Sage Days 22: Computing with Elliptic Curves
The official MSRI page for this workshop.
Location: MSRI at Berkeley, California Dates: June 21, 2010 to July 02, 2010
Mailing Lists
Senior People
Number Theory: John Cremona (Warwick), Tim Dokchitser (Cambridge), Noam Elkies (Harvard), Matt Greenberg (Calgary), Ken Ribet (Berkeley), William Stein (University of Washington), Jared Weinstein (UCLA), Christian Wuthrich (Nottingham), TA Robert Miller (University of Washington)
Open Source: Robert Bradshaw (Google), Fernando Perez (Berkeley), Peter Norvig (Director of Research at Google), Prabhu Ramachandran (Bombay)
Project Groups
John Cremona (Warwick University): ''Tables of elliptic curves''
Matthew Greenberg (University of Calgary): ''Mod p representations associated to elliptic curves''
Christian Wuthrich (Nottingham): ''p-adic L-series and Iwasawa theory''
- Ken Ribet (Berkeley): TBA
Special Day -- June 25: Open Research Computation in Python
- Robert Bradshaw (Google) -- Cython: the best of both worlds
- Jarrod Millman (Berkeley) -- The Foundation for Mathematical and Scientific Computing
- Peter Norvig (Google) -- TBA
- Fernando Perez (Berkeley) -- Python: an ecosystem for scientific computing
- Prabhu Ramachandran (Bombay, India) -- Python in Science and Engineering Education in India
- William Stein (University of Washington) -- Sage: creating a viable open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab
Information about conference T-shirts can be found here.
There will be another workshop at MSRI at the same time on elliptic curves for undergrads: