Thierry Monteil (tmonteil)
- about
professional web page :
- mathematical topics of interest in Sage :
- deployment
Sage Debian Live, a self-replicating live USB to spread Sage easily.
Index librorum salvificorum, an index of Sage ressources (alpha, feedback needed).
Sage builder, a toolchain to build and test Sage binaries in a row, used for SDL and 32bit patchbots
- infrastructure
- I currently maintain the following servers:
ask server (located at Villetaneuse)
patchbot server (located at Strasbourg)
wiki server (located at Villetaneuse)
sage-on-gentoo mirror (located at Villetaneuse)
- backup server (located at Orsay)
- activity (trackers)
trac activity :
ask activity :
patchbot activity :
build activity :
Events related to Sage i contributed to
days20 (Marseille, France) (organization)
days25.5 (Montreal, Canada) (participation)
days28 (Orsay, France) (organization)
days34.5 (Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso) (organization)
combinatdayscernay2012 (Cernay, France) (participation)
days 43 (Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso) (organization)
days 49 (Orsay, France) (participation)
days57 (Cernay, France) (participation)
days66 (Liège, Belgium) (participation)
days77 (Cernay, France) (participation)
days75 (Inria Saclay, France) (participation)
days84 (Olot, Spain) (participation)
days86 (Montreal, Canada) (participation)
days94 (Zaragoza Spain) (participation)
days112.5 (Montpellier France) (participation)
- Sage-related tutorials
A 1-week Young researcher's school in math-info (Perpignan, France) (organization of sage tutorial sessions)
A 2-days Sage tutorial at CARI 2014 (Saint-Louis, Sénégal) (organization)
A one-day presentation of Sage (Amiens, France) (participation)
A one-day presentation of Sage at Villetaneuse (Paris 13, France) (organization)
- A one-day presentation of Sage at Réunion (Saint Denis, France) (organization)
A 10 days Sage lecture during the "Tilings and Tessellations" CIMPA research school (Esfahan, Iran) (organization of the Sage sessions)
A 1-week research course about Sage and combinatorics for the ENS-Lyon Master of computer science (Lyon, France) (organization)
A 3-weeks tutorial about experimental mathematics with Sage at AIMS (Kigali, Rwanda)
A one-week summer school for chinese master students about Sage in the context of probability and dynamical systems (Marseille, France) (organization of the Sage sessions)
MathExp2018 Young researcher school and workshop about experimental mathematics (St Flour, France)
- One week of lectures about experimental mathematics (21-25 may 2018)
- One week workshop for young researcher to work on their projects (28 may - 1 june 2018)
Sage user group in Paris (about once a month, currently stalled)
A 1 week Sage lecture during the "Divers Aspects de la Dynamique" CIMPA research school (Bejaia, Algeria) (organization of the Sage sessions)
- 3-day introduction to Sage for the agregation (Caen France, june 2022)
- Shorter presentations of Sage (1 or 2 hours)
- Reykjavik University (Island)