Differences between revisions 2 and 12 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-05-20 00:17:01
Size: 291
Editor: JasonBandlow
Revision 12 as of 2008-05-20 01:23:01
Size: 1508
Editor: JasonBandlow
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 7: Line 7:
 *  * CombinatorialClass has no documentation
 * It would be nice for CombinatorialObject to have a method 'indices' which returns a list of the index of *every* occurrence of x
 * Compositions has no option for allowing '0' parts (which are often useful) (IntegerVectors does this. There should be a pointer.)
 * Composition.conjugate() is not explained
 * Composition.descents() is not explained
 * Composition.major_index() doc-string says it is the sum of the descents. This is not true for the given example.
 * Composition.refinement() is not explained
 * SignedCompositions has no corresponding class SignedComposition
 * DyckWords? does not define Dyck words
 * DyckWord.b_statistic() is not explained
 * DyckWord.height() is not explained
 * DyckWord.peaks() is not explained
 * DyckWord.to_noncrossing_partition() could use a better reference
 * DyckWord.to_tableau is not explained
 * DyckWord.to_* for * in {ordered_tree, triangulation} is not implemented. Warning: Implementing bijections between Catalan objects can be a never-ending task.
 * IntegerVectors has no corresponding class IntegerVector
 * WeightedIntegerVectors has no corresponding class WeightedIntegerVector




  • sage.combinat.word is not imported by default
  • word.symmetric_group_action_on_values does not naturally belong in word
  • word.standard should be called word.standardization
  • word.charge returns the cocharge
  • CombinatorialAlgebra has no useful documentation

  • CombinatorialClass has no documentation

  • It would be nice for CombinatorialObject to have a method 'indices' which returns a list of the index of *every* occurrence of x

  • Compositions has no option for allowing '0' parts (which are often useful) (IntegerVectors does this. There should be a pointer.)

  • Composition.conjugate() is not explained
  • Composition.descents() is not explained
  • Composition.major_index() doc-string says it is the sum of the descents. This is not true for the given example.
  • Composition.refinement() is not explained
  • SignedCompositions has no corresponding class SignedComposition

  • DyckWords? does not define Dyck words

  • DyckWord.b_statistic() is not explained

  • DyckWord.height() is not explained

  • DyckWord.peaks() is not explained

  • DyckWord.to_noncrossing_partition() could use a better reference

  • DyckWord.to_tableau is not explained

  • DyckWord.to_* for * in {ordered_tree, triangulation} is not implemented. Warning: Implementing bijections between Catalan objects can be a never-ending task.

  • IntegerVectors has no corresponding class IntegerVector

  • WeightedIntegerVectors has no corresponding class WeightedIntegerVector

combinat/Weirdness (last edited 2018-11-06 19:45:34 by chapoton)