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General Info

Staying 2-3 nights?

The hotel of choice is the UCLA Guest House. It's supposed to be nice, with an excellent location. Apparently the UCLA Business School blocks off the entire place for every Friday night during the academic year, so often IPAM doesn't have much luck with rooms there. Here's the info:

UCLA Guest House
Charles E. Young Drive East
Los Angeles, CA 90095
310-825-6108 (fax)
Free shuttle service around campus. Complimentary continental breakfast & espresso bar. Limited on-site parking.

If you call and can't get a reservation, please email and let us know, so that we can update this with a different first choice for hotel.

Staying 5 nights?

Now on to the specific hotels in the area. We have reserved a block of rooms at Hilgard House, where we have 11 double rooms and 4 single rooms. This is an excellent choice for anyone staying for the entirety of the conference. You should say that you're with either "IPAM" or "Sage Days". (If that doesn't work, e-mail us and let us know.) Our block of rooms is reserved through Jan. 15, though we can still try for rooms after that, of course. Here's the info on the hotel:

Hilgard House Hotel
927 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Within walking distance to IPAM. Free parking & continental breakfast.

If you call and can't get a reservation, please email and let us know, so that we can update this with a different first choice for hotel.

Those didn't work out?

If you tried to make a reservation at either of those, and it didn't work out, here's a list of other hotels in the area. If you tried one of those and it didn't work, please email and let us know, so that we can update this page.

days7/hotel (last edited 2008-11-14 13:42:11 by anonymous)