Sage Days 96

Sage days 96 to be held at the Fields Institute for the program Teichmüller Theory and its Connections to Geometry, Topology and Dynamics. The schedule is available on the Fields website. This wiki page will be updated with all documents relative to the workshop (worksheets, tutorials, demos, nice pictures, etc).

In order to assist to the workshop you are asked to come with your laptop (though you are also welcome without laptop). It would also be great if you could make sure that Sage is installed on it (see "Sage Installation" below).


Sage Installation

The installation procedure depends on your operating system:

Installing flipper, snappy, flatsurf and surface_dynamics

We will be interested in these Sage days to four Python-Sage modules that provide many tools to work with surfaces and 3-dimensional manifolds

These packages are installed through pip. Depending how you did install Sage you might run in different kind of complications.

Generic Installation

This installation would work in most situations. Though if you happen to be in one of the specific situations listed below, just jump to that section.

Mac OS X specifics

If you are using the binaries for Mac OS X, the computer might complain with could not fetch URL .... In that situation, you can try the two following solutions

  1. You do have Xcode installed with the command line tools. In this case you can recompile the Python shipped with Sage with SSL support with
     $ sage -i openssl
     $ sage -f python2 
    Then go back to the instructions "Installing flipper, snappy, flatsurf and surface_dynamics".
  2. The alternative to option 1 is to download each package independently: and then install them via
     $ sage -pip install flipper-0.12.3.tar.gz
     $ sage -pip install surface_dynamics-0.4.0.tar.gz
     $ sage -pip install snappy-2.6.tar.gz
     $ sage -pip

Ubuntu 16.04 with ppa

If you run Ubuntu 16.04 and you install Sage with the ppa then do

$ sage -sh
(sage-sh)$ pip install flipper --user
(sage-sh)$ pip install surface_dynamics --user
(sage-sh)$ pip install snappy --user
(sage-sh)$ exit

(The sage -sh command brings you to a special environment where you have access to Sage Python)

Ubuntu >= 18.04 and Debian >= 8.0 packages

If you happen to have installed the packages sagemath and sagemath-jupyter from your package manager in Debian/Ubuntu then you would need to do

$ source /usr/share/sagemath/bin/sage-env
$ pip install flipper --user
$ pip install surface_dynamics --user
$ pip install snappy --user

For the installation of flatsurf, follows the instruction at and replace any instance of sage -pip by pip.



$ sage -sh
(sage-sh)$ pip2 install flipper --user
(sage-sh)$ pip2 install surface_dynamics --user
(sage-sh)$ pip2 install snappy --user
(sage-sh)$ exit

For the installation of flatsurf, follows the instruction at and replace any instance of sage -pip by pip.

Organizers and participants

See the Fields Institute webpage.

At this pad, we will coordinate lunch and so on.