Sage Days 10, Youth Hostel accomodation page

We will coordinate a group reservation at the Youth Hostel [ "Un petit coin de Paradis"].

Château de Rémicourt
149, rue de Vandoeuvre
54600 - Villers-les-Nancy

Anyone interested to join the group reservation, please register by editing your name in the following list, or send an email at clement . pernet [at]

Please sign up until September 16, so that we could contact the Hostel early enough with a good idea of the number of persons.

List of participants willing to stay at the Youth Hostel


to (including the night of that day)

Clément Pernet

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

David Harvey

Friday 10th

Monday 13th (i.e. 4 nights)

Mike Hansen

Friday 10th

Wednesday 15th

Robert Bradshaw

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

Harald Schilly

Friday 10

Wednesday 15th

Martin Albrecht

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

Robert Miller

Friday 10th

Wednesday 15th

Gunnar Völkel

Thursday 9th

Sunday 12th

Bertrand Meyer

Thursday 9th

Sunday 12th

Pascal Molin

Thursday 9th

Monday 13th

Simon King

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

Philippe Ravache

Thursday 9th

Tuesday 14th

Michael Abshoff

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

Burcin Erocal

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

Edouardo Ocampo

Thursday 9th

Wednesday 15th

i.e. if you put 15th in there for to, you check out on the 16th.