* ''Goal'' -- Define Hensel lifting for roots and factorizations of polynomials over Henselian rings. * ''Type'' -- basic features * ''Priority'' -- High * ''Difficulty'' -- Medium-Easy * ''Prerequisites'' -- [[../PolynomialPrecision | p-adic polynomial precision]] * ''Background'' -- * ''Contributors'' -- David Roe * ''Progress'' - not started * ''Related Tickets'' -- == Discussion == This is easy once the implementation of polynomials stabilizes... == Tasks == 1. Write a category `HenslianRings` (or maybe `HenselianRingsWithUniformizer`) as a place to write 2-5. Also a category for polynomials over such rings... 1. Write a function that lifts a root of a polynomial (defined to sufficient precision) up one precision. 1. Write a function that lifts a root of a polynomial (defined to sufficient precision) to double precision. 1. Write a function that lifts a coprime factorization up one precision. 1. Write a function that lifts a coprime factorization to double precision. 1. Write functions that determine precisions of the resulting objects given the precision of the original polynomial. 1. Write optimized versions of 2-5 for polynomials over Zp and Qp.