Dan Drake

I work at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). I study combinatorics.

I'm the main author of SageTeX, a LaTeX package that allows you to integrate Sage code into your documents.

I gave some talks at Sage Days 9, and put my slides, etc, at /Days9Talks.

I also gave a colloquium talk on Sage at Sungkyunkwan University: the slides are at /SKKUTalk.

I wrote some notes on setting up a (hopefully) secure Sage virtual machine using Ubuntu JeOS: /JustEnoughSageServer. I'm also expanding the notebook() docstring at StartingTheNotebook; this will likely end up in the official documentation, I think. Ubuntu has dropped the whole "JeOS" thing and I should update that document.

My homepage is http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake.
