* ''Goal'' -- Fix implementation of p-adic exponential and logarithm maps for extensions * ''Type'' -- basic features * ''Priority'' -- Medium-High * ''Difficulty'' -- Medium * ''Prerequisites'' -- None for 1, [[../GeneralExtensions | general ring extensions]] for 2. * ''Background'' -- * ''Contributors'' -- * ''Progress'' - not started * ''Related Tickets'' -- == Discussion == [[http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~fvercaut/talks/pAdic.pdf | this talk]] has some interesting comments, some of which apply exp and log. == Tasks == 1. Fix the code in `padic_ZZ_pX_FM_element.pyx` and write analogous code for capped relative and capped absolute unramified and Eisenstein elements. Also write the exponential map. 1. Implement log and exp for elements of two-step extensions.