Differences between revisions 5 and 60 (spanning 55 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2009-02-05 17:26:01
Size: 1446
Revision 60 as of 2012-12-21 18:16:52
Size: 263
Editor: nthiery
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= *-Combinat 2009 = = Sage-Combinat days: '''F'''ree and '''P'''ractical '''S'''oftware for '''A'''lgebraic '''C'''ombinatorics '13 =
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International Sage Workshop on '''F'''ree and '''P'''ractical '''S'''oftware for '''A'''lgebraic '''C'''ombinatorics Dates: July 17-21
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Dates: July 25-29 Location: Orsay (south west of Paris) or Paris
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Location: RISC, Linz, Austria

This event will follow [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/fpsac2009/|FPSAC'09]], and be part of [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/summer2009/|RISC's summer 2009]].

== Goals ==

 * get new users and developers on board, especially from the FPSAC community
 * help former MuPAD-Combinat users to switch to Sage
 * developpers meeting

== Tentative program ==

 * Saturday:
   * Sage and Sage-Combinat introductory talks
   * Hands on tutorials

 * Sunday:
   * Informal Sage-Combinat lab: come work on your own problem with experts at your full disposition
   * Relaxed afternoon (to recover from a long FPSAC week)

 * Monday-Wednesday:
   * Informal Sage-Combinat lab
   * A couple technical talks intermixed with coding sprints
      * Sharing code with the Sage-combinat patch server
      * Categories in Sage
      * Decomposable classes and species in Maple, MuPAD, Sage, Axiom, ...
      * ...
   * Design discussions, coding sprints

== Tentative list of participants ==

 * MichaelAbshoff
 * Jason Bandlow?
 * MikeHansen?
 * DanDrake
 * FlorentHivert
 * DavidJoyner?
 * Conrado Martinez?
 * RobertMiller?
 * FrancoSaliola
 * AnneSchilling
 * NicolasThiéry
 * ...
This event will precede [[http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/fpsac13/|FPSAC'13]]

Sage-Combinat days: '''F'''ree and '''P'''ractical '''S'''oftware for '''A'''lgebraic '''C'''ombinatorics '13

Dates: July 17-21

Location: Orsay (south west of Paris) or Paris

This event will precede FPSAC'13

combinat/FPSAC09 (last edited 2013-03-05 20:20:14 by burcin)