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<<TableOfContents>> A list of tickets we're working on can be found [[https://trac.sagemath.org/query?keywords=~sd87&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority|here]]. If you work on a ticket, please add `sd87` to the list of keywords so that it appears! Most of the code for working with p-adics can be found [[https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/tree/src/sage/rings/padics|here]] and [[https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/tree/src/sage/libs/linkages/padics|here]] if you want to browse. |
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* Add general extensions of p-adic fields in Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23218|#23218]] * Add Julian's Mac Lane package to Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21869|#21869]] * Add Julian's Completion package to Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22956|#22956]] * Polynomial factorization, using Julian's Mac Lane package and/or Brian Sinclair's ticket [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12561|#12561]] |
* Add general extensions of p-adic fields in Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23218|#23218]] (David Roe) * Add Julian's Mac Lane package which provides a general framework for discrete valuations to Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21869|#21869]] (Julian) * Add Julian's Completion package, for general p-adic extension backed by number fields, to Sage [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22956|#22956]] (Julian) * Polynomial factorization, using Julian's Mac Lane package and/or Brian Sinclair's ticket [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12561|#12561]] (Ticket needs review) (Brian - meeting in UHS 115) |
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* Precision models for p-adic matrices, polynomials * Power series via p-adic templates |
* Lattice precision for p-adics (in particular p-adic matrices, polynomials) (Xavier) * Smith normal form [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23450|#23450]] (ready for review), determinant [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23478|#23478]] (ready for review) * Hermite normal form [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23486|#23486]] (ready for review) * Lattices in p-adic vector spaces: this is handled by the generic code for modules over PID (after the implementation of HNF above and this simple ticket [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23503|#23503]]) * Design a framework for lattice precision [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23505|#23505]] * Power series via p-adic templates (Adriana) |
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* Implementation of Gröbner bases and tropical Gröbner bases algorithm (F4, F5, FGLM), doctest and submission | * Implementation of Gröbner bases and tropical Gröbner bases algorithm (F4, F5, FGLM), doctest and submission (Tristan). A ticket on F5 has been posted ([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23461|#23461]], needs review). A ticket on a Tropical F5 is in progress ([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23501|#23501]]). |
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* Zeta function tickets [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20264|#20264]], [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20265|#20265]] * Roadmap for regular models in Sage using Mac Lane package, [[http://www-personal.umich.edu/~psuchand/projects.html|Suchandan Pal's code]] and Stefan Wewers' work. * Etale algebras |
* Zeta function tickets * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20264|#20264]] (Edgar, Vishal Aru, Nicholas Triantafillou) * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20265|#20265]] (Edgar, JP) * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19865|#19865]] * Roadmap for regular models in Sage using Mac Lane package, [[http://www-personal.umich.edu/~psuchand/projects.html|Suchandan Pal's code]] and Stefan Wewers' work. (Julian) * Etale algebras (maybe see also ticket [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21413|#21413]]) (Ricky) |
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* Norms, traces, frobenius, matrix mod pn for relative p-adic extensions * Add more black-box testing to p-adics, performance benchmarketing * nth roots, square roots that create extensions (extend=True as for integers) [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12567|#12567]] * Artin-Hasse exponentials [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12560|#12560]] * p-adic gamma functions * Better coercion/conversion to and from residue fields * Optimized implementation of Frobenius automorphism [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12657|#12657]] * p-adic polylogarithms [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20260|#20260]] * bug in matrix of Frobenius when p = 3 [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/11960|#11960]] * Switching to exact defining polynomials for p-adic extensions [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23331|#23331]] * Change p-adic constructors to not care about the base ring of a defining polynomial [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18606|#18606]] * Investigate slowness in unramified extensions [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23172|#23172]] * Review Xavier's fast exponential code [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23235|#23235]] * Ray class groups and Hecke characters [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15829|#15829]] * Add Monge-reduction for Eisenstein polynomials (first over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, then over unramified extensions) |
* Norms, traces, frobenius, matrix mod pn for relative p-adic extensions (David) * Add more black-box testing to p-adics, performance benchmarketing (Aly) * nth roots, square roots that create extensions (extend=True as for integers) [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12567|#12567]] (Marc, David) * Artin-Hasse exponentials [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12560|#12560]] (Xavier) * --(Gauss sums via the Gross-Koblitz formula, which uses code on p-adic gamma functions [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23456|#23456]] (Adriana and Ander))-- * Better coercion/conversion to and from residue fields (Aly, Marc) * --(Optimized implementation of Frobenius automorphism [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12657|#12657]] (Ander))-- * p-adic polylogarithms [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20260|#20260]] (Alex) * --(bug in matrix of Frobenius when p = 3 [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/11960|#11960]] (Jen))-- * Switching to exact defining polynomials for p-adic extensions [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23331|#23331]] (David) * Change p-adic constructors to not care about the base ring of a defining polynomial [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18606|#18606]] (David) * Investigate slowness in unramified extensions [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23172|#23172]] (Xavier) * Review Xavier's fast exponential code [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23235|#23235]] (Xavier) * Ray class groups and Hecke characters [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15829|#15829]] (Rob) * Add Monge-reduction for Eisenstein polynomials (first over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, then over unramified extensions) (Sebastian) * Generic zeta function method for schemes [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20308|#20308]] (Edgar) * Elliptic curve point counting over F_q using PARI [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16931|#16931]] [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16949|#16949]] (J-P Flori, Kevin) * Expose PARI code for Frobenius matrix on hyperelliptic curves [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20309|#20309]] (Marc) * Raise coverage of schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/monsky_washnitzer.py to 100% [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15645|#15645]] (Edgar) * Requested by Anna Haensch: A weak approximation function == Non Beginner Sage tickets needing review == * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23204|#23204]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23203|#23203]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23185|#23185]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23190|#23190]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23484|#23484]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23461|#23461]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20265|#20265]] |
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* Change root_field to return a p-adic field [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14893|#14893]], [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20244|#20244]] * Update and improve the p-adic tutorial * Add more thematic tutorials in number theory |
* Change root_field to return a p-adic field [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14893|#14893]], --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20073|#20073]])--,--([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20244|#20244]])-- (Aly) * Add an `exact_ring` method for p-adic rings and fields [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23507|#23507]] * Update and improve the p-adic tutorial (Rob) * Add more thematic tutorials in number theory (Rob) * Here are some tickets that should be easy to review (feel free to add more!): * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12657|#12657]] (GaYee))-- * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16949|#16949]] (GaYee))-- * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23190|#23190]] (possible dependencies for global tests -- Adele) * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23185|#23185]] (Sara) * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23482|#23482]] (Claire))-- * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23483|#23483]] (Adele))-- * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23484|#23484]] (Need to wait until [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23204|#23204]] is done -- David A.) * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23376|#23376]] (Samuel) * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23479|#23479]] (Sara) * This one needs to be re-reviewed due to an update * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23473|#23473]] (This tickets now needs a review ! -- David A.) * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23456|#23456]] (Adele))-- * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23495|#23495]] (Adele))-- * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23499|#23499]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23193|#23193]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23194|#23194]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23235|#23235]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23479|#23479]] (Sara) * --([[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/23503|#23503]] (Angie))-- * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12657|#12657]] * [[https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20308|#20308]] (David A.) |
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* Fix polredabs related issues [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2135|#2135]] (JJ) * Finish up: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb-collab/wiki//Warwick-workshop-June-2017, precisely: * Compute Elliptic Curves over number fields L-functions [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/396 | #396]] (Edgar) * Compute Hilbert Modular Form L-functions [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/418 | #418]] (Edgar) * Compute the Asai L-functions [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/414 | #414]] * Doc-Testing utilities (David Lowry-Duda) * Hecke algebras: see https://github.com/sanni85/HeckeAlgebras and https://github.com/sanni85/lmfdb/tree/hecke_alg (Samuele) pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2189|#2189]] * Dirichlet characters modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Dirichlet_modL (Samuele) * Galois representations modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Mod-l-galois-representations and http://beta.lmfdb.org/Representation/Galois/ModL/ (Samuele) * Display Hecke eigenvalues in terms of an integral basis. See: [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/975 | #975]], pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2197 | #2197]] (Edgar, Sam Schiavone, Michael Musty) * --(Display local algebras (JJ))-- * Better handling of character tables (JJ) * Some finished work: * --(Sanitize API interface: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2053 (Edgar) )-- * --(Prototype a Sage/LMFDB interface. See https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/1360 and https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2169 (Edgar, Simon Brandhorst and David Lowry-Duda))-- * --(PR [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2184|#2184]])-- * --(Issue [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/1959|#1959]] pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2190 |#2190]])-- * --(Issue [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2187|#2187]] pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2188 |#2188]])-- * --(Moving import scripts: pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2186 |#2186]])-- * --(Issue [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2172|#2172]] pull request [[https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/pull/2176 |#2176]])-- |
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* Work on the isogeny classes of abelian varieties over finite fields. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Variety/Abelian/Fq/ * Work on Hypergeometric Motives over ℚ. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Motive/Hypergeometric/Q/ * Finish up: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb-collab/wiki//Warwick-workshop-June-2017 * Sanitize API interface: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2053 * Prototype a Sage/LMFDB interface. See https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/1360 * Display Hecke eigenvalues in terms of an integral basis. See: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/975 (note see also https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2135 and talk to JJ for how it is related) * Use Monge-reduced polynomials (and ones related to them) for defining polynomials * Hecke algebras: see https://github.com/sanni85/HeckeAlgebras and https://github.com/sanni85/lmfdb/tree/hecke_alg * Dirichlet characters modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Dirichlet_modL * Galois representations modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Mod-l-galois-representations and http://beta.lmfdb.org/Representation/Galois/ModL/ |
* Idle: * Work on the isogeny classes of abelian varieties over finite fields. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Variety/Abelian/Fq/ (Christelle) * Work on Hypergeometric Motives over ℚ. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Motive/Hypergeometric/Q/ (Dave Roberts) * Use Monge-reduced polynomials (and ones related to them) for defining polynomials (JJ) |
A list of tickets we're working on can be found here. If you work on a ticket, please add sd87 to the list of keywords so that it appears!
Most of the code for working with p-adics can be found here and here if you want to browse.
Big Sage projects
Add general extensions of p-adic fields in Sage #23218 (David Roe)
Add Julian's Mac Lane package which provides a general framework for discrete valuations to Sage #21869 (Julian)
Add Julian's Completion package, for general p-adic extension backed by number fields, to Sage #22956 (Julian)
Polynomial factorization, using Julian's Mac Lane package and/or Brian Sinclair's ticket #12561 (Ticket needs review) (Brian - meeting in UHS 115)
- make sure simpler factoring methods are in good shape, like Hensel lifting and Panayi's root finding.
- Lattice precision for p-adics (in particular p-adic matrices, polynomials) (Xavier)
Smith normal form #23450 (ready for review), determinant #23478 (ready for review)
Hermite normal form #23486 (ready for review)
Lattices in p-adic vector spaces: this is handled by the generic code for modules over PID (after the implementation of HNF above and this simple ticket #23503)
Design a framework for lattice precision #23505
- Power series via p-adic templates (Adriana)
Linkage files for p=2 and/or using longs for the case that p^{\text{prec}} < 2^{62}
Implementation of Gröbner bases and tropical Gröbner bases algorithm (F4, F5, FGLM), doctest and submission (Tristan). A ticket on F5 has been posted (#23461, needs review). A ticket on a Tropical F5 is in progress (#23501).
We might finish reviewing the inclusion of openf4 at #18749 and patch it to avoid going through strings all the time
- And also look at the performance of Singular, polybori, giac, ...
- Zeta function tickets
Roadmap for regular models in Sage using Mac Lane package, Suchandan Pal's code and Stefan Wewers' work. (Julian)
Etale algebras (maybe see also ticket #21413) (Ricky)
For an old list of possible projects, see padics
Smallish Sage projects
- Norms, traces, frobenius, matrix mod pn for relative p-adic extensions (David)
- Add more black-box testing to p-adics, performance benchmarketing (Aly)
nth roots, square roots that create extensions (extend=True as for integers) #12567 (Marc, David)
Artin-Hasse exponentials #12560 (Xavier)
Gauss sums via the Gross-Koblitz formula, which uses code on p-adic gamma functions #23456 (Adriana and Ander)
- Better coercion/conversion to and from residue fields (Aly, Marc)
Optimized implementation of Frobenius automorphism #12657 (Ander)
p-adic polylogarithms #20260 (Alex)
bug in matrix of Frobenius when p = 3 #11960 (Jen)
Switching to exact defining polynomials for p-adic extensions #23331 (David)
Change p-adic constructors to not care about the base ring of a defining polynomial #18606 (David)
Investigate slowness in unramified extensions #23172 (Xavier)
Review Xavier's fast exponential code #23235 (Xavier)
Ray class groups and Hecke characters #15829 (Rob)
Add Monge-reduction for Eisenstein polynomials (first over \mathbb{Q}_p, then over unramified extensions) (Sebastian)
Generic zeta function method for schemes #20308 (Edgar)
Elliptic curve point counting over F_q using PARI #16931 #16949 (J-P Flori, Kevin)
Expose PARI code for Frobenius matrix on hyperelliptic curves #20309 (Marc)
Raise coverage of schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/monsky_washnitzer.py to 100% #15645 (Edgar)
- Requested by Anna Haensch: A weak approximation function
Non Beginner Sage tickets needing review
Beginner Sage projects
Change root_field to return a p-adic field #14893, #20073,#20244 (Aly)
Add an exact_ring method for p-adic rings and fields #23507
- Update and improve the p-adic tutorial (Rob)
- Add more thematic tutorials in number theory (Rob)
- Here are some tickets that should be easy to review (feel free to add more!):
#23190 (possible dependencies for global tests -- Adele)
#23185 (Sara)
#23482 (Claire)
#23483 (Adele)
#23376 (Samuel)
#23479 (Sara)
- This one needs to be re-reviewed due to an update
#23473 (This tickets now needs a review ! -- David A.)
#23456 (Adele)
#23495 (Adele)
#23479 (Sara)
#23503 (Angie)
#20308 (David A.)
LMFDB projects
Fix polredabs related issues #2135 (JJ)
Finish up: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb-collab/wiki//Warwick-workshop-June-2017, precisely:
- Doc-Testing utilities (David Lowry-Duda)
Hecke algebras: see https://github.com/sanni85/HeckeAlgebras and https://github.com/sanni85/lmfdb/tree/hecke_alg (Samuele) pull request #2189
Dirichlet characters modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Dirichlet_modL (Samuele)
Galois representations modulo l: see https://github.com/sanni85/Mod-l-galois-representations and http://beta.lmfdb.org/Representation/Galois/ModL/ (Samuele)
Display Hecke eigenvalues in terms of an integral basis. See: #975, pull request #2197 (Edgar, Sam Schiavone, Michael Musty)
Display local algebras (JJ)
- Better handling of character tables (JJ)
- Some finished work:
Sanitize API interface: https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2053 (Edgar)
Prototype a Sage/LMFDB interface. See https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/1360 and https://github.com/LMFDB/lmfdb/issues/2169 (Edgar, Simon Brandhorst and David Lowry-Duda)
PR #2184
Moving import scripts: pull request #2186
- Idle:
Work on the isogeny classes of abelian varieties over finite fields. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Variety/Abelian/Fq/ (Christelle)
Work on Hypergeometric Motives over ℚ. See http://beta.lmfdb.org/Motive/Hypergeometric/Q/ (Dave Roberts)
- Use Monge-reduced polynomials (and ones related to them) for defining polynomials (JJ)