Differences between revisions 1 and 5 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-06-25 01:07:26
Size: 499
Editor: JohnCremona
Revision 5 as of 2010-06-25 01:27:05
Size: 975
Editor: JohnCremona
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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2. 2. Jim has finished implementing $S$-class groups, extending earlier work by Robert M. He is now working on computing $K(S,4)$ and $K(S,4)_2$. (We wrongly thought that RLM's code already computed $K(S,4)$).

3. Xiao Xiao is working on the algorithm which, given a single $j$ and set $S$, computes the set of elliptic curves with that $j$-invariant and good reduction outside $S$ (if any).
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==== Subproject 4 ====
Several people have been studying the papers showing how to find all integral points, and $S$-integral points.

Daily progress reports on Project 2

Subproject 1

Monday 21 June: Noam Elkies solved the 929 problem! The curve [w, 1 - w, 1 + 20*w, -1738 - 82*w, -11808 - 201*w] where w=(1+\sqrt{929})/2 has everywhere good reduction.

Subproject 2

Thursday 24 June:

1. The patch by Aly and Rado to implement functions including is_S_integral (trac #9317) has been positively reviewed by Anna and Erin!

2. Jim has finished implementing S-class groups, extending earlier work by Robert M. He is now working on computing K(S,4) and K(S,4)_2. (We wrongly thought that RLM's code already computed K(S,4)).

3. Xiao Xiao is working on the algorithm which, given a single j and set S, computes the set of elliptic curves with that j-invariant and good reduction outside S (if any).

Subproject 3

Several people have been studying the papers showing how to find all integral points, and S-integral points.

days22/cremona/project2 (last edited 2010-07-01 21:04:28 by jimstankewicz)