Differences between revisions 2 and 7 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2009-04-25 21:00:40
Size: 1944
Editor: TimAbbott
Revision 7 as of 2018-10-18 18:05:17
Size: 0
Editor: chapoton
Comment: largely outdated
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= Getting Sage 4.0.x into Debian experimental =

This is a ToDo list to sort out some issues to get Sage 4.0.x into Debian experimental since currently the rather outdated Sage 3.0.5 is the only version of Sage available via Debian's system. For more info see the thread at https://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/f56d4635114d4fe5/a21b5ce968dd9707

== Needs to be done ==

 * scipy to 0.7 (maybe 0.7.1 if it is out by then)
 * NTL to 5.5
 * IML to 1.0.3
 * givaro to 3.2.13
 * matplotlib (I know they have been talking about doing a release and I believe they have a bugfix for the rare (libpng is size zero issue, but I am unclear when they will release)

== Might be useful to do ==

 * numpy to 1.3 (currently 1.2.0 which is an upstream release. Or am I missing something? --tabbott)
 * jqueryui to 1.7.1 (currently not in Debian at all, so using version shipped with Sage is undesirable but OK for now)

== Patches needing to be merged upstream ==

Haven't found any yet.

== Trac tickets that should be easy and would be nice to fix ==

#3766 move sage_fortran from fortran spkg to sage_scripts spkg packages sage-4.0 enhancement minor 08/03/2008
#3686 trivial problems in extcode.spkg packages sage-4.0 defect minor 07/20/2008
#3687 trivial problems in the sage_scripts spkg packages sage-4.0 defect minor 07/20/2008
#3688 trivial problems in the sage spkg packages sage-4.0 defect minor 07/20/2008
#3689 trivial problems in the examples spkg packages sage-4.0 defect minor 07/20/2008
#3690 trivial problems in the doc spkg packages sage-4.0 defect minor 07/20/2008
#3730 Sage scripts ending with .py documentation sage-4.0 defect minor 07/26/2008
#3769 dsage gets installed to SAGE_ROOT/usr packages sage-4.0 defect minor 08/03/2008
#3770 multiple copies of dsage_setup.py packages sage-4.0 defect minor 08/03/2008