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Sage Days 6 Schedule

This is the provisional schedule for Sage Days 6 in Bristol. We do not expect further changes to the schedule for Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday 10 November

0930-1050 William Stein and Martin Albrecht: Sage for Mathematical and Cryptographic Research stein-albrecht.pdf, stein-albrecht.sws, original slides

1050-1120 Coffee and Tea Break

1120-1210 Ludovic Perret: Gröbner bases in Cryptography : An Overview perret.pdf

1210-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Robert Bradshaw: Creating Fast Compiled Programs using Sage (Cython) slides

1500-1600 James Davenport: Simplification in Computer Algebra davenport.pdf

1600-1630 Coffee and Tea Break

1630-1730 Dan Bernstein and Tanja Lange: Edwards Coordinates for Elliptic Curves

1830-2200 Dinner at Goldney Orangery

Sunday 11 November

0930-1030 Michael Brickenstein: High Performace Algorithms for Multivariate Polynomials over Boolean Rings (PolyBoRi) brickenstein-polybori.pdf

1030-1100 Coffee and Tea Break

1100-1200 Paul Zimmerman: The MPFR library: well-defined semantics for multiple-precision floating-point numbers slides (pdf)

1200-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Clement Pernet: Fast Exact Linear Algebra (LinBox)

1500-1600 David Loeffler: Computing Automorphic Forms for Unitary Groups using Sage loeffler.pdf

1600-1630 Coffee and Tea Break

1630-1730 Bill Hart: Algebraic Number Theory with FLINT

2030-2200 John Cremona (Moderator): Panel Discussion -- "The Future of Open Source Mathematical Software", Panelists: William Stein, Ondrej Certik, Bill Allombert, Michael Abshoff, and Dan Bernstein.

Some possible panel topics have been suggested, but we are also open to other relevant topics!

Monday 12 November

0900 - 1000 Gregory Bard

1000 - 1100 Planning session for coding sprints

1000 - 1600 Sage development (coding sprint)

1600 - 1700 Ondrej Certik: A Python library for symbolic mathematics (SymPy), certik.pdf

Tuesday 13 November

0900 - 1000 Michael Abshoff: Valgrind

1100 - 1700 Sage development (coding sprint)

1700 - 1800 Lightning talks / demos

Wednesday 14 November

0900 - 1000 Free Slot

1000 - 1400 Sage development (coding sprint)

1400 - 1500 Coding Sprint Wrap-up

1530 - 1630 Tea/coffee at Heilbronn Seminar

1630 - 1730 William Stein: SAGE for number theorists PDF and tar.bz2

days6/talks (last edited 2008-11-14 13:42:00 by anonymous)