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Revision 22 as of 2009-11-02 09:46:57
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== What goes wrong in the SAGE notebook interface for secondary school (need of a "Lycee interface") == == What goes wrong in the SAGE notebook interface for secondary school usage ==
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   * the algebra under polynoms must be cached. QQbar, Number fields must stay in backend;
   * the namespace is huge (a general problem of SAGE).
   * the algebra under polynoms must be hided. QQbar, Number fields must stay in backend;
   * the namespace is huge (a general problem of SAGE)
   * the help on elementary functions is not well adapted
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Supplementary questions:
   * do a french translation of commmands ?
   * is there some interactive geometry ?
   * do a french translation of commmands (?)
   * write some help files
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   * second degree polynom [1e S]
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   * second degree polynom [1e S]
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   * elementary graph theory [Tale ES]
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   * demo file for polynoms at    * demo file for polynoms at (in french) or at (in english)
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In the current version, what is available at initialization : What will be available at initialization :

What goes wrong in the SAGE notebook interface for secondary school usage

Some of (nice) sage features are not well adapted at an elementary level. In particular:

  • the oriented object syntax must be avoided: a student who see for the first time functions and derivation won't be able to understand f.derive(). The interface must be intuitive from the mathematic *standard* syntax point of vue;
  • the algebra under polynoms must be hided. QQbar, Number fields must stay in backend;
  • the namespace is huge (a general problem of SAGE)
  • the help on elementary functions is not well adapted


  • do a french translation of commmands (?)
  • write some help files

program of secondary school in France

In bracket are the corresponding levels.

  • second degree polynom [1e S]
  • sequences in particular recursive ones [1e S]
  • sequences and approximations : pi, e, sqrt(2), ... [1e S]
  • continuity and derivation [Tale S]
  • functions study and graphics [Ta1e S]
  • integration[Tale S]
  • elementary graph theory [Tale ES]

Lycee interface

The sage lycee interface will be based on sage-4.2 (latest version on the 31rd of October). There is a running notebook server at : and the corresponding applied patch is at: http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/~delecroi/lycee-vd.patch

For a quick overview:

What will be available at initialization :

Variables and numbers

  • t,x,y,z : are variables (in fact element of polynomial ring over QQ)
  • var : use it to create new variables. var('t1,t2,t3') will create three variables in the global namespace.
  • i, I : the well known complex number
  • e, pi : well known real numbers

Rings and fields:

  • ZZ, QQ, RR, CC : the integers, rationals, reals and complex (there are also more complicated Zmod, Zp, Qp, RDF, CDF, ...)
  • real_part, imag_part : real and imaginary part of a complex


  • cos, sin, tan, arcos, ... : trigo
  • cosh, sinh, arctanh, ... : hyperbolic trigo
  • sqrt : the square root function
  • log, exp : logarithm in any base and exponential

Dealing with polynoms:

  • roots : compute the roots of a polynom (just a messy "def roots(p): return p.roots")
  • derivative, integerate : compute the derivative and primitive
  • factor : performs a factorization


  • plot : plot functions or anyobject
  • point, points, point2d : plot points
  • line2d : lines
  • text : some text (could have some latex expression between two '$')
  • show : show a graphic object


  • is_prime, gcd, lcm : standard arithmetic functions
  • factor
  • % : the modulo operator (rest of the euclidean division)
  • Zmod(n) : the ring of integers modulo n


There is still a lot of problems:

  • clearing the namespace causes some crashes (there are some general memory initialization). I make research to do it properly. For now, I use a "do it, if it works it's good" method.
  • sqrt(n) (log(n), exp(n), ...) returns a symbolic expression which does not evaluate correctly as boolean expression.
  • help topics in the rest documentation
  • latex rendering in plot is not easy to have : sage: text("$" + latex(my_object) + "$", (0,0)). Is there a better way ?

  • latex "bug" for rational fractions : http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/9d58693356e11947 and the corresponding (minor) trac ticket http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7363

Calendar TODO (mi2010)

  • contacter des enseignants pour la conception de l'interface lycée.
  • contacter des enseignants pour la conception d'ateliers pratiques tests
  • régler le problème des machines pour les ateliers pratiques
  • prévoir le spam général (depuis les listes du rectorat) pour les alentours du 10 Décembre

Programme (provisoire) (mi2010)

10h Présentation du logiciel Sage (qui ? ) D'où est parti le projet ? Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel libre ? Son modèle de développement.

10h30 Premiers pas avec Sage avec "l'interface lycée" les feuilles de travail langage de programmation (~python) utilisation client serveur le partage des feuilles et un exemple de feuille de travail

11H30 Exposé de recherche en s'appuyant sur Sage (Arnoux sur le fractal de Rauzy ?)

14h Ateliers pratiques (propositions de TP à différents niveaux (terminale S et prépa) proposer l'installation des TPs modèles ouvrir un appel à demande de TP pour les profs de lycées (Anne C.) Des gens prêt à réaliser des TP

16h Table ronde: quelle place pour Sage dans l'éducation ? chercheurs + développeurs + enseignants secondaires

17h30 Fin (apéro)

MathsAuLycee (last edited 2017-02-05 17:47:03 by mrennekamp)