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Editor: dajayi
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 * Deborah O. Ajayi, Univ. of Ibadan  * Deborah O. Ajayi, Acting Head of Department and Reader (Associate Professor) of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
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 * Ini Adinya, Univ. of Ibadan  * Ini Adinya, Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Ibadan
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'''TBD''' Department of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA

Sage Days 102 : University of Ibadan, Nigeria

July 15 - 19, 2019 Ibadan, Nigeria

These Sage days are for locals to Nigeria and the neighboring region (as well as any Sage developers who wish to attend) who develop in SageMath or wish to learn Sage. They will include introductory training, presentations, and break-out sessions for specific areas of interest as directed by the attendees. There is no initial knowledge needed, everyone is welcome whether they are new Sage learners or Sage expert. We believe in diversity in backgrounds and experiences.

Travel for some participants coming from outside Nigeria can be covered OpenDreamKit project.


External Organizers

  • Viviane Pons is a researcher in combinatorics and a Maîtresse de conférences (associate professor) in Paris-Sud University (Orsay) (not attending, but helping organize)

  • Samuel Lelièvre Laboratoire de mathématique d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud

  • Erik Madison Bray Laboratoire de recherche en informatique, Université Paris-Sud (OpenDreamKit)

Logistical help: Izabela Faguet (Paris-Sud University)

Local Organizers

TODO: Please put more information about yourselves here if you wish.

  • Deborah O. Ajayi, Acting Head of Department and Reader (Associate Professor) of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
  • Ini Adinya, Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Ibadan


Department of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA

The event


The event will be workshop style and most of the schedule will be decided by the participants as needed.

The first two days (?) may consist of a Software Carpentry style workshop, especially targeted to those who are new to scientific and mathematical computing with open source tools including basic skills in learning the command-line shell, the Jupyter Notebook, the Python programming language (the implementation language of SageMath, and one of the leaders in open science), and version control using the git version control system and source code hosting/collaboration sites like GitHub. TBD: Maybe some R as well, if there is interest? One of our potential instructors teaches it.

TBD: Some of this is boilerplate I modified from other Sage Days workshops; it is a good start but feel free to update with specific topics that we might focus on

We will continue then with introductory presentations and tutorials especially targeted at those who don't know much Sage. Participants will also have an occasion to present their mathematical and/or Sage-related projects to the group. The rest of week will be dedicated to coding either individually or in groups, and onboarding newcomers to the process of doing development for Sage and the technologies involved. We will plan other presentations and tutorials depending on the needs and wishes of the participants.


Please send your application to TBD including

Name, institution, professional situation (student, postdoc, professor, etc.)

Previous programming experience: describe your programming experience either with Sage or any other language. Please note that previous experience is not necessary to participate to the event!

Mathematical / Sage project: If you have a specific project in mind to work on during the week, please describe it. Otherwise, tell us what part of Sage you are interested in and what kind of mathematics you do.

Motivation: please explain what motivates you to participate to this event.

reference letter: if you are a student, please attach a reference letter.

Funding request Do need travel funding to attend the event? (Note that local expenses are covered for all participants)

Note: it is possible to apply with a common project with another participant. Other note: if you think you don't know enough Sage to apply, you are wrong!

Community Agreement

The participants of this event are asked to agree to our Community Agreement

days102 (last edited 2019-07-20 17:05:07 by embray)