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Revision 8 as of 2008-04-28 00:21:23
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The timings for this new code on sage.math are given in the table below under "new". The timings for this new code on sage.math are given in the table below under "Sage Multimod".
Also a theoretical thing to do is give an a priori provable bound on the number of primes needed
to get the charpoly via CRT.
Right now it just waits until 3 successive charpolys stabilize.
Or rather, adding in 3 primes gives the same charpoly.
That will in practice always work, but isn't proved.
And, it is probably slower than just starting with the right bound.

Line 18: Line 26:
time t.charpoly()

Magma code to make the matrix and benchmark charpoly:
eps := DirichletGroup(67*3, CyclotomicField(11)).2^2;
M := ModularSymbols(eps,2,0);
t := HeckeOperator(M,2);
time f := CharacteristicPolynomial(t);

Fast characteristic polynomial algorithm over cyclotomic fields

UPDATE: A first real version of this is now done. See the first two patches at

The timings for this new code on sage.math are given in the table below under "Sage Multimod". Also a theoretical thing to do is give an a priori provable bound on the number of primes needed to get the charpoly via CRT. Right now it just waits until 3 successive charpolys stabilize. Or rather, adding in 3 primes gives the same charpoly. That will in practice always work, but isn't proved. And, it is probably slower than just starting with the right bound.

Using this code with 23 replaced by 23, 67, and 199 I benchmarked both Sage and Magma on various machines. Here Sage is just using PARI. For 23, Magma is 10 times faster. For 67, Magma is 5-10 times faster. For 199, Magma and Sage are almost the same. So probably they are using exactly the same algorithm, but Magma is more optimized for the small cases.

eps = DirichletGroup(23*3, CyclotomicField(11)).1^2
M = ModularSymbols(eps); M
t = M.hecke_matrix(2)
time t.charpoly()

Magma code to make the matrix and benchmark charpoly:

eps := DirichletGroup(67*3, CyclotomicField(11)).2^2;
M := ModularSymbols(eps,2,0);
t := HeckeOperator(M,2);
time f := CharacteristicPolynomial(t);

The timings themselves are as follows, all on an Opteron 1.8Ghz.





Sage Multimod





















The 331 matrix is 220x220

By the way, here are similar timings for computing the square of the matrix T_2, i.e., for matrix multiplication:

|| prime || Sage || PARI || Magma ||





|| 67 || 0.43s || 0.05s|| 0.01s ||





So Magma's matrix multiply is vastly superior to what is in Sage, but only because Sage's multiply is very stupid and generic.

Regarding charpoly above, the answer isn't very big. Each coefficient looks like this in size:

-13699065951748748504444162373*zeta_11^9 - 30666629423224882851453031398*zeta_11^8 - 
    17759717829637529333530323750*zeta_11^7 + 18956836030606298117040309088*zeta_11^6 - 
    17759717829637529333530323750*zeta_11^5 - 30666629423224882851453031398*zeta_11^4 - 
    13699065951748748504444162373*zeta_11^3 - 21360349014330060044744277916*zeta_11 - 

Probably that should take at most 350/5 = 70 primes to get using a multimodular algorithm. In magma, charpoly of a random 132x132 matrix over GF(10007) done 70 times takes 0.63 seconds. The same in Sage takes 2.46 seconds. This time plus the overhead of CRT should be about the time it takes to do the charpoly. (On OS X Sage takes 1.07 seconds and Magma 0.43 seconds.) So I don't see why Sage shouldn't be able to do this charpoly in about 10 seconds.

Here is a little demo proof-of-concept illustrating computing the 67 charpoly more quickly by doing it over ZZ and using p-adic reconstruction. I do not think this is the way to go -- I think straight multimodular is -- but this already illustrates that both PARI and Magma are pretty stupid right now.

def padic_cyclotomic_reconstruction(K, w, p, prec, phi):
    n = K.degree()
    zeta = K.gen()
    X = [zeta^i for i in range(n)] + [w]
    A = matrix(ZZ, n + 2, n + 2)
    for i in range(len(X)):
         A[i,i] = 1
         A[i,n+1] = Mod(phi(X[i]), p^prec).lift()
    A[n+1, n+1] = p^(prec-1)
    L = A.LLL()
    #print L
    rr = L[1].copy()
    rr[0] -= rr[-1] 
    alpha = -1/rr[-2]
    lin_comb = rr[:-2]*alpha
    return K(lin_comb.list())

def charpoly_cyclo(A, prec=20, pstart=389):
    # Compute charpoly of A using p-adic cyclotomic algorithm.
    K = A.base_ring()
    n = K.number_of_roots_of_unity()
    p = pstart
    while p % n != 1:
        p = next_prime(p)
    print "p = ", p
    f = K.defining_polynomial()
    C = pAdicField(p, prec)
    R = f.roots(C)
    phi = K.hom(QQ(R[0][0].lift()), check=False)
    pp = p^prec
    B = matrix(QQ, A.nrows(), A.ncols(), [phi(w)%pp for w in A.list()])
    time f = B.charpoly()
    return [padic_cyclotomic_reconstruction(K, w, p, prec, phi) 
               for w in f.list()]

eps = DirichletGroup(67*3, CyclotomicField(11)).1^2
M = ModularSymbols(eps); M
t = M.hecke_matrix(2)
time f = t.charpoly()

Time: CPU 8.30 s, Wall: 8.78 s

time B = charpoly_cyclo(t, 30, next_prime(10000))

p =  10099
Time: CPU 2.26 s, Wall: 2.64 s
CPU time: 3.56 s,  Wall time: 4.14 s


13383*zeta11^9 + 2223*zeta11^8 + 12771*zeta11^7 + 783*zeta11^6 + 783*zeta11^5 + 12771*zeta11^4 + 2223*zeta11^3 + 13383*zeta11^2 + 24129


13383*zeta11^9 + 2223*zeta11^8 + 12771*zeta11^7 + 783*zeta11^6 + 783*zeta11^5 + 12771*zeta11^4 + 2223*zeta11^3 + 13383*zeta11^2 + 24129


-588700556*zeta11^9 - 965692897*zeta11^8 + 754459476*zeta11^7 + 1319584698*zeta11^6 + 754459476*zeta11^5 - 965692897*zeta11^4 - 588700556*zeta11^3 - 2199625369*zeta11 - 2199625369


-588700556*zeta11^9 - 965692897*zeta11^8 + 754459476*zeta11^7 + 1319584698*zeta11^6 + 754459476*zeta11^5 - 965692897*zeta11^4 - 588700556*zeta11^3 - 2199625369*zeta11 - 2199625369

cyclo/charpoly (last edited 2019-11-23 17:39:01 by chapoton)