Sage-Combinat days in Cernay

The fourth "Sage-Combinat days in Cernay" will be held at Cernay-la-Ville, (40km south-west of Paris, near Orsay), April 6-12, 2014.

Following the *-Combinat tradition we reserved the guest house The Tower at Cernay-la-Ville. It is very nice and cosy, 35 min train + 15 min bus from downtown Paris.

Tentative list of themes

Participants, please edit!

Tentative list of participants

Participants, please add your name!

Practical information

Accommodation will be covered by our funding sources. Travel for PhD students and PostDocs can also be funded. Other participants, please arrange funding for your travel.

The Tower can accommodate 8-10 people, and if needed there is another adjacent guest house. Participants can stay from the afternoon of Saturday, April 5, 2014 to the morning of Saturday, April 12, 2014.

Meals are cooked in turns by the participants for everyone, so bring along your favorite recipes and dishes! Also bring along hiking/climbing shoes and music instruments/scores for the breaks. There will of course be an open wifi and wired internet connection.

To register, fill in the following form, and send it by e-mail to Adrien Boussicault:

will participate to the "Fourth Sage-Combinat Days in Cernay".
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:

Coming from downtown Paris to Cernay

  • From Gare Montparnasse: 35 minutes train to Rambouillet + 15 minutes bus to Cernay-la-Ville

  • From Châtelet-les-Halles: 45 minutes RER B to Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse + 15 minutes bus to Cernay-la-Ville

    There are two bus stops at Cernay. The closest to the guest house is Grand'Place.

    BEWARE: there are no buses to Cernay between 7:25am and 12:54am!

  • Map and and aerial photo

We will do some car shuttles from Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse. Please contact us in advance to arrange that.