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Sage days 10 in Nancy (France)

October 10 to 15, 2008 at the Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its Applications (Loria)


Please register on the registration website.

See the list of participants.

Program committee

The following program is preliminary.


See the full program in pdf format.

Standard day schedule is as follows:

The Sage Days 10 dinner will take place on the 11th.

Coding Sprint

Overview page

Dinner on Saturday

The dinner is at grand cafe foy - train 1 station cathedral, if you look into the train's direction, turn left. then:

click here to see how to walk from the station "Cathedrale" to the place (I'm not sure about the starting point, but it should be easy)


Loria Coming to Loria (webpage from another event, don't be confused).

   Campus Scientifique
   54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

Google Maps


Close events

You may be interested in the CADO project workshop which will occur at the same place, October 7-9.


days10 (last edited 2008-11-14 13:41:55 by anonymous)