Differences between revisions 98 and 104 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 98 as of 2011-12-21 16:14:06
Size: 13415
Editor: johanbosman
Revision 104 as of 2012-01-05 11:34:42
Size: 13655
Editor: mstreng
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Patches with positive review:  * Patches with positive review or closed tickets:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11319|#11319]] Cannot create homomorphism from prime residue field to finite field (positive review)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11417|#11417]] binomial of polynomial is not polynomial
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11673|#11673]] is_unit not properly implemented for algebraic integers
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11838|#11838]] Multivariate factorization over non-prime finite fields hangs (positive review)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12156|#12156]] Pretty print LatexExpr directly (positive_review)
Line 180: Line 185:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11838|#11838]] Multivariate factorization over non-prime finite fields hangs (positive review)     * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12182|#12182]] Calculate the trace dual of an order in a number field
Line 182: Line 187:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12156|#12156]] Pretty print LatexExpr directly (positive_review)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11319|#11319]] Cannot create homomorphism from prime residue field to finite field (positive review)
Line 185: Line 188:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12182|#12182]] Calculate the trace dual of an order in a number field
Line 187: Line 189:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11673|#11673]] is_unit not properly implemented for algebraic integers (needs review)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12185|#12185]] Bug in norm for orders of relative number fields (needs review)
Line 190: Line 190:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11417|#11417]] binomial of polynomial is not polynomial (needs review). Johan is reviewing this.
Line 192: Line 191:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12218|#12218]] Content of general polynomial (needs review)
Line 194: Line 194:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11235|#11235]] Make the ipython edit magic command edit the right file and show both files when doing "??" (needs work)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11930|#11930]] Function to check if hyperelliptic curve is singular in the sense of hyperelliptic curves (needs work)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12179|#12179]] Binomial of integer (mod n) returns integer (needs work)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12185|#12185]] Bug in norm for orders of relative number fields (needs info)
Line 195: Line 199:
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12179|#12179]] Binomial of integer (mod n) returns integer (needs work)
    * [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11930|#11930]] Function to check if hyperelliptic curve is singular in the sense of hyperelliptic curves (needs work)


Please feel free to add more

Put flint2 into Sage

Switch some of the /eclib/mwrank code to use flint2, and upgrade the eclib spkg in Sage

  • People: John C., David H., Martin R., Maarten D., Flint developers
  • Sage has a rather old version of eclib in it. It should be easy to upgrade the spkg. DONE: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10993 is ready for review -- in fact has just received a positive review!

Help the Singular developers make better use of flint2

  • People: Martin L., Simon K., Burcin E., Flint developers

Updated my (mlee) experimental interface from Flint2 to Singular, to make use of the new polynomial factorization over Z/p. This sped up some of Singular's tests by a factor of 2 (compared to the regular Singular which uses NTL). However there are still some issues related to maybe mpir and/or the lack of a half gcd in Flint2 which need to be investaged.

You can have a look at the Singular FLINT interface here: https://github.com/mmklee/Sources/wiki/Singular-With-Flint2. And hopefully this will be extended soon (use FLINT multiplication, division etc. during multivariate polynomial factorization)

In the near future it would be great if FLINT supported:

  • asymptotically fast GCD for Z[x]
  • build system improvements
    • version number in header file (to help auto* decide if we have the right version)

To replace NTL completely, we need:

  • factorization over Z[x]
  • factorization over GF(p^k)[x]
  • LLL

--(Linear algebra mod p, for log_2 p = 64)--

  • People: Martin A.

Flint2 has an implementation for asymptotically fast linear algebra mod p for p up to 2^64. I (malb) am curious whether it can be improved using ideas inspired by M4RIE, i.e., replace multiplications by additions using pre-computation tables. Whether this is beneficial will depend on how much slower multiplication is than additions.

Update (2011-12-15 10:57): It seems the difference between scalar multiplication and addition is too small for these tricks to make sense.

Update (2011-12-20 11:10): Okay, project cancelled, none of the tricks I could think of make sense.

#include <flint.h>
#include <nmod_mat.h>
#include <profiler.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "cpucycles-20060326/cpucycles.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  nmod_mat_t A,B,C;
  flint_rand_t state;
  unsigned long long cc0 = 0, cc1 = 0;
  unsigned long i,j;

  unsigned long long p = 4294967311ULL;


  nmod_mat_init(A, 2000, 2000, p);
  nmod_mat_init(C, 2000, 2000, p);
  nmod_mat_randfull(A, state);

  cc0 = cpucycles();
  nmod_mat_scalar_mul(C, A, 14234);
  cc0 = cpucycles() - cc0;
  printf("scalar multiplication: %llu\n",cc0);

  cc1 = cpucycles();
  for (i = 0; i < A->r; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < A->c; j++) {
      C->rows[i][j] =  A->rows[i][j] + A->rows[i][j];
  cc1 = cpucycles() - cc1;
  printf("addition: %llu\n",cc1);

  printf("ratio: %lf\n",((double)cc0)/(double)cc1);

  return 0;

Gives a ratio of about 4.5. But then, some of it is due to load/store times, so it might still make sense to try.

Linear algebra mod p^n, for log_2 p small-ish

  • People: Martin A., Simon K., Johan B., Burcin E.

Linear algebra over GF(pk) can be reduced to linear algebra over GF(p) and for GF(2k) the performance is very nice. Hence, it would be a good project to develop some somewhat generic infrastructure for dense matrices over GF(p^k), or even *any* extension field? The natural place to put this would be LinBox but perhaps we can start stand-alone and then integrate it with LinBox if LinBox is too scary to start with. Some references (concerning prime slicing) are given at trac ticket #12177

  • #12177 contains an experimental patch implementing templated matrix classes with the polynomial with matrix coefficients representation. The patch also implements naive and toom multiplication of matrices over GF(p^k) using FFLAS.

Some timings:

p = 17, n = 2000

k  magma        naive   toom
2    2.620      4.51     4.39
3   17.900      10.25    7.32
4   54.320      19.35   10.11
5   33.480      28.80   13.07
6   50.120      44.75   15.93
7   46.860      56.35   19.12
8   71.590      81.65   22.04
9   79.580

- magma timings are on a different machine with similar performance

BKZ 2.0

  • People: Martin A., Andy N.

At AsiaCrypt 2011 Chen and Nguyen presented their new BKZ implementation which is much much more efficient than that in NTL. As far as I understand, the main improvements are due to "extreme pruning" as presented in a paper at EuroCrypt 2010 and perhaps careful parameter choice. As far as I understand, they do not plan to make their code available. I don't know how much work it would be, but perhaps it would be a nice idea to patch NTL's BKZ to include extreme pruning and/or to port it to Flint2?

Improve polynomial factoring mod p in flint2

  • People: Fredrik J., Andy N., David H.

The Cantor-Zassenhaus implementation in the flint2 nmod_poly module could be optimized:

  • Make exponentiation faster by precomputing a Newton inverse of the modulus
  • Use sliding window exponentiation
  • Use the von zur Gathen / Shoup algorithm (adapt the fast power series composition code for modular composition)

Modular forms code in Sage

  • People: David L., John C., Jan V., Frithjof, Johan B., Maarten D., Martin R., Simon K.
  • review patches
    • #5048: Johan B. has done this one. (reviewed positivly)

    • #11601: depends on #5048; now rebased; Johan working on this. Done. (reviewed positivly)

    • #10546: depends on #11601; Jan V to take a look (reviewed positivly)

    • #12043: DL to work on this (needs review)

    • #10658: Martin R and Frithjof will have a look at this (reviewed positivly)

    • #12124: Martin R and Frithjof will have a look at this (reviewed positivly)

  • Start working towards putting Edixhoven's algorithm into Sage. The meta-ticket for this is #12132.

    • Implement the upper half plane: #9439

    • Add a LLL for matrices over QQ and RR: #12501. Andy Novocin proposed some other methods to use LLL to handle Johan's problem.

Open MP and FLINT

  • People: David H., Fredrik J., Bogdan B., Julian R.,

Miscellaneous Sage Algebra and Number Theory patches

  • People: Francis C., Monique v B., Florian B., Sam S., Michiel K, Bogdan B., Colton, Jan, Marco S., Paul Z., Johan B., Daniel B.
  • Patches with positive review or closed tickets:
    • #11319 Cannot create homomorphism from prime residue field to finite field (positive review)

    • #11417 binomial of polynomial is not polynomial

    • #11673 is_unit not properly implemented for algebraic integers

    • #11838 Multivariate factorization over non-prime finite fields hangs (positive review)

    • #12156 Pretty print LatexExpr directly (positive_review)

    • #12176 Compute Minkowski bound for relative number fields (positive review)

    • #12182 Calculate the trace dual of an order in a number field

    • #12183 Absolute and relative norm functions for number field elements (positive review)

    • #12196 Improve latex for quadratic fields (positive review)

  • Patches needing review:
    • #12186 Faster norm calculations (needs review).

    • #12210 GF(p) constructor should check primality of p only once (needs review)

    • #12218 Content of general polynomial (needs review)

  • Patches needing work or info:
    • #4283 A Speed-up Patch for NTL's ZZXFactoring.c (needs work)

    • #11235 Make the ipython edit magic command edit the right file and show both files when doing "??" (needs work)

    • #11930 Function to check if hyperelliptic curve is singular in the sense of hyperelliptic curves (needs work)

    • #12179 Binomial of integer (mod n) returns integer (needs work)

    • #12185 Bug in norm for orders of relative number fields (needs info)

    • #12191 is_squarefree for integer polynomials (needs info)

Simon and ComputeL GP scripts

Elliptic curve isogenies

  • People: Kimi T., John C., François Morain., Monique v B., Özge Ç., Marco S.

  • Sage has a fast implementation of l-isogenies for l=2,3,5,7,13 (for which X_0(l) has genus zero). Kimi has a similarly fast algorithm for those l for which X_0(l) is hyperelliptic (l up to 71), implemented in Sage, which need to be made into a patch for Sage.

Mestre's algorithm for constructing hyperelliptic curves from their invariants

  • People: Florian B., Marco S., Lassina D.
  • Trac ticket: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6341.

  • Florian has code for Mestre's algorithm, make this into a patch
  • Florian has code for the covariant z_0, put that in the same patch
  • The two above has been put in a patch on #6341. Needs reviewing
  • Code for covariant z is not written, write that (optional), reference for the invariant: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~masgaj/papers/redp1.pdf

  • Reduction of points for SL_2 is also needed. It is
    • easy for QQ, put that in the patch as well
    • very interesting for number fields: Hilbert fundamental domain, bad code that works surprisingly well (Marco), improve that (optional)

    As a side effect, implementation of reducing the defining polynomial of hyperelliptic curves #12204 Need review

Tate's Algorithm over function fields

  • People: Frithjof S, John C., Marco S., Julian R.

There is a Magma implementation based on John's number field implementation here.

Fix some memory leak that was found using elliptic curves

  • People: Simon K., Jean-Pierre F., Paul Z.

The solution is to use weak references for caching homsets. Little problem: Up to now, it was possible to have category objects that are no instances of CategoryObject and thus do not support weak references. But people seem to agree that this should be strongly deprecated. #11521 needs review!

The topic is also related with #715, which proposes to use weak references for the coerce map cache. The problem is that the cache uses a special hand-made dictionary (for efficiency), and so we have no simple drop-in replacement such as WeakKeyDictionary.

Implement finite algebras

  • People: Johan B., Michiel K.

The trac ticket for this is 12141.

  • People: Jeroen D.
  • #12203: Implement is_PariGpElement

  • #12158: Segfault in PARI's err_init() during pari_init_opts(): positive_review

  • #9948: Conversion between p-adics and PARI/GP

SageFlintDays/projects (last edited 2012-02-06 10:39:37 by mstreng)