Sage Days 24 Coding Sprint Projects

This is a list of projects suitable for Sage Days 24. Feel free to add your favourite ideas/wishes, and to put your name down for something you're interested in (you'll need to get an account on the wiki to do this).

Kovacic's Algorithm

People: Burcin Erocal

Implement Kovacic's algorithm in Sage.

Hypergeometric Functions

People: Flavia Stan, Karen Kohl, Fredrik Johansson

Plural support

People: Burcin Erocal

Add support for Singular's noncommutative component Plural, finish #4539.

Locapal support

People: Burcin Erocal

There is experimental support for computing Groebner bases over certain localizations of operator algebras in Singular. See this presentation for more details. Support for arithmetic needs to be provided in Sage.

Parallel Integration

People: Burcin Erocal

Integrate Stefan Boettner's parallel integration code in Sage. There are several prerequisites for this, such as

Algorithmic/Automatic Differentiation

People: William Stein

I never thought much of this topic, but there is a talk at Euroscipy suggesting it could be useful. More details here.

Upgrade Pari to version 2.4.3

People: William Stein

See trac 9343. This has little to do with symbolic computation though...