Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2007-12-01 04:55:48
Size: 1070
Editor: joshkantor
Revision 9 as of 2007-12-01 16:18:54
Size: 1025
Editor: was
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 * The base version of SAGE we'll start with is 2.8.15.    * These are the main bugs we'll be working on.  * The base version of SAGE we'll start with is '''2.8.14'''.

SAGE Bug Squash Day 6

The event will take place on SATURDAY, December 1, 2007 and officially start at 9 am pacific standard time.

Remember the "Twisted Rule" -- Don't work on anything unless there is a trac ticket for it.

  • The base version of SAGE we'll start with is 2.8.14.

  • [:bug6/status:STATUS]
  • [:bug6/irc:IRC log]

  • ["/Results"]
  • Write to [email protected] for an account on the bug tracker.

  • We'll all be on #sage-devel at irc.freenode.net.

From Linux you can chat via a text console by installing "irssi", running it, and typing
  /SERVER add irc.freenode.net
  /SERVER irc.freenode.net
  /join #sage-devel

Participants (with area they would like to work on)

  1. Michael Abshoff (Solaris port, build issues in general)
  2. William Stein
  3. David Harvey --- yeah I'll probably be there, just tackling random bugs
  4. Mike Hansen
  5. Craig Citro (after 1PM)
  6. Josh Kantor -ATLAS issues.

A mugshot of a Sage bug


bug/06 (last edited 2017-02-02 17:49:51 by mrennekamp)