sage instance.
    • Always visible menubar at top of worksheet.
    • Make "Browse your computer" upload fields editable.
    • Fix "undefined" bug on first save in Safari 4.0.3.
    • Don't list "Sage Users" when sharing.
    • "Save as" option, e.g., for downloading, that prompts for a name.
    • Toolbar with buttons to interrupt running code, save, attach files, etc.
    • Parens matching - #3646.

    • TinyMCE synchronization problem.

  • Published worksheets:
    • Delete them.
    • RSS feeds.
    • Live cells, e.g, interacts.
    • Only to selected users or groups.
  • Notebook:
    • Tags.

    • Suppress browser warning for Konquereor.
    • Manage logins:
      • View recent account activity.
      • Invalidate other sessions' cookies.
      • Unique cookies for logins from different browsers / computers.
    • Full-text search: SQLalchemy, Whoosh (codenode-devel).

  • Fix MoinMoin.

  • External: