Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2010-05-11 06:46:41
Size: 5539
Editor: TimDumol
Comment: Added info on the directory structure
Revision 6 as of 2022-04-05 02:11:53
Size: 0
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: outdated sagenb
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## page was renamed from SageNotebook
= The Sage Notebook Server: A Technical Overview =

This document gives a technical overview of the new Sage Notebook server, including how it responds to user requests, delegates tasks, etc. See [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6983 | #6983]] for instructions on trying out the new server.

== Directory structure ==

The sagenb spkg has the following directory structure:

 * sagenb

   * sagenb

     * data
       Data files used by SageNB, including jmol, jQuery, etc. A notable subdirectory is:

       * sage

         * html
           Has the Jinja2 templates used by SageNB.

           * notebook
             Templates used by notebook.py

           * worksheet
             Templates used by worksheet.py

           * accounts
             Templates used in account management.

           * etc.

         * js
           Javascript used by SageNB

         * css
           CSS generated from SASS. *Please do not edit this.*
           Instead, edit the SASS source files and regenerate these.
           These are stored in the HG repo since SASS is Ruby based, and we don't want to unnecessarily ship Ruby with Sage.

     * notebook
       The main SageNB code. Notable files under this subdirectory:

       * avatars.py
         An authentication system based on twisted.auth.

       * cell.py
         Cell class representing Worksheet cells. This handles the data in each cell, and delegates evaluation to worksheet.py

       * challenge.py
         Antibot challenges for registration, etc, including reCaptcha.

       * conf.py, user_conf.py, server_conf.py
         Classes that store user can server specific configuration.

       * config.py
         Used in keyboard configuration for the different browsers.

       * guard.py
         The root node that checks authentication. See below in "Serving pages."

       * interact.py
         Used in @interact.

       * notebook.py
         Class representing a Notebook. This contains migration code from the old notebook, worksheet creation, user management, etc.

       * worksheet.py
         Class representing a Worksheet. Evaluation is handled here. See "Cell Evaluation" for more.

       * notebook_object.py
         An object wrapper for run_notebook.py.

       * run_notebook.py
         Code used to launch the notebook.

       * template.py
         Jinja2 templating interface.

       * twist.py
         This is the server engine. Handles page serving. Also contains various global variables, including `notebook`, which is the global Notebook instance.

     * storage
       Generic storage system. This is to be obsoleted by [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8757|#8757]] in favor of a SQLAlchemy based storage system.

     * misc
       Miscellaneous functions, including Sphinx conversion, etc.

     * interfaces
       Various interfaces to Sage subprocesses.

     * simple
       A simple Twisted based API to SageNB. This does not work as of 11 May 2010.

     * testing
       [[http://seleniumhq.org|Selenium]] based tests for SageNB.

  * sass

    * src
      SASS files are stored here. These are the source files from which the CSS for SageNB is generated.
      SageNB uses [[http://compass-style.org/|Compass]] and [[http://sass-lang.com/|SASS]] for its CSS,
      since they are much easier to develop in.

  * [..] # setuptools related stuff

== Serving pages ==

 * All access goes through `guard.py`.

 * `locateChild` checks authentication through `avatars.py`.

 * If the user is authenticated, `locateResource` is called to get the appropriate page.

 * `locateResource`, in turn, uses the `LoginSystem` class in `avatars.py` to get the appropriate resource. Specifically, LoginSystem.requestAvatar().

 * `LoginSystem` calls the appropriate function in `twist.py`.

 * Which would be `AdminTopLevel`, `UserTopLevel`, `FailedTopLevel`, or `AnonymousTopLevel`, depending on the user type.

 * The `*TopLevel` resources generate child resources using their `childFactory` methods, which may delegate to `userchildFactory`.

 * Each resource represents a segment of the URL.

 * Thus `'/'` is the `TopLevel` resource, and `'/home/'` is mapped to the `Worksheets` resource, etc.

 * The tree is traversed until a leaf is reached, then the leaf's `render` method is called.

== Cell Evaluation ==

 * Evaluation occurs when `Worksheet_eval` is called.

 * Evaluation only happens if the user has permissions to evaluate the cell.

 * The cell's `evaluate` method is called.

 * `evaluate` adds itself to the worksheet's job queue using `Worksheet#enqueue`, which also calls `Worksheet#start_next_comp`.

 * If the cell is marked for introspection, set `input` to be evaluated to the part before introspection is requested. Otherwise, set `input` to the whole cell.

 * Get a reference to an instance of Sage for computation using `Worksheet#sage`. Currently, `WorksheetProcess_ExpectImplementation` from `interfaces/expect.py` is used.

 * Executes `input` with that instance.

 * `check_comp` is called periodically to see whether computation is done or whether any output has been printed. Any files in the evaluation temporary directory are copied to the respective cell directory and linked to in the online notebook. If computation is done, perform next computation in queue.

 * Updates cell content.