Step by step tutorial on how to use PARI/GP development version in Sage

This tutorial explains how to use a PARI/GP development version inside Sage.


  1. We assume that your PARI/GP source code is at $PARI_ROOT
  2. You need to use a version of Sage compiled from source located at $SAGE_ROOT


  1. Download the script

  2. Do

    $ cd $PARI_ROOT
    $ sage -sh                # starts Sage environment
    $ source    # reading
    $ pari_set_environment    # setting properly environment variables for compilation
    $ pari_build              # building pari
    $ pari_install            # installing pari
  3. Recompile cysignals

    $ sage -f cysignals       # recompile cysignals (to be linked correctly against pari)
  4. Compile the last version of cypari

    $ sage -pip install git+
  5. Recompile what needs to be

    $ sage -br

Procedure to restore the standard PARI package in Sage

  1. $ sage -f pari
    $ sage -f cysignals
    $ sage -f cypari
    $ sage -br