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Describe days4/projects/database here. = Databases =

[:days4/projects/: Other SAGE Days 4 Projects]

Robert Miller, Emily Kirkman, Tom Boothby, David Joyner, Yi Qiang

GOAL: SAGE Enhancement Proposal.

 * Database class
  * instance field
   * filename -- the database itself
   * connection -- a pysqlite connection to 'filename'
   * query -- this would be the following two objects:
    * a string representing the 'where clause'.
    * a dict representing what data to return (default everything), {{{ {'table1':['col1', 'col2'], 'table2':['col9'] } }}}
    * allows for recursive searching quickly, since we can simply modify the string, and wait until we have to execute the query
    * recursive searching is strictly an 'intersection'-- both of data returned (design decision) and of where clauses (definition of recursive search)
   * dict of tables -- keyed by table name, entries are
    * dict of columns -- keyed by column name, keeps track of indices, primary key state
   * mutable -- boolean
  * functions
   * init
    * {{{A = Database()}}} creates a new (obviously mutable) temp database and opens a connection to it
    * {{{B = Database()}}} creates a new (different) temp database and opens a connection to it
    * {{{C = Database('existing.db')}}} opens a connection to 'existing.db'
    * {{{X = Database('special.db')}}} where 'special.db' is one of the databases included in sage, which will usually be treated as immutable
     * border case, not likely to happen, but what SHOULD happen
     * issue warning/error
     * create mutable Database instance
      * because hey, if you want to rm -rf your own hard drive, go for it
     * create immutable Database instance
      * public notebook, BAD
      * avoidable with chroot jails?
      * is this even an issue?
      * can't someone mess with this via other methods?
   * (mut'ble only) create/drop table
   * (mut'ble only) create/drop column( column name, col type, table, bool index=False, bool primary key=False )
    * if no table specified, raise an error and educate user about sql
   * (mut'ble only) create/drop index( column, table(s) )
   * (mut'ble only) create/drop primary key( column, table )
    * QUESTION: should we allow multiple tables? bounce this off someone who knows (i.e. is it possible to do this with sqlite?)
   * (mut'ble only) create/drop row( table, dict )
    * create accepts a dictionary keyed by column name
def foo(table=None, **kwds):
    if table is None:
        raise KeyError('Table must be specified')
    print kwds

sage: foo(table='table_name', shit='poo', dog='cat')
# works
sage: foo(shit='poo', dog='cat')
Exception (click to the left for traceback):
KeyError: 'Table must be specified'

   * (mut'ble only) add data from whatever (e.g. quickly via sql file): magic function to deal with other ways to add data? think about this more later.
   * set_mutable
   * copy
    * since it is [http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg24725.html possible] to have two connections to the same db file, whether to create a new db may be a good option
     * pros? cons?
    * mutable by default
    * skeleton option will create a new mutable database with empty tables but the same column/index/primary key structure
    * preserves the query string?
    * executes the query string first?
   * save
    * {{{ D.save('my.db') }}} should copy the class's database file to my.db.
    * this should not execute queries at all
    * option to close connection with old file and connect to new file, but default behavior shouldn't do this. motivation:
D = Database()
D.save('bunch of shit')
D.save('piss and vinegar')
   * print
    * should probably just print a string with database name, number of tables...?
   * show
    * for extensions to the Database class, this can be anything, e.g. graph database prints nice table
    * for __default__ database class, execute any queries and print the data- this isn't that much of an issue since everything will be int, real, bool or string...
    * notebook will print a nice html table
    * for command line, output returned by sqlite is a pretty good template
   * query
    * inplace option
   * vacuum
   * clear queries
 * !ImmutableDatabase class
  * idea - a different class for databases that are included with sage, to avoid issues relating to stupid people accidentally fucking up an important database in a public setting (if possible)
  * god damn cheeky -- have database class extend immutable database! although a database won't technically be an immutable database to a person, it is a good way to do this, since we can add on the property 'mutable', as well as all the modification functions


   * Brainless database creation.

   * Databases distributed with sage: Standard databases included with sage should be immutable

   * Online databases
     * cgi web-accessible...

     * accessible from SAGE, perhaps hosted at sage.math...

     * SQLite servers?

   * Automagic caching: keep track of computation results

     * keeping those results in portable objects, making these objects merge-able, etc...

   * Licensing: $\exists$ DBGPL?

   * Noticing identical database entries

   * SAGE [http://www.initd.org/pub/software/pysqlite/doc/usage-guide.html interface] to sqlite [:sqlite-tutorial: creating your own database using sqlite in sage]


[:days4/projects/: Other SAGE Days 4 Projects]

Robert Miller, Emily Kirkman, Tom Boothby, David Joyner, Yi Qiang

GOAL: SAGE Enhancement Proposal.

  • Database class
    • instance field
      • filename -- the database itself
      • connection -- a pysqlite connection to 'filename'
      • query -- this would be the following two objects:
        • a string representing the 'where clause'.
        • a dict representing what data to return (default everything),  {'table1':['col1', 'col2'], 'table2':['col9'] } 

        • allows for recursive searching quickly, since we can simply modify the string, and wait until we have to execute the query
        • recursive searching is strictly an 'intersection'-- both of data returned (design decision) and of where clauses (definition of recursive search)
      • dict of tables -- keyed by table name, entries are
        • dict of columns -- keyed by column name, keeps track of indices, primary key state
      • mutable -- boolean
    • functions
      • init
        • A = Database() creates a new (obviously mutable) temp database and opens a connection to it

        • B = Database() creates a new (different) temp database and opens a connection to it

        • C = Database('existing.db') opens a connection to 'existing.db'

        • X = Database('special.db') where 'special.db' is one of the databases included in sage, which will usually be treated as immutable

          • border case, not likely to happen, but what SHOULD happen
          • issue warning/error
          • create mutable Database instance
            • because hey, if you want to rm -rf your own hard drive, go for it
          • create immutable Database instance
            • public notebook, BAD
            • avoidable with chroot jails?
            • is this even an issue?
            • can't someone mess with this via other methods?
      • (mut'ble only) create/drop table
      • (mut'ble only) create/drop column( column name, col type, table, bool index=False, bool primary key=False )
        • if no table specified, raise an error and educate user about sql
      • (mut'ble only) create/drop index( column, table(s) )
      • (mut'ble only) create/drop primary key( column, table )
        • QUESTION: should we allow multiple tables? bounce this off someone who knows (i.e. is it possible to do this with sqlite?)
      • (mut'ble only) create/drop row( table, dict )
        • create accepts a dictionary keyed by column name
          • def foo(table=None, **kwds):
                if table is None:
                    raise KeyError('Table must be specified')
                print kwds
            sage: foo(table='table_name', shit='poo', dog='cat')
            # works
            sage: foo(shit='poo', dog='cat')
            Exception (click to the left for traceback):
            KeyError: 'Table must be specified'
      • (mut'ble only) add data from whatever (e.g. quickly via sql file): magic function to deal with other ways to add data? think about this more later.
      • set_mutable
      • copy
        • since it is [http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg24725.html possible] to have two connections to the same db file, whether to create a new db may be a good option

          • pros? cons?
        • mutable by default
        • skeleton option will create a new mutable database with empty tables but the same column/index/primary key structure
        • preserves the query string?
        • executes the query string first?
      • save
        •  D.save('my.db')  should copy the class's database file to my.db.

        • this should not execute queries at all
        • option to close connection with old file and connect to new file, but default behavior shouldn't do this. motivation:
          • D = Database()
            D.save('bunch of shit')
            D.save('piss and vinegar')
      • print
        • should probably just print a string with database name, number of tables...?
      • show
        • for extensions to the Database class, this can be anything, e.g. graph database prints nice table
        • for default database class, execute any queries and print the data- this isn't that much of an issue since everything will be int, real, bool or string...

        • notebook will print a nice html table
        • for command line, output returned by sqlite is a pretty good template
      • query
        • inplace option
      • vacuum
      • clear queries
  • ImmutableDatabase class

    • idea - a different class for databases that are included with sage, to avoid issues relating to stupid people accidentally fucking up an important database in a public setting (if possible)
    • god damn cheeky -- have database class extend immutable database! although a database won't technically be an immutable database to a person, it is a good way to do this, since we can add on the property 'mutable', as well as all the modification functions

  • Brainless database creation.
  • Databases distributed with sage: Standard databases included with sage should be immutable
  • Online databases
    • cgi web-accessible...
    • accessible from SAGE, perhaps hosted at sage.math...
    • SQLite servers?
  • Automagic caching: keep track of computation results
    • keeping those results in portable objects, making these objects merge-able, etc...
  • Licensing: \exists DBGPL?

  • Noticing identical database entries
  • SAGE [http://www.initd.org/pub/software/pysqlite/doc/usage-guide.html interface] to sqlite [:sqlite-tutorial: creating your own database using sqlite in sage]

days4/projects/database (last edited 2008-11-14 13:42:11 by anonymous)