= Sage days Marseille = We aim to organize between September and December 2014 a week-long sage days related to word combinatorics, group theory and symbolic dynamics. == Potential thematics == * word combinatorics (algorithms on words, languages, automata, ...) * group theory (free groups, surface groups, braid groups) * symbolic dynamics (substitutive, sofic, ...) == People who plan to intend == === Local people === * Paul Mercat (some code for automata related to development in base beta) * Thierry Coulbois (some [[https://github.com/coulbois/sage-train-track|code for free group]]) * Pierre Guillon (interested in languages) === People for organisation === * Thierry Monteil * Vincent Delecroix === Invitation === * Michaƫl Rao == Organisation == === Schedule === We would like to have both lectures/tutorials for local Sage newcommers and development time. === Location === Probably [[http://frumam.cnrs-mrs.fr/|Frumam]] === Dates === To be decided.