Differences between revisions 1 and 89 (spanning 88 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2013-10-20 13:45:24
Size: 1471
Editor: chapoton
Comment: try to explain how one can use the patchbot
Revision 89 as of 2017-02-02 17:24:53
Size: 0
Editor: mrennekamp
Comment: move to [[buildbot]]
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There are (at least) two ways to run your own private patchbot.

In any case, it is better to have disk space available.

== Run on all tickets ==

You can let the patchbot choose the tickets it will run on.

# Install the patchbot using "sage -i patchbot"

# Run the patchbot using "sage -patchbot"

I will run forever, as long as it finds a ticket to work on. Tickets are only considered if their authors are trusted.

== Run on chosen tickets ==

Here is a proposal on how to use the patchbot only on tickets you want to work on.

Warning: this is for a mercurial setting, not for the new git setting.

# install the latest sage development release (download from http://www.sagemath.org/download-latest.html and make)

# install the latest patchbot (clone from http://github.com/robertwb/sage-patchbot)

# in a terminal, inside your_sage_home_dir, "./sage -clone 0"

# in a terminal: "cd sage-patchbot/src" then run "ipython"

# in ipython, "from patchbot import Patchbot", then "P = Patchbot('your_sage_home_dir',"http://patchbot.sagemath.org/",None,plugin_only=True)" or "P = Patchbot('your_sage_home_dir',"http://patchbot.sagemath.org/",None)"

The first one will only run the plugins (much faster), the second one will run all the tests (much slower).

# Then choose your favorite ticket number N and "P.test_a_ticket(N)"

It is important that the sage sources in sage-main are in their initial state when running the patchbot.