This page discusses an interface for implementing indexed GiNaC expressions in Sage/Pynac. <> == Background == See the thread for the impetus of this page. I will repeat here that the original author of this page (Ryan Hinton) is *not* an expert at Sage or GiNaC. Consequently, there are likely syntactic and semantic errors below. Feel free to edit, comment, or discuss any of my mistakes. == General idea == My best idea is to use Python's indexing notation and hook {{{__getitem__()}}} for Pynac expressions. (Is this already done?) So the following GiNaC C++ and Sage Python code should do essentially the same thing. {{{#!cplusplus symbol A("A"), i_sym("i"), j_sym("j"); idx i_idx(i_sym, 3), j_idx(j_sym, 4); ex s = indexed(A, i, j).sum(); }}} vs. {{{#!python var('A i j') s = A[i,j].sum(3,4) }}} == Detailed ideas == === Index dimensions === I like the {{{A[...]}}} indexing syntax, but the dimensions are missing. There are three obvious approaches for specifying dimensions. * Cram them into the indexing syntax, e.g. {{{A[(i,3), (j,4)]}}}. * Specify the dimensions in a separate method call, e.g. {{{A[i,j].dimension(3,4)}}}. The final result should be the same as a GiNaC indexed expression. * Specify them when they are used, e.g. {{{A[i,j].sum(3,4)}}}. RWH does *not* like cramming the dimensions into the indexing syntax. Instead, specifying the dimensions when they are used seems most natural to RWH, but he has a shallow understanding and no experience with the GiNaC approach. In fact, the dimensioning method call and specify-on-use approaches can coexist. Since GiNaC requires the dimension to be specified when the indexed expression is created, both cases require defining *implicit* dimensions. So {{{A[i,j]}}} might translate to the following C++ code. {{{#!cplusplus symbol i_dim("__stmt627_A_dim_i"), j_dim("__stmt627_A_dim_j"); // unique symbol names idx i_idx(i_sym, i_dim), j_idx(j_sym, j_dim); return indexed(A, i_idx, j_idx); }}} Later, when we know the desired dimensions (e.g. in the {{{dimension()}}} or {{{sum()}}} method), we can substitute the actual dimensions. We can use the indexed expression whether or not the indixes are explicitly dimensioned. For example, {{{A[i,j].sum()}}} would return the 2-D sum over the implicit dimensions. We could even give the implicit dimensions nice LaTeX names, e.g. the GiNaC equivalent of the Sage pseudocode {{{#!python var('__stmt627_A_dim_i', latex_name='N_{%s,%s}'%(A._latex_(), i_sym._latex_())) }}} === Specifying index dimensions === There are several options for the syntax specifying the index dimensions. These ideas apply equally to the calling convention for {{{sum()}}} and {{{dimension()}}}. {{{#!python A[i,j].dimension(3, 4}) # positional syntax is simple, but not always clear A[i,j].dimension({i:3, j:4}) # hash syntax allows specifying the index # expression to be dimensioned A[i,j].dimension(i=3, j=4) # keyword syntax is similar, but may have problems # with general expression indexes A[i,j].dimension(i==3, j==4) # relation syntax is similar to substitution # syntax; perhaps confusingly, this would sum ``i`` over 0,1,2 and # *not* 3 -- so i==3 is the first value that is *not* included in the # sum A[i,j].dimension(0<=i<3, 0<=j<4) # more complex relation syntax shows exactly # which values are included in the sum, but not sure if GiNaC can # handle general dimension ranges }}} We should probably include the positional syntax at a minimum. It will do just fine for only one index, and will probably be easier when trying to specifying the dimensions of a non-trivial index expression. RWH's next favorite option is the hash syntax. In all of the non-positional cases there will be issues of figuring out which string/expression matches which index. RWH assumes facilities exist so this will not be a significant obstacle. == Operations == Indexed expressions should already support addition, multiplication, etc. with other expressions. Below are ideas for operations specific to indexed expressions. * Of course, we should define {{{sum}}} and {{{prod}}} methods to form sums and products, respectively. * (Other operations that use indices?) * We could use indexed expressions to create vectors and matrices. This would probably require new vector and matrix classes to support symbolic dimensions. * We could use indexed expressions to create polynomials (over {{{SR}}}). * (Other constructions that use indices?) * By allowing an infinite dimension, we can take limits of sequences, (sums of) series, etc. Sequences of functions may fit in the same framework. Any other ides?