Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-01-24 14:14:52
Size: 186
Editor: RobertMiller
Revision 3 as of 2009-01-24 14:18:37
Size: 1107
Editor: RobertMiller
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
 * #1847  * #1847 - add nice print method for Sha(Elliptic curve)
Line 5: Line 5:
 * #3704
 * #3830
 * #3933
 * #3704 - make diagonal_matrix accept much more general arguments
 * #3830 - plot(sin(1/x), (x,-1,3), foo=10) yields an error
 * #3933 - Set iteration is broken over sets created with iterators
Line 9: Line 9:
 * #4616
 * #4626
 * #4648
 * #4860
 * #4892
 * #4961
 * #4962
 * #4616 - cosine_series_coefficient hangs
 * #4626 - error in bessel_J(0,0)
 * #4648 - sparse linear algebra: nonzero_positions is slow
 * #4860 - upgrade networkx to 0.99 upstream release
 * #4892 - Changing precision of a Complex can convert it to a real
 * #4961 - sage/modules/vector_modn_sparse_c.pxi: allocate_c_vector_modint can leak memory
 * #4962 - sage/modules/vector_modn_sparse_c.pxi: init_c_vector_modint leaks leak memory
Line 17: Line 17:
 * #5003
 * #5009
 * #5034
 * #5058
 * #5067
 * #5003 - equality testing in graphs should check "weighted" property
 * #5009 - elementary_divisors for integer matrices: fix doc string
 * #5034 - stupid output of sage -br: "using n cpus"
 * #5058 - sage -f and sage -i is broken for local files with ".spkg" elsewhere in the path
 * #5067 - linear_code -- four doctest failures in spectrum method='leon' exposed by #4588

Bugs Slain

  • #1847 - add nice print method for Sha(Elliptic curve)
  • #3704 - make diagonal_matrix accept much more general arguments
  • #3830 - plot(sin(1/x), (x,-1,3), foo=10) yields an error
  • #3933 - Set iteration is broken over sets created with iterators
  • #4616 - cosine_series_coefficient hangs
  • #4626 - error in bessel_J(0,0)
  • #4648 - sparse linear algebra: nonzero_positions is slow
  • #4860 - upgrade networkx to 0.99 upstream release
  • #4892 - Changing precision of a Complex can convert it to a real
  • #4961 - sage/modules/vector_modn_sparse_c.pxi: allocate_c_vector_modint can leak memory
  • #4962 - sage/modules/vector_modn_sparse_c.pxi: init_c_vector_modint leaks leak memory
  • #5003 - equality testing in graphs should check "weighted" property
  • #5009 - elementary_divisors for integer matrices: fix doc string
  • #5034 - stupid output of sage -br: "using n cpus"
  • #5058 - sage -f and sage -i is broken for local files with ".spkg" elsewhere in the path
  • #5067 - linear_code -- four doctest failures in spectrum method='leon' exposed by #4588

days12/statusreports/rlm (last edited 2009-01-24 16:28:14 by was)