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Preliminary Schedule
Preliminary Schedule for Sage Days 38

 **Morning sessions** will will include talks, tutorials and open presentations.

 **Afternoon sessions** will be dedicated to working on the exercises from the
 tutorials, coding sprints, follow-up discussions, etc.

 **Status reports**: There will be a status report every day at 17h00.
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* 9 am: Welcome, and Sage installation help
* 10am-11am : `Sage overview (presentation, demo, Sage-Combinat) <attachment:2011-05-02-SageDays30.pdf>`_ (Franco + Nicolas)
* 11am-12pm: coffee break at University Club (next door),
  Introductions, more Sage installations

Lunch Break

* [the afternoon sessions may start later to accommodate time for lunch - please stay tuned for updates]
* 1pm: Tutorial: `Using the Sage notebook and navigating the help system
  <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-notebook-and-help-long.html>`_ (Jason) [`help-notebook sws file <attachment:Tutorial_help_notebook_long.sws>`_]
* 2pm: Tutorial: `Doing the first exercises from Project Euler <http://projecteuler.net>`_ (Jason).

  See also the `List tutorial <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/siena_tutorials/Worksheet02-Lists.html>`_ [`list sws file <attachment:list_tutorial.sws>`_]
* 3pm: coffee break
* 3:15pm: Open tutorials (Anne, Jason, Florent, Franco, Nicolas):

  * Tutorial: `Linear algebra <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/siena_tutorials/Worksheet06-LinearAlgebra.html>`_ (Franco) [`linear algebra sws file <attachment:Linear_algebra.sws>`_]
  * Tutorial: `Combinatorics <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/combinat/tutorial_enumerated_sets.html>`_ (Jason) [`combinatorics sws file <attachment:combinatorics.sws>`_]
  * Tutorial: `Words <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/combinat/words/demo.html>`_ [`words sws file <attachment:words.sws>`_]
  * Other resources:

    * `The Sage tutorial <http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/>`_
    * `Sage thematic tutorials and demos <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/>`_
    * Introductory book in French: `Introduction à Sage <http://sagebook.gforge.inria.fr/>`_
 **Morning Session**:

 * 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
 * 09h00 : `Welcome and Introduction to Sage`_, Sébastien Labbé
 * 10h00 : Coffee Break
 * 10h30 : Tour de Table and Installations, Franco Saliola
 * 11h30 : `Tutorial I`_ : *Using the Sage notebook and navigating the help system*, Franco Saliola

 **Lunch Break**: 12h30 - 14h30

 **Afternoon Session**, 14h30-17h30:

 * 14h30 : `Tutorial II`_ : *Calculus and Linear Algebra in Sage*
 * 15h30 : Coffee Break
 * 16h00 : Coding Sprints
 * 17h00 : Status Reports

 **Buffet at CRM**: 17h30 - 18h30

 **Special event**: *Installation Party*, 18h30

            After the buffet, we will continue with informal discussions,
            coding sprints and we will troubleshoot any problems encountered in
            the installations during the morning session.
Line 37: Line 45:
* 9am-9:30am: Tutorial: `Programming in Python and Sage <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-programming-python.html>`_ (Franco/Jason) [`programming tutorial sws file <attachment:programming_python_sage.sws>`_]

  * Worksheet: `The 3n+1 Conjecture <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/siena_tutorials/Worksheet05-CollatzConjecture.html#siena-tutorials-worksheet05-collatzconjecture>`_ [`Collatz conjecture sws file <attachment:collatz_conjecture.sws>`_]

  * Worksheet: `Strings and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/siena_tutorials/Worksheet07-StringsAndTheBWT.html#siena-tutorials-worksheet07-stringsandthebwt>`_ [`strings and Burrows-Wheeler sws file <attachment:strings-burrows-wheeler.sws>`_]

* 9:30am-noon: Anne's giving an introduction to implementations for crystal categories.

* 10:30am: coffee break
* 11am: Tutorial: `Editing Sage's Sources <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-editing-sage-sources.html>`_

Lunch break

* 2pm: Anders: "Strategies for computing Schubert structure constants"
* 3:15pm: coffee break
* 3:30pm: Tutorial: how to kindly report a bug or suggest an improvement (20 minutes)
* 3:35pm: Coding sprint organization
* 4pm-: Coding sprints
 **Morning Session**:

 * 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
 * 09h00 : Øyvind Solberg, *Quivers and Path Algebras - QPA*

            *Abstract*. We will give an introduction representation theory of
            quivers, defining quivers (directed graphs), representations of
            quivers and maps between representations of quivers. Further to
            recall basic constructions involving these objects like direct sum,
            kernels, special representations, etc. Representations of quivers
            are central for representation theory of finite dimensional
            algebras, and we will try to describe some of the basic problems.

            Next we describe the QPA project by describing the background, aims
            and goals, current status, design and algorithms, and main future

            We will end with a short demonstration of the QPA program,
            hopefully run via an interface developed by students at HiST/NTNU.

 * 10h00 : Coffee Break
 * 10h30 : Nicolas M. Thiéry, *A Sage-Combinat roadmap*

            *Abstract.* In this talk, we will present the Sage-Combinat
            project, whose mission is "to improve Sage as an extensible toolbox
            for computer exploration in (algebraic) combinatorics, and foster
            code sharing between researchers in this area". After a brief tour
            of its history and development model, we will focus on its roadmap,
            opening a discussion on what mid to long term goals could be,
            depending on interest and available work forces.

 * 11h30 : Meinolf Geck, *High performance computations around Kazhdan-Lusztig cells*

            *Abstract.* We present the computer algebra package PyCox, written
            entirely in Python and compatible with Sage, for computations with
            finite Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras. It includes some new
            variations of the traditional algorithms for computing Kazhdan-Lusztig
            cells (which now work up to type E_7) and distinguished involutions
            (which even work in type E_8).

 **Lunch Break**: 12h30 - 14h30

 **Afternoon Session**, 14h30-17h30:

 * 14h30 : `Tutorial III`_: *Programming in Python and Sage*, Florent Hivert
 * 15h30 : Coffee Break
 * 17h00 : Status Reports
Line 59: Line 96:
* 9am-9:30: Sign up for `projects <days30_projects>`_ and short meetings; presentations of work so far (students and others)
* 9:30-10:45am: Tutorial: `Object oriented programming <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-objects-and-classes.html>`_ (FlorentHivert) [`tutorial-objects-and-classes sws file <attachment:tutorial-objects-classes.sws>`_]
* 9:30am: concurrent development projects: Scheicher and Thuswaldner algorithm, subspaces, posets
* 10:45am: coffee break
* 11am-11:20am: Tutorial: `programming iterators <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-iterators.html>`_ [`tutorial-iterators sws file <attachment:tutorial-iterators.sws>`_] (FlorentHivert)

Lunch break

* 1:30pm: concurrent development projects: actions
* 3pm: coffee break
* 3:30pm: concurrent development projects: IntegerVectors, crystals, d-complete posets
* 5pm: Coding sprint status report
* 5:30pm: ultimate frisbee (most likely on the NW dyke field - directions will be provided)
 **Morning Session**:

 * 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
 * 09h00 : Derek Ruths, `Introducing Zen: the Zero-Effort Network Library for Python`_

            *Abstract.* This talk will introduce a new python library for network
            analysis and algorithmics. As datasets increase in size and algorithms
            demand increasing amounts of resources, it is critically important for
            network libraries to be efficient and performant. Few libraries
            available for Python (or any other platform for that matter) deliver
            this kind of efficiency: few can load massive network datasets or
            execute intensive algorithms on them. Of those that can, efficiency
            comes at a cost to ease of use. We don't believe that this compromise
            is necessary. Designed from scratch, the Zen library aims to provide the
            fastest, most memory efficient network routines without compromising
            good pythonic conventions. To date it's benchmarked network functions
            match or beat the fastest network libraries available in Python. In
            this talk, we will give a brief introduction to network analysis,
            discuss the design elements of Zen that make it both fast and
            easy-to-use, briefly overview its functionality, and discuss
            opportunities for integration and use with Sage.

 * 10h00 : Coffee Break
 * 10h30 : Anne Schilling, *Markov chains for promotion operators*, (`Sage worksheet`__)

            *Abstract.* Schuetzenberger introduced a promotion operator on
            arbitrary finite posets. Using a slight extension of these
            operators, one can define a Markov chain on all linear extensions
            of the poset. This generalizes the Tsetlin library which
            corresponds to the antichain. With Sage, we can investigate the
            stationary distributions and eigenvalues of the transition matrix.
            For rooted forests we find that the resulting monoid is R-trivial,
            which leads to a generalization of Brown's theory of Markov chains
            for left regular bands. This is based on mathematical explorations with
            Arvind Ayyer and Steven Klee, and the patch
            `Trac 12536`_ with Nicolas Thiery.

   __ http://wiki.sagemath.org/days38_schedule?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=schilling-markov.sws

 * 11h00 : Viviane Pons, *Bases of multivariate polynomials*, (`Sage worksheet`__)

            *Abstract.* We have developed a patch in sage to consider
            multivariate polynomials as formal sums of vectors. Each vector
            corresponds to the exponent of a monomial. From simple operations
            on vectors, we obtain operations on the polynomials. We define the
            *divided differences* and we explain how they can be used to
            generate linear bases of the ring of multivariate polynomials. We
            show that they can be seen as a generalization of the Schur basis
            of symmetric polynomials.

   __ http://wiki.sagemath.org/days38_schedule?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=pons-worksheet.sws

 * 11h30 : `Tutorial IV`_: *Contributing to Sage*, Anne Schilling

 **Lunch Break**: 12h30 - 14h30

 **Afternoon Session**, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

 * 15h30 : Coffee Break
 * 17h00 : Status Reports
Line 76: Line 160:
* 10am: coffee break

* 10:15am-12:15pm: Series of Tutorial: `Contributing to Sage
  [`contribute to sage sws file <attachment:contribute-to-sage.sws>`_]
  `How to contribute <http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~labbe/Sage/how-to-contribute/>`_

      - Using and programming sage from the command line (Christian)
      - Creating a patch (Nicolas)
      - Reviewing a patch (Anne and Franco) `Short step-by-step checklist <https://www.evernote.com/shard/s16/sh/f30e5eb9-70a9-4882-818b-333c690942bf/d7a138e2705c25b8da6e2053950a89d5>`_
      - Sage combinat installation (Florent)

* 2pm: Coding sprint status report
* 2:30pm: Robert Smith `Equivalence in Computer Algebra <attachment:talkRobert-Smith.pdf>`_
* 3pm: coffee break
* 5:30pm: local weekly pick-up ultimate frisbee, President's Field (on the campus map: between field 46 (Raymond Field, fenced-in fancy field), building 48 (Festival Theatre, a former arena, so looks like one), and behind white house 47 (Alumni Hall administrative offices, formerly the university president's house))
 **Morning Session**:

 * 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
 * 09h00 : Open Presentations
 * 10h00 : Coffee Break
 * 10h30 : Open Presentations
 * 11h30 : `Tutorial V`_: *Cython*, Florent Hivert

 **Lunch Break**: 12h30 - 14h30

 **Afternoon Session**, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

 * 15h30 : Coffee Break
 * 17h00 : Status Reports
Line 96: Line 178:
- fill out travel reimbursement forms - TBA

* 10am: coffee break
* 10:15am-11:15am: Tutorial: Contributing to Sage-combinat `Mercurial step by step <http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/MercurialStepByStep>`_

  Illustrated by `the outdated picture <http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Mercurial?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=patch-server.png>`_

  .. image:: http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Mercurial?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=patch-server.png
     :height: 250px

Lunch break

* submit code for student contribution prize by 1pm
* 2pm: Coding sprint status report
* 3pm: coffee break

Potential material

* Tutorial: `Using algebraic structures: vector spaces, ... <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/modules/tutorial_free_modules.html>`_ (Jason Bandlow, Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry)

* Tutorial:: `Implementing your own algebraic structures <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/tutorial-implementing-algebraic-structures.html>`_ (Jason Bandlow, Floren Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry)

* Tutorial:: `Graph theory

* Tutorial:: `Linear programming <http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Nathann.Cohen/tut/LP/>`_

* Tutorial/demo:: `Symmetric functions <http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/demo-symmetric-functions.html>`_

* Tutorial: cluster algebras (Christian)

* Tutorial: Crystal bases (Anne)

* Tutorial: Posets (Franco)

* Tutorial: Parents, Elements, Categories (Nicolas Thiéry)

* Lexicographic generation of lists of integers (Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry)
  Algorithmic & design

* Canonical forms, normal forms, and computer representation (Robert Smith)

* Schubert calculus: challenges, solutions, projects

* Various algebras in Sage (Hecke algebra, nilCoxeter, Temperley Lieb, local plactic) (Anne)


* Thematic tutorials setup
* Categories
* The Sage-Combinat roadmap
* The Sage-Combinat workflow: writing the specs
* Modeling set containment: "x in S" see `Discussion about Containment in Sage <http://wiki.sagemath.org/ContainmentDiscussion>`_
* Posets, ideals/upper set

Development Projects

See the `projects <days30_projects>`_ page.
 **Morning Session**:

 * 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
 * 09h00 : Open Presentations
 * 10h00 : Coffee Break
 * 10h30 : Open Presentations

 **Lunch Break**: 11h30 - 13h30

 * 13h30 : Doron Zeilberger: n\ :sup:`n-2`\

 **Afternoon Session**, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

 * 15h30 : Coffee Break
 * 17h00 : Status Reports

.. _`Introducing Zen: the Zero-Effort Network Library for Python` : http://zen.networkdynamics.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/20120509_SageDays38.pdf
.. _`Welcome and Introduction to Sage`: http://thales.math.uqam.ca/~labbes/Sage/2012-05-days38.pdf
.. _`Tutorial I`: days38_tutorials#tutorial-i-using-the-sage-notebook-and-navigating-the-help-system
.. _`Tutorial II`: days38_tutorials#tutorial-ii-calculus-and-linear-algebra-in-sage
.. _`Tutorial III`: days38_tutorials#tutorial-iii-programming-in-python-and-sage
.. _`Tutorial IV`: days38_tutorials#tutorial-iv-contributing-to-sage
.. _`Tutorial V`: days38_tutorials#tutorial-v-cython
.. _`Trac 12536`: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12536

Open Presentations

Open presentations are quick (5 to 15 minutes) presentations done by the participants. It can be demonstrations of projects done during the week. Or it can be about anything of interest to the participants including software useful for teaching or research.

- pgfplots + gnuplot, by Alexandre Blondin Massé
- tikz2pdf, by Sébastien Labbé
- sagetex, by ???
- Using sagetex to generate of math homeworks, by Nicolas Thiéry
- a demo of the new IPython 0.12 Notebook, by Pierre Cagne
- What's new with Python 2.7 recently included into Sage?, by ???
- WebWorK, by Malcolm
- some interact made by Florent
- some other interact made by participants???

Preliminary Schedule for Sage Days 38

Morning sessions will will include talks, tutorials and open presentations.

Afternoon sessions will be dedicated to working on the exercises from the tutorials, coding sprints, follow-up discussions, etc.

Status reports: There will be a status report every day at 17h00.


Morning Session:

  • 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
  • 09h00 : Welcome and Introduction to Sage, Sébastien Labbé
  • 10h00 : Coffee Break
  • 10h30 : Tour de Table and Installations, Franco Saliola
  • 11h30 : Tutorial I : Using the Sage notebook and navigating the help system, Franco Saliola

Lunch Break: 12h30 - 14h30

Afternoon Session, 14h30-17h30:

  • 14h30 : Tutorial II : Calculus and Linear Algebra in Sage
  • 15h30 : Coffee Break
  • 16h00 : Coding Sprints
  • 17h00 : Status Reports

Buffet at CRM: 17h30 - 18h30

Special event: Installation Party, 18h30

After the buffet, we will continue with informal discussions, coding sprints and we will troubleshoot any problems encountered in the installations during the morning session.


Morning Session:

  • 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants

  • 09h00 : Øyvind Solberg, Quivers and Path Algebras - QPA

    Abstract. We will give an introduction representation theory of quivers, defining quivers (directed graphs), representations of quivers and maps between representations of quivers. Further to recall basic constructions involving these objects like direct sum, kernels, special representations, etc. Representations of quivers are central for representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, and we will try to describe some of the basic problems.

    Next we describe the QPA project by describing the background, aims and goals, current status, design and algorithms, and main future projects.

    We will end with a short demonstration of the QPA program, hopefully run via an interface developed by students at HiST/NTNU.

  • 10h00 : Coffee Break

  • 10h30 : Nicolas M. Thiéry, A Sage-Combinat roadmap

    Abstract. In this talk, we will present the Sage-Combinat project, whose mission is "to improve Sage as an extensible toolbox for computer exploration in (algebraic) combinatorics, and foster code sharing between researchers in this area". After a brief tour of its history and development model, we will focus on its roadmap, opening a discussion on what mid to long term goals could be, depending on interest and available work forces.

  • 11h30 : Meinolf Geck, High performance computations around Kazhdan-Lusztig cells

    Abstract. We present the computer algebra package PyCox, written entirely in Python and compatible with Sage, for computations with finite Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras. It includes some new variations of the traditional algorithms for computing Kazhdan-Lusztig cells (which now work up to type E_7) and distinguished involutions (which even work in type E_8).

Lunch Break: 12h30 - 14h30

Afternoon Session, 14h30-17h30:

  • 14h30 : Tutorial III: Programming in Python and Sage, Florent Hivert
  • 15h30 : Coffee Break
  • 17h00 : Status Reports


Morning Session:

  • 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants

  • 09h00 : Derek Ruths, Introducing Zen: the Zero-Effort Network Library for Python

    Abstract. This talk will introduce a new python library for network analysis and algorithmics. As datasets increase in size and algorithms demand increasing amounts of resources, it is critically important for network libraries to be efficient and performant. Few libraries available for Python (or any other platform for that matter) deliver this kind of efficiency: few can load massive network datasets or execute intensive algorithms on them. Of those that can, efficiency comes at a cost to ease of use. We don't believe that this compromise is necessary. Designed from scratch, the Zen library aims to provide the fastest, most memory efficient network routines without compromising good pythonic conventions. To date it's benchmarked network functions match or beat the fastest network libraries available in Python. In this talk, we will give a brief introduction to network analysis, discuss the design elements of Zen that make it both fast and easy-to-use, briefly overview its functionality, and discuss opportunities for integration and use with Sage.

  • 10h00 : Coffee Break

  • 10h30 : Anne Schilling, Markov chains for promotion operators, (Sage worksheet)

    Abstract. Schuetzenberger introduced a promotion operator on arbitrary finite posets. Using a slight extension of these operators, one can define a Markov chain on all linear extensions of the poset. This generalizes the Tsetlin library which corresponds to the antichain. With Sage, we can investigate the stationary distributions and eigenvalues of the transition matrix. For rooted forests we find that the resulting monoid is R-trivial, which leads to a generalization of Brown's theory of Markov chains for left regular bands. This is based on mathematical explorations with Arvind Ayyer and Steven Klee, and the patch Trac 12536 with Nicolas Thiery.

  • 11h00 : Viviane Pons, Bases of multivariate polynomials, (Sage worksheet)

    Abstract. We have developed a patch in sage to consider multivariate polynomials as formal sums of vectors. Each vector corresponds to the exponent of a monomial. From simple operations on vectors, we obtain operations on the polynomials. We define the divided differences and we explain how they can be used to generate linear bases of the ring of multivariate polynomials. We show that they can be seen as a generalization of the Schur basis of symmetric polynomials.

  • 11h30 : Tutorial IV: Contributing to Sage, Anne Schilling

Lunch Break: 12h30 - 14h30

Afternoon Session, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

  • 15h30 : Coffee Break
  • 17h00 : Status Reports


Morning Session:

  • 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
  • 09h00 : Open Presentations
  • 10h00 : Coffee Break
  • 10h30 : Open Presentations
  • 11h30 : Tutorial V: Cython, Florent Hivert

Lunch Break: 12h30 - 14h30

Afternoon Session, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

  • 15h30 : Coffee Break
  • 17h00 : Status Reports


Morning Session:

  • 08h30 : Coffee & Croissants
  • 09h00 : Open Presentations
  • 10h00 : Coffee Break
  • 10h30 : Open Presentations

Lunch Break: 11h30 - 13h30

  • 13h30 : Doron Zeilberger: nn-2

Afternoon Session, 14h30-17h30: exercises and coding sprints with coffee break and status reports

  • 15h30 : Coffee Break
  • 17h00 : Status Reports

Open Presentations

Open presentations are quick (5 to 15 minutes) presentations done by the participants. It can be demonstrations of projects done during the week. Or it can be about anything of interest to the participants including software useful for teaching or research.

  • pgfplots + gnuplot, by Alexandre Blondin Massé
  • tikz2pdf, by Sébastien Labbé
  • sagetex, by ???
  • Using sagetex to generate of math homeworks, by Nicolas Thiéry [attachment:demo-exam-sheet-with-sage.zip]
  • a demo of the new IPython 0.12 Notebook, by Pierre Cagne
  • What's new with Python 2.7 recently included into Sage?, by ???
  • WebWorK, by Malcolm
  • some interact made by Florent
  • some other interact made by participants???

days38_schedule (last edited 2013-07-06 05:15:37 by saliola)