These animations were drawn by Sage.

The witch of Maria Agnesi


by Marshall Hampton

xtreme = 4.1
myaxes = line([[-xtreme,0],[xtreme,0]],rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
myaxes = myaxes + line([[0,-1],[0,2.1]],rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
a = 1.0
t = var('t')
npi = RDF(pi)
def agnesi(theta):
    mac = circle((0,a),a,rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    maL = line([[-xtreme,2*a],[xtreme,2*a]])
    maL2 = line([[0,0],[2*a*cot(theta),2*a]])
    p1 = [2*a*cot(theta),2*a*sin(theta)^2]
    p2 = [2*a*cot(theta)-cot(theta)*(2*a-2*a*sin(theta)^2),2*a*sin(theta)^2]
    maL3 = line([p2,p1,[2*a*cot(theta),2*a]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0))
    map1 = point(p1)
    map2 = point(p2)
    am = line([[-.05,a],[.05,a]], rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    at = text('a',[-.1,a], rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    yt = text('y',[0,2.2], rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    xt = text('x',[xtreme + .1,-.1], rgbcolor = (0,0,0))
    matext = at+yt+xt
    ma = mac+myaxes+maL+am+matext+maL2+map1+maL3+map2
    return ma

def witchy(theta):
    ma = agnesi(theta)
    agplot = parametric_plot([2*a*cot(t),2*a*sin(t)^2],[t,.001,theta], rgbcolor = (1,0,1))
    return ma+agplot

a2 = animate([witchy(i) for i in srange(.1,npi-.1,npi/60)]+[witchy(i) for i in srange(npi-.1,.1,-npi/60)], xmin = -3, xmax = 3, ymin = 0, ymax = 2.3, figsize = [6,2.3], axes = False)

The Tamer and the Lion by Provencal and Labbe

A tamer wants to escape within a circle without being eaten by a lion who lives on the circle. The speed of the lion is 4 times that of the tamer. How can the tamer escape? There is a nice and clever solution in 2d, but does the naive solution where the tamer always moves oppositely to the lion works? In November 2009, Sage and a small script written by Xavier Provençal and Sébastien Labbé in Montpellier answers the question.


To create the above animation, download tamer.sage and type

sage: load tamer.sage
sage: l = range(0,1200,10)
sage: a = anime(l)
sage: a
Animation with 120 frames
sage: show(a)

A hypotrochoid animation by Dean Moore

Hypotrochoid. Written by Dean Moore, February 2008,_r_equals_2,_d=3.gif

 x-coordinate: x = (R - r)*cos(t) + d*cos(((R - r)/r)*t)                       
 y-coordinate: y = (R - r)*sin(t) - d*sin(((R - r)/r)*t)                       

 x = (R + r)*cos(t) - d*cos(((R + r)/r)*t)                                                          
 y = (R + r)*sin(t) - d*sin(((R + r)/r)*t)                                     

To draw different graphs, vary that parameters *R* (fixed circle's radius), *r* (rotating circle's radius), and *d* (length of "bar" from rotating circle), below; other parameters may be tweaked at will.

Of some note, the *epitrochoid* is the "epicycle" curve of Ptolemaic system astronomy; one project is to animate some of the Ptolemaic system, but this is for the future.

Program commences:

#       Copyright (C) 2007 Dean Moore < [email protected] >
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# Parameters that define the image:

R = 5   # Fixed circle's radius.
r = 3   # Rotating circle's radius, rotates about fixed circle's radius; make
        # this negative to place rotating circle on outside.
d = 5   # Length of the "bar" extending from the center of the rotating circle.

step = 0.025    # Size of "step" in below loops; the smaller the step, the more
                # "frames" in the final "movie" & the better the image, but the
                # slower the program runs -- and the more bytes to the image.

figuresize = 4  # A constant, regulates size of final picture

delayBetweenImages = 0 # A constant, delay between images in final "movie."

colorOfFixedCircle    = (0, 0, 1) # Colors of final image,
colorOfRotatingCircle = (0, 1, 0) # all described by
colorOfCenterPoint    = (0, 0, 0) # names.
colorOfBar            = (0, 0, 0)
colorOfCurve          = (1, 0, 0)

thicknessOfFixedCircle            =  1   # Thickness of "fixed" circle that never moves.
thicknessOfRotatingCircle         =  1   # Thickness of circle that rotates.
thicknessOfCenterOfRotatingCircle = 15   # Size of small circle's center.
thicknessOfBar                    =  1   # Thickness of "bar" from rotating circle.
penSize                           = 10   # Size of "pen" at end of the "bar."
thicknessOfCurve                  =  0.5 # Thickness of final curve, really a lot of line segments.

# End of parameters user can realistically vary.

origin = (0, 0) # Maybe irrelevant, but NO MAGIC NUMBERS!!  See
                # < >.
                # Comes from my days as a C/C++ programmer.

# Graphic parameters, defined here:

L = Graphics() # Graphics for the curve -- really a lot of segments of straight
               # lines.  If the image looks choppy, drop variable *step* above.

v = []         # Holds the curve from *L*, later converted to variable *curve*.

# More parameters, all of which are defined by earlier parameters:

rDiff = (R-r)              # The rotating circle may exceed fixed circle;
                           # values may be negative, so we may have a
                           # negative value.  We use this so much, we give
                           # it a name.

sizeOfGraph = max(R, abs(r) + abs(d), abs(R) - (r) + abs(d)) # Big as it can get -- may be
                                                             # a liberal estimate.

circle2PI = (abs(rDiff)/r).denom() # Number of rotations about 2*pi.  It
                                   # takes a bit of thought, but see the above
                                   # parametric equations.  An example is best:
                                   # picture R=8, r=6.  We have
                                   # (rDiff)/r = (8-6)/6 = 2/6 = 1/3, reduced. For
                                   # the argument *((rDiff)/r)t* to get back to 2*pi
                                   # (i.e., zero) in cos(((R - r)/r)t) & sin(((R - r)/r)t),
                                   # we need to go 2*(3*pi).  A pen & paper & some
                                   # scribbling makes this easy, be it this not
                                   # clear.  The *abs* is probably irrelevant.

limit =  ceil(2*circle2PI/step)    # Loop about circle this many times, by *step*.
                                   # Parameter *circle2PI* never is again used.  Factor
                                   # of 2 is unavoidable, circle 2*pi; see below loops.

First: I use the same trig functions, over an over again. Why re-invent the wheel & waste computer time? Put the needed trig functions in arrays & "recycle" them as needed.

sin1 = [ 0 for i in range(limit) ] # First
sin2 = [ 0 for i in range(limit) ] # define
cos1 = [ 0 for i in range(limit) ] # arrays, ...
cos2 = [ 0 for i in range(limit) ]

increment = 0 # Adding a bunch of numbers is more efficient than multiplying
              # *i*pi*step, but it is a trivial difference.

multiplier = pi*rDiff/r # Efficiency!  Don't repeat the same math
                        # countless times.

for i in srange(limit): # Note above definition of parameter *limit*, the
                        # factor of 2, and the below trig functions.  All
                        # this program's loops go *limit*.

    sin1[i] = sin(increment*pi)         # Now fill
    cos1[i] = cos(increment*pi)         # arrays
    sin2[i] = sin(increment*multiplier) # with our trig
    cos2[i] = cos(increment*multiplier) # functions.

    increment += step                   # End *i*-loop.

The next are described by names, but a few notes:

I animated it, as that makes it appear in all frames. It never moves.

circle at *rDiff* from the edge of the fixed circle; its radius is *r*, and it rotates about the fixed circle a total of *circle2PI* times. Find any internet reference on these curves to see it.

a clear center.

that follows its rotation around the fixed circle. It always emanates from the same center as *fixedCircle*, -- see *fixedCircle* documentation, above -- and its terminal point comes from the parametric equation of a hypotrochoid (top).

of the same color as the final curve. Note it is at the same point as the terminal point of the "bar."

fixedCircle     = animate([circle(origin, R,          # Centered at origin, radius *R*.
                           thickness = thicknessOfFixedCircle)
                           for i in srange(limit)            # Animating loop.
                           xmin=-sizeOfGraph, ymin=-sizeOfGraph,
                           xmax= sizeOfGraph, ymax= sizeOfGraph,
                           figsize=[figuresize, figuresize])

rotatingCircle  = animate([circle((rDiff*cos1[i],rDiff*sin1[i]), r, # Note center, radius *r*
                           thickness = thicknessOfRotatingCircle,
                           for i in srange(limit)        # Animating loop
                           xmin=-sizeOfGraph, ymin=-sizeOfGraph,
                           xmax= sizeOfGraph, ymax= sizeOfGraph,

centerPoints    = animate([point((rDiff*cos1[i],rDiff*sin1[i]), # Center of *fixedCircle*.
                           for i in srange(limit)                      # Animating loop
                           xmin=-sizeOfGraph, ymin=-sizeOfGraph,
                           xmax= sizeOfGraph, ymax= sizeOfGraph,

bar             = animate(line([(rDiff*cos1[i], rDiff*sin1[i]), # Starts here, and ...
                                (d*cos2[i] + rDiff*cos1[i],     # Ends at
                                  rDiff*sin1[i] - d*sin2[i])    # this point.
                           thickness = thicknessOfBar,
                           for i in srange(limit))               # Animating loop

pointAtPen      = animate([point((d*cos2[i]+rDiff*cos1[i],     # End of pen, same x & y
                                 (rDiff)*sin1[i] - d*sin2[i]), # coordinates as endpoints of *bar*
                           for i in srange(limit)                   # Animating loop
                           xmin=-sizeOfGraph, ymin=-sizeOfGraph,
                           xmax= sizeOfGraph, ymax= sizeOfGraph,

# Prepare to draw the curve; we use four "important" variables: x0, x1, y0 & y1;
# the line segment goes from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1):

x0 = rDiff + d     # Initial values of these variables; bumped up at bottom
                   # of next loop -- see a graph or look at parametric equations
                   # at zero to understand why it has this value.

y0 = 0             # The "pen" out the small circle starts at this (x0, y0).

# Now to compute the curve, in the next loop.  Starts at zero, even if
# this seems to make the first a junk computation; otherwise the output
# looks weird:

for i in srange(limit): # Parameter *circle2PI* is number of times we rotate
                        # the "fixed" circle; limit=2*circle2PI; see above
                        # documentation.

    x1 = rDiff*cos1[i] + d*cos2[i]   # Initial, starting point of
                                    # the line; see parametric
                                    # equations.

    y1 = rDiff*sin1[i] - d*sin2[i] # Again, see the parametric
                                  # equation at top.
    # Now make the line:

    L += line([(x0, y0),(x1, y1)], rgbcolor = colorOfCurve , thickness=thicknessOfCurve)

    L.xmin(-sizeOfGraph)  # Some nonsense
    L.ymin(-sizeOfGraph)  # that needs done.
    L.xmax( sizeOfGraph)
    L.ymax( sizeOfGraph)

    x0 = x1 # Bump up these variables, start of
    y0 = y1 # next line segment is end of last.

    v.append(L) # *** End of loop ***
               # Stash curve *L* in the variable *v*.

curve = animate(v) # Animate the curve, and ...

# Show the entire "movie":

(fixedCircle + rotatingCircle + pointAtPen + bar + centerPoints + curve).show(delay=delayBetweenImages)

We've shown the final image; done with program.

A simpler hypotrochoid

The following animates a hypotrochoid much to the same effect as the previous script, but much more concisely.

import operator

# The colors for various elements of the plot:
class color:
    stylus = (1, 0, 0)
    outer  = (.8, .8, .8)
    inner  = (0, 0, 1)
    plot   = (0, 0, 0)
    center = (0, 0, 0)
    tip    = (1, 0, 0)
# and the corresponding line weights:
class weight:
    stylus = 1
    outer  = 1
    inner  = 1
    plot   = 1
    center = 5
    tip    = 5

scale = 1            # The scale of the image
animation_delay = .1 # The delay between frames, in seconds

# Starting and ending t values
t_i = 0
t_f = 2*pi
# The t values of the animation frames
tvals = srange(t_i, t_f, (t_f-t_i)/60)

r_o = 8 # Outer circle radius
r_i = 2 # Inner circle radius
r_s = 3 # Stylus radius

# Coordinates of the center of the inner circle
x_c = lambda t: (r_o - r_i)*cos(t)
y_c = lambda t: (r_o - r_i)*sin(t)

# Parametric coordinates for the plot
x = lambda t: x_c(t) + r_s*cos(t*(r_o/r_i))
y = lambda t: y_c(t) - r_s*sin(t*(r_o/r_i))

# Maximum x and y values of the plot
x_max = r_o - r_i + r_s
y_max = find_maximum_on_interval(y, t_i, t_f)[0]

# The plots of the individual elements. Order is important; plots
# are stacked from bottom to top as they appear.
elements = (
    # The outer circle
    lambda t_f: circle((0, 0),               r_o, rgbcolor=color.outer, thickness=weight.outer),
    # The plot itself
    lambda t_f: parametric_plot((x, y), t_i, t_f, rgbcolor=color.plot,  thickness=weight.plot),
    # The inner circle
    lambda t_f: circle((x_c(t_f), y_c(t_f)), r_i, rgbcolor=color.inner, thickness=weight.inner),
    # The inner circle's center
    lambda t_f: point((x_c(t_f), y_c(t_f)),,,
    # The stylus
    lambda t_f: line([(x_c(t_f), y_c(t_f)), (x(t_f), y(t_f))], rgbcolor=color.stylus, thickness=weight.stylus),
    # The stylus' tip
    lambda t_f: point((x_c(t_f), y_c(t_f)),       rgbcolor=color.tip,   pointsize=weight.tip),

# Create the plots and animate them. The animate function renders an
# animated gif from the frames provided as its first argument.
# Though avid python programmers will find the syntax clear, an
# explanation is provided for novices.
animation = animate([sum(f(t) for f in elements)
                     for t in tvals],
                    xmin=-x_max, xmax=x_max,
                    ymin=-y_max, ymax=y_max,
                    figsize=(x_max*scale, y_max*scale * y_max/x_max))

# The previous could be expressed more pedagogically as follows:
#   Evaluate each function in the elements array for the provided t
#   value:
#     plots = lambda t: f(t) for f in elements
#   Join a group of plots together to form a single plot:
#     def join_plots(plots):
#         result = plots[0]
#         for plot in plots[1:]:
#             result += plot
#         return result
#   or
#     join_plots = sum
#   Create an array of plots, one for each provided t value:
#     frames = [join_plots(plots(t)) for t in tvals]
#   Finally, animate the frames:
#     animation = animate(frames)