Sage Days 45 Coding Sprint Projects

This is the project page for Sage Days 45, and more generaly ICERM's semester on Automorphic Forms, Combinatorial Representation Theory and Multiple Dirichlet Series.

Below is a list of proposed projects. You are welcome to add more projects or add yourself as participant for existing projects! The following feature request guidelines may help you specify useful and realistic project descriptions; if you are at ICERM, you are more than welcome to come discuss about those with the Sage fans there!

Extended affine Weyl groups, affine Iwahori Hecke algebras, and nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials

Bump, Schilling, Shimozono, Thiéry

This project was started during Sage Days 40 by Dan Bump, Dan Orr, Anne Schilling, Mark Shimozono and Nicolas Thiéry and preliminary patches are in the sage-combinat queue (see extended_affine_weyl_groups_sd40.patch and affine_iwahori_hecke_algebras.patch).

Finalization of the Coxeter3 integration into Sage

Schilling, Thiéry

This would bring a faster implementation of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials to Sage.

See Trac Ticket 12912.

Further Kazdhan-Lusztig functionalities

Brant Jones

Quantum Schubert products in general types (in particular type C) for the full flag variety

Liz Beazley

Equivariant puzzle rule

Liz Beazley, Anne Schilling

Review the root system plot ticket


Finalization of the partition options patch

Travis Scrimshaw and Andrew Mathas

Crystals and rigged configurations code and dependencies

Travis Scrimshaw

Officially deprecate CombinatorialClass

I believe after #13605, there are only a few more left...

Travis Scrimshaw

Implement a general RSK

Travis Scrimshaw