- Jeroen worked on autodoc and partially "unforked" it. The Sage-specific fixes were kept, but sage_autodoc is now much closer to upstream than before. See http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20359

Robert worked on generating Sage docs with native Sphinx.

This should bring: - native support parallelism - removal of some hacks for Cython support - ...

Sphinx 1.4 now mostly works, but the merging of the final index breaks badly: http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18497

Goals: - simpler build system (no need to maintain essentially duplicate information) - more robust build w.r.t. deleting python files - cleaner, ...

Robert started implementing the required features in Sphinx master

TODO: Florent: status report

- Since 1.3, Sphinx can also read in parallel. - [robert] sphinx-build -j ${NUMBER_OF_SAGE_DOC_PACKAGES} should ideally have the same effect. - Original PR: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx/pull-requests/108/wip-parallel-build-experimentation/diff


- A large cache is kept in memory for autofunction and automethods. Since we only use automodule, it could be dropped once the docstring of the module is analysed (TODO Upstream).

- Unpickling the environment and doctrees files takes anound 1.6GB that's what we might hope as a measure of peak memory consumption. - The parallel compiling doesn't seem to increase significantly the needed memory.

# Jupyter notebook exporter for Sphinx

Robert pointed to preliminary work by Harald Schilly: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/2117

# To be discussed with Robert:

- Error reporting of Sphinx when documenting API. How to locate the error.?

# Random notes

- Discussion on "inspect" I do not get because I do not know what "inspect" is - This is time consuming: each time one has to rebuild the whole documentation. - Jeroen is concerned about images in the docs and build times.