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* [ Robert Miller]: An example of implementing automorphism groups: linear codes | * [ Robert Miller]: [:/RMillerTalk: An example of implementing automorphism groups: linear codes] |
Sage days 10 in Nancy (France)
October 10 to 15, 2008 at the Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its Applications (Loria)
Please register on the [ registration website].
Program committee
- Michael Abshoff
- Timothy Daly
- Laurent Fousse
- Clément Pernet
- Ludovic Perret
- Paul Zimmermann
The following program is preliminary.
- October 10: Linear Algebra (chair Clement Pernet)
- Invited speakers:
[ Arne Storjohann]
[ Jean-Guillaume Dumas]:[:/JGDumasTalk: Simultaneous Modular Reduction and Kronecker Substitution for Small Finite Fields]
- Martin Albrecht: [:/MAlbrechtTalk: Matrix multiplication over GF(2) and the M4RI library]
- Gregory Bard
[ Robert Miller]: [:/RMillerTalk: An example of implementing automorphism groups: linear codes]
- Invited speakers:
- October 11: Elliptic Curves (chair Laurent Fousse)
- Invited speakers:
[ John Cremona]
[ David Lubicz]
- Invited speakers:
- October 12: Groebner Bases (chair Ludovic Perret)
- Invited speakers:
Carlo Traverso: [:/CarloTraversoTalk: Groebner bases, lattices and cryptography]
[ Éric Schost]: Computing with triangular families of polynomials: an overview
- B. Erocal : SCrypt: Using Symbolic Computation to Bridge the Gap Between Algebra and Cryptography
M. Brickenstein : Secrets of Singular and PolyBoRi
- This talk presents techniques for Gröbner bases calculations implemented in the computer algebra system Singular and the
PolyBoRi framework. I will consider
- data structures
- algorithms
- This talk presents techniques for Gröbner bases calculations implemented in the computer algebra system Singular and the
[ G. Renault]
- Invited speakers:
- October 13-15: Coding Sprints (chair Michael Abshoff)
Each "talk" day (October 10 to 12) typically has 2 invited speakers, who are specialists in the corresponding domain, not necessarily already in contact with SAGE, and 3 contributed speakers, who typically describe a SAGE module (or a proposal of).
The SAGE Days 10 dinner will take place on the 11th.
[ Loria] [ Coming to Loria (webpage from another event, don't be confused).]
LORIA Campus Scientifique 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy France
[,6.157295&spn=0.002643,0.00501&t=h&z=18 Google Maps]
[ Finding an hotel in Nancy.]
We will also coordinate a group reservation at the youth hostel: [ Un petit coin de paradis]. Sign up in the ["Days 10 Youth Hostel Page"] if you're interested.
Close events
You may be interested in the [ CADO project workshop] which will occur at the same place, October 7-9.
[ Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy]
[ University Nancy 1 Henri Poincaré]
PhD students attendance support
Thanks to funds donated by our sponsors, we are able to support attendance costs for a small number of Ph.D. students. Interested students should apply directly per mail to Paul Zimmermann (<>).