Differences between revisions 33 and 81 (spanning 48 versions)
Revision 33 as of 2016-01-21 18:10:50
Size: 5876
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Add more info about Linux packaging: arch-linux, Fedora, RPM
Revision 81 as of 2021-05-02 17:41:02
Size: 9454
Editor: tmonteil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Question mark means that the information is not confirmed, please edit if you know more. Question mark means that the information is not confirmed, please edit if you know more... and '''note the date of your update''' so that current and stale information can be distinguished.
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Line 14: Line 16:
  * purpose: webserver wher users can get support
  * hosted at: Ohio State University (Niles Johnson's university)
  * technology used: ubuntu, nginx, uwsgi, postgesql, askbot
  * resources needed: database on a separate VM, 2GB RAM, 10GB disk
  * admin: niles, tmonteil, vedlecroix, slelievre, kcrisman, mhansen
  * purpose: webserver where users can get support
  * hosted at: [[https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|LIPN (CS lab)]], University Paris North (Villetaneuse)
Line 20: Line 19:
  * url: https://ask.sagemath.org
  * admin: tmonteil
  * local sage dev: tmonteil
  * technology used: unprivileged LXC, debian, nginx, uwsgi, postgesql, askbot
  * issues : upgrade askbot to further versions is pretty painful (broken database migration scripts)
  * formerly hosted at: [[https://www.osu.edu/|Ohio State University]] (thanks !)
    * resources needed: database on a separate VM, 2GB RAM, 10GB disk
    * admin: niles, tmonteil
    * local tech contact: David Alden, Josh Carroll
    * technology used: ubuntu, nginx, uwsgi, postgesql, askbot
    * there are two machines : ask-sagemath and ask-sagemath-db
Line 21: Line 31:
== cloud.sagemath.com ==
  * what: a cloud service for computation and collaboration
  * operated by: Sagemath, Inc
  * url: http://cloud.sagemath.com
Line 26: Line 32:
== build.sagemath.org ==
  * purpose: distribute and gathers automatic binary building on volunteer's machines
  * hosted at: ?UW?
  * technology used: ubuntu, nginx: see [[buildbot]] for more details
  * resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  * admin: ??
  * contact: ??
== backup ==
  * purpose: keep the data of various services in a separate place
  * hosted at: [[https://www.math.u-psud.fr/?lang=fr|Mathematics lab]], Université Paris Sud (Orsay)
  * technology used: debian, rsync, cron
  * resources needed: 1TB disk
  * admin: tmonteil, slelievre
  * local sage dev: slelievre
  * local tech contact: Mathilde Rousseau
  * currently keeping a daily backup of https://ask.sagemath.org
Line 34: Line 42:
== doc.sagemath.org planet.sagemath.org www.sagemath.org ==
== doc.sagemath.org, planet.sagemath.org, www.sagemath.org ==
Line 41: Line 50:
  * url: https://doc.sagemath.org https://planet.sagemath.org https://www.sagemath.org
Line 42: Line 52:
== files.sagemath.org, old.files.sagemath.org == == files.sagemath.org, fileserver.sagemath.org, old.files.sagemath.org ==
Line 50: Line 60:
  * url: http://files.sagemath.org http://fileserver.sagemath.org http://old.files.sagemath.org
Line 51: Line 62:
== git.sagemath.org and trac.sagemath.org == == git.sagemath.org, trac.sagemath.org ==
Line 53: Line 64:
  * hosted at: ?UW?   * hosted at: google ?
Line 56: Line 67:
  * admin: ?
  * contact: ?
  * admin: people with root access: kclawson, ohanar, vbraun, mderickx, robertwb, wstein, dimpase
  * contact: no real organisation yet, go to sage-devel
  * url: https://git.sagemath.org https://trac.sagemath.org

== GitHub organization for SageMath ==
  * url: https://github.com/sagemath
  * admin: schilly, vbraun

== GitLab organization for SageMath ==

  * url: https://gitlab.com/sagemath
  * admin: embray, jrueth

== build.sagemath.org ==
  * purpose: distribute and gathers automatic binary building on volunteer's machines
  * hosted at: University of Washington
  * technology used: ubuntu, nginx: see [[buildbot]] for more details
  * resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  * admin: ??
  * contact: ??
  * url: http://build.sagemath.org
Line 61: Line 91:
  * hosted at: ?UW?
  * technology used: centos, custom flask, mongodb, see [[buildbot]] for more details
  * resources needed: Minimal CPU, RAM. ~25GB disk.
  * admin: robertwb, chapoton
  * contact: robertwb, chapoton

== Packaging for Linux ==

=== arch-linux package ===
  * purpose: easy-to-install arch-linux package
  * maintainer: Antonio Rojas
  * hosted at: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/sagemath/

=== Fedora package ===
  * purpose: easy-to-install Fedora package
  * maintainer: Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade (pcpa)
  * hosted at: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/sagemath
  * other link: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/SciTech/SAGE

=== RPM package ===
  * what: links to sagemath packages for the rpm package manager (Fedora, Mandriva)
  * hosted at: http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=sagemath

=== Ubuntu PPA ===
  * purpose: easy-to-install Ubuntu .deb packages
  * hosted at: launchpad.net
  * admins: pipedream
  * contact: https://launchpad.net/~aims/+archive/ubuntu/sagemath
  * hosted at: [[https://irma.math.unistra.fr/|IRMA]], [[http://www.unistra.fr|Université de Strasbourg]]
  * technology used: ubuntu, nginx, uwsgi, flask, mongodb, see [[patchbot]] for more details
  * application source code: https://github.com/sagemath/sage-patchbot
  * resources needed: Minimal CPU, RAM. ~50GB disk.
  * admin: chapoton, tmonteil
  * root access: chapoton, tmonteil
  * contact: chapoton, tmonteil
  * local sage dev: chapoton
  * local tech contact: Alain Sartout
  * url: https://patchbot.sagemath.org
Line 92: Line 104:
  * hosted at: UW   * hosted at: University of Washington
Line 96: Line 108:
     * RAM 2-3 gb (mostly for caching when calculating hashes)      * RAM 2-3 GB (mostly for caching when calculating hashes)
Line 98: Line 110:
  * admins: schilly   * admin: schilly
Line 100: Line 112:
  * url: http://rsync.sagemath.org

== sageb0t ==
  * purpose: turn pull requests on !GitHub into trac tickets
  * contact: robertwb
Line 104: Line 121:
    * Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt, Germany)
    * Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
    * [[Goethe-Universität|www.uni-frankfurt.de]] (Frankfurt, Germany)
    * [[https://www.uam.es|Universidad Autónoma de Madrid]] (Madrid, Spain)
Line 114: Line 131:
  * available urls: http://aleph.sagemath.org, http://sagecell.sagemath.org   * available urls: http://aleph.sagemath.org, https://sagecell.sagemath.org
Line 118: Line 135:
  * state: end of life, replaced by [[http://cloud.sagemath.com]]
  * volunteers: dimpase, tmonteil, vdelecroix
  * state: end of life, replaced by [[https://cocalc.com/|CoCalc]]
  * volunteers to provide worksheets back to the users: dimpase, tmonteil, vdelecroix
Line 122: Line 139:
  * purpose: the wiki you are currently reading!
  * hosted at: ?UW?
  * technology used: ubuntu, apache, moinmoin
  * resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  * admin: ?
  * contact: ?
  * possible issue in migration: it share the same db of users acounts than trac.
  * purpose: the wiki you are reading!
  * hosted at: [[https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/|LIPN (CS lab)]], University Paris North (Villetaneuse)
  * contact: [email protected]
  * url: https://wiki.sagemath.org
  * admin: tmonteil
  * local sage dev: tmonteil
  * technology used: unprivileged LXC, debian, nginx, certbot, uwsgi, moinmoin, jsmath, docutils
  * formerly hosted at: cloud.google.com
  * possible issue in migration: the database of user accounts is synced from trac when this latter is modified (incron)
Line 130: Line 149:
== zulip.sagemath.org ==
  * purpose: chat system
  * hosted at: cloud.google.com
  * resources needed: a dedicated VM with 2-4GB of RAM
  * admin: roed, jrueth (saraedum) - as of 2020-05.

== DockerHub organization ==
  * purpose: distribute SageMath Docker images
  * hosted at: https://hub.docker.com/u/sagemath/
  * admin: embray, jrueth
  * other: slelievre also has push access
Line 133: Line 163:
schilly: who wishes this and did define those purposes based on what discussion?   * schilly: who wishes this and did define those purposes based on what discussion?
  * tmonteil: this is a ''wishlist'', not something collectively decided. Note however that almost nothing in the current framework was collectively discussed either.
Line 138: Line 169:
     * tmonteil: backup of the data of the services we maintain: ask, trac, git, wiki,... according to [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/sage-devel/ed_ya-d-k_E/5csVA6wsCwAJ this] [http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.sage.devel/84894 post] there is currently no regular backup at all for those services (except ask, that benefits for a semi-automatic backup system), this is why i proposed to have a server dedicated to that, located in a different place than the other services.
     * we got a VM at [[https://www.math.u-psud.fr/|Orsay math department]] with 1TB of disk, we are currently setting it up, and use it for more and more services.
Line 142: Line 175:
    * tmonteil: i hope this long time history could be easily fetched in some open format, or does this mean that we locked ourselves there? (being locked would imply that this tool is among the worst)
    * tmonteil: better for who? for google and the NSA to which we currently provide all our visitors IPs? There is a serious privacy issue with such analytics saas tools.
Line 144: Line 179:
    * tmonteil: note that free software alternative do exist
Line 148: Line 184:
     * tmonteil: googleID is an example of a service that was stopped by google, with strong consequences on our side (some people not able to connect anymore (e.g. on ask.sagemath.org), or not able to retrieve their work (e.g. on sagenb.org)). What will happen when google will decide that googlegroups will be shut down? Would we be able to discuss with them about this issue?

This page aims to keep information public about Sage's infrastructure. Question mark means that the information is not confirmed, please edit if you know more... and note the date of your update so that current and stale information can be distinguished.

Please mark which services still need to find a new home, with the system requirements and the deadline.

Current services


  • registrant: was
  • admin: was, schilly
  • tech contact: was, schilly


  • purpose: webserver where users can get support
  • hosted at: LIPN (CS lab), University Paris North (Villetaneuse)

  • contact: [email protected]

  • url: https://ask.sagemath.org

  • admin: tmonteil
  • local sage dev: tmonteil
  • technology used: unprivileged LXC, debian, nginx, uwsgi, postgesql, askbot
  • issues : upgrade askbot to further versions is pretty painful (broken database migration scripts)
  • formerly hosted at: Ohio State University (thanks !)

    • resources needed: database on a separate VM, 2GB RAM, 10GB disk
    • admin: niles, tmonteil
    • local tech contact: David Alden, Josh Carroll
    • technology used: ubuntu, nginx, uwsgi, postgesql, askbot
    • there are two machines : ask-sagemath and ask-sagemath-db


  • purpose: keep the data of various services in a separate place
  • hosted at: Mathematics lab, Université Paris Sud (Orsay)

  • technology used: debian, rsync, cron
  • resources needed: 1TB disk
  • admin: tmonteil, slelievre
  • local sage dev: slelievre
  • local tech contact: Mathilde Rousseau
  • currently keeping a daily backup of https://ask.sagemath.org

doc.sagemath.org, planet.sagemath.org, www.sagemath.org

files.sagemath.org, fileserver.sagemath.org, old.files.sagemath.org

git.sagemath.org, trac.sagemath.org

  • purpose: development tools, they share the same host
  • hosted at: google ?
  • technology used: ubuntu, apache, git, trac
  • resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  • admin: people with root access: kclawson, ohanar, vbraun, mderickx, robertwb, wstein, dimpase
  • contact: no real organisation yet, go to sage-devel
  • url: https://git.sagemath.org https://trac.sagemath.org

GitHub organization for SageMath

GitLab organization for SageMath


  • purpose: distribute and gathers automatic binary building on volunteer's machines
  • hosted at: University of Washington
  • technology used: ubuntu, nginx: see buildbot for more details

  • resources needed: ?CPU ?RAM ?DISK
  • admin: ??
  • contact: ??
  • url: http://build.sagemath.org



  • purpose: the seed for mirrors, see MirrorNetwork for more details

  • hosted at: University of Washington
  • technology used: rsync
  • resources needed:
    • CPU 1 core
    • RAM 2-3 GB (mostly for caching when calculating hashes)
    • DISK enough for all sage files (50+ GB)
  • admin: schilly
  • contact: schilly
  • url: http://rsync.sagemath.org


  • purpose: turn pull requests on GitHub into trac tickets

  • contact: robertwb


  • purpose: allow embedding sage computations within a webpage
  • hosted at:
  • technology used: production installation requires a dedicated server (either physical or virtual)
  • resources needed:
    • RAM: 32GB recommended for smooth operation, 16GB may become enough in the future
    • CPU: the more the better for handling spikes in load and allowing parallel interacts, but any will do if necessary
    • DISK: must have BTRFS at least for /var/lib/lxc, SSD is preferable, 100GB should be sufficient for the foreseeable future
  • admin: novoselt
  • contact: novoselt
  • available urls: http://aleph.sagemath.org, https://sagecell.sagemath.org


  • purpose: public notebook,
  • state: end of life, replaced by CoCalc

  • volunteers to provide worksheets back to the users: dimpase, tmonteil, vdelecroix


  • purpose: the wiki you are reading!
  • hosted at: LIPN (CS lab), University Paris North (Villetaneuse)

  • contact: [email protected]

  • url: https://wiki.sagemath.org

  • admin: tmonteil
  • local sage dev: tmonteil
  • technology used: unprivileged LXC, debian, nginx, certbot, uwsgi, moinmoin, jsmath, docutils
  • formerly hosted at: cloud.google.com
  • possible issue in migration: the database of user accounts is synced from trac when this latter is modified (incron)


  • purpose: chat system
  • hosted at: cloud.google.com
  • resources needed: a dedicated VM with 2-4GB of RAM
  • admin: roed, jrueth (saraedum) - as of 2020-05.

DockerHub organization

Planned services (wishlist)

  • schilly: who wishes this and did define those purposes based on what discussion?
  • tmonteil: this is a wishlist, not something collectively decided. Note however that almost nothing in the current framework was collectively discussed either.



  • purpose: stop feeding google-analytics database
    • schilly: strong objection, we have a long time history stored there and it's far better than any other tools
    • tmonteil: i hope this long time history could be easily fetched in some open format, or does this mean that we locked ourselves there? (being locked would imply that this tool is among the worst)
    • tmonteil: better for who? for google and the NSA to which we currently provide all our visitors IPs? There is a serious privacy issue with such analytics saas tools.
  • public stats are here http://www.histats.com/viewstats/?SID=1579950&f=2

    • novoselt: horrific page - I thought such blinking adds are a thing of the past, had to close it before finding any data
    • tmonteil: note that free software alternative do exist


  • purpose: do not depend on googlegroups (see what happened with googleID on ask and sagenb)
    • schilly strong objection: what has this to do with google id?
    • tmonteil: googleID is an example of a service that was stopped by google, with strong consequences on our side (some people not able to connect anymore (e.g. on ask.sagemath.org), or not able to retrieve their work (e.g. on sagenb.org)). What will happen when google will decide that googlegroups will be shut down? Would we be able to discuss with them about this issue?