Combinatorics on words - demo


Finite Words

One can create a finite word from anything.

Infinite Words

One can create an infinite word.

Word methods and algorithms

There are more than one hundreds methods and algorithms implemented for finite words and infinite words. One can list them using the TAB command:

{{{id=8| w = Word(range(10)) w.<TAB> /// }}}

For instance, one can slice an infinite word to get a certain finite factor and compute its factor complexity:

{{{id=9| w = Word(p % 3 for p in primes(10000)) w /// word: 2021212122112122211211221212121221211122... }}} {{{id=10| factor = w[1000:2000] factor /// word: 1122111211211222121222211211121212211212... }}} {{{id=11| map(factor.number_of_factors, range(20)) /// [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 62, 110, 156, 190, 206, 214, 218, 217, 216, 215, 214, 213, 212, 211] }}}

Word Morphisms


Creation of a word morphism:

Word Morphisms methods

Image of a word under a morphism:

{{{id=14| m('a') /// word: abcab }}} {{{id=15| m('abcabc') /// word: abcabcbababcabcbab }}}

Power of a morphism:

{{{id=16| print m ^ 2 /// WordMorphism: a->abcabcbababcabcb, b->abcb, c->abcabcb }}}

Incidence matrix:

{{{id=17| matrix(m) /// [2 0 1][2 1 1][1 1 0] }}}

Fixed point of a morphism

Iterated image under a morphism:

{{{id=18| print m /// WordMorphism: a->abcab, b->cb, c->ab }}} {{{id=19| m('c') /// word: ab }}} {{{id=20| m(m('c')) /// word: abcabcb }}} {{{id=21| m(m(m('c'))) /// word: abcabcbababcabcbabcb }}} {{{id=22| m('c', 3) /// word: abcabcbababcabcbabcb }}}

Infinite fixed point of morphism:

{{{id=23| m('a', Infinity) /// word: abcabcbababcabcbabcbabcabcbabcabcbababca... }}}

or equivalently:

{{{id=24| m.fixed_point('a') /// word: abcabcbababcabcbabcbabcabcbabcabcbababca... }}}

S-adic sequences


Let $w$ be a infinite word over an alphabet $A=A_0$.

$w\in A_0^*\xleftarrow{\sigma_0}A_1^*\xleftarrow{\sigma_1}A_2^*\xleftarrow{\sigma_2} A_3^*\xleftarrow{\sigma_3}\cdots$

A standard representation of $w$ is obtained from a sequence of substitutions $\sigma_k:A_{k+1}^*\to A_k^*$ and a sequence of letters $a_k\in A_k$ such that:

$w = \lim_{k\to\infty}\sigma_0\circ\sigma_1\circ\cdots\sigma_k(a_k)$.

Given a set of substitutions $S$, we say that the representation is $S$ -adic standard if the subtitutions are chosen in $S$.

One finite example

Let $A_0=\{g,h\}$, $A_1=\{e,f\}$, $A_2=\{c,d\}$ and $A_3=\{a,b\}$. Let $\sigma_0 : \begin{array}{l}e\mapsto gh\\f\mapsto hg\end{array}$, $\sigma_1 : \begin{array}{l}c\mapsto ef\\d\mapsto e\end{array}$ and $\sigma_2 : \begin{array}{l}a\mapsto cd\\b\mapsto dc\end{array}$.

$\begin{array}{lclclcl} g \\ gh & \xleftarrow{\sigma_0} & e \\ ghhg & \xleftarrow{\sigma_0} & ef & \xleftarrow{\sigma_1} & c \\ ghhggh & \xleftarrow{\sigma_0} & efe & \xleftarrow{\sigma_1} & cd & \xleftarrow{\sigma_2} & a\end{array}$

Let's define three morphisms and compute the first nested succesive prefixes of the s-adic word:

{{{id=25| sigma0 = WordMorphism('e->gh,f->hg') sigma1 = WordMorphism('c->ef,d->e') sigma2 = WordMorphism('a->cd,b->dc') /// }}} {{{id=26| words.s_adic([sigma2],'a') /// word: cd }}} {{{id=27| words.s_adic([sigma1,sigma2],'ca') /// word: efe }}} {{{id=28| words.s_adic([sigma0,sigma1,sigma2],'eca') /// word: ghhggh }}}

When the given sequence of morphism is finite, one may simply give the last letter, i.e. 'a', instead of giving all of them, i.e. 'eca':

{{{id=29| words.s_adic([sigma0,sigma1,sigma2],'a') /// word: ghhggh }}}

But if the letters don't satisfy the hypothesis of the algorithm (nested prefixes), an error is raised:

{{{id=30| words.s_adic([sigma0,sigma1,sigma2],'ecb') /// Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: The hypothesis of the algorithm used is not satisfied: the image of the 3-th letter (=b) under the 3-th morphism (=WordMorphism: a->cd, b->dc) should start with the 2-th letter (=c). }}}

Infinite examples

Let $A=A_i=\{a,b\}$ for all $i$ and Let $S = \left\{ tm : \begin{array}{l}a\mapsto ab\\b\mapsto ba\end{array}, fibo : \begin{array}{l}a\mapsto ab\\b\mapsto a\end{array} \right\}$.

$\begin{array}{lclclcl} a \\ ab & \xleftarrow{tm} & a \\ abba & \xleftarrow{tm} & ab & \xleftarrow{fibo} & a \\ abbaab & \xleftarrow{tm} & aba & \xleftarrow{fibo} & ab & \xleftarrow{tm} & a \end{array}$

Let's define the Thue-Morse and the Fibonacci morphism and let's import the repeat tool from the itertools:

{{{id=31| tm = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->ba') fib = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->a') from itertools import repeat /// }}}

Fixed point are trivial examples of infinite s-adic words:

{{{id=32| words.s_adic(repeat(tm), repeat('a')) /// word: abbabaabbaababbabaababbaabbabaabbaababba... }}} {{{id=33| tm.fixed_point('a') /// word: abbabaabbaababbabaababbaabbabaabbaababba... }}}

Let's alternate the application of the substitutions $tm$ and $fibo$ according to the Thue-Morse word:

{{{id=34| tmwordTF = words.ThueMorseWord('TF') words.s_adic(tmwordTF, repeat('a'), {'T':tm,'F':fib}) /// word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba... }}}

Random infinite s-adic words:

{{{id=35| from sage.misc.prandom import randint def it(): while True: yield randint(0,1) words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib]) /// word: abbaabababbaababbaabbaababbaabababbaabba... }}} {{{id=36| words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib]) /// word: abbaababbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababbaabba... }}} {{{id=37| words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib]) /// word: abaaababaabaabaaababaabaaababaaababaabaa... }}}


Soon in Sage...