= Sage Days 20.5 Schedule = ATTENTION : This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change. ||||Monday 3 May 2010|| || 10:00-10:30 ||'''Coffee and Introductions'''|| ||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||'''Introduction To Sage'''|| || Slides: [[attachment:SageDays20.5-Talk.pdf]]; Worksheet: [[attachment:SageDays20.5-Demo.sws]] || ||<|2> 11:30-12:30 ||'''Sage Tutorial I: launching Sage and navigating the help system''' (lead by Franco Saliola)|| || Worksheets: [[attachment:SageDays20.5-Tutorial.sws]] [[attachment:SageDays20.5-Exercises.sws]] || || 12:30-2:00 ||'''Lunch'''|| || 2:00-3:00 ||'''Sage Tutorial II: lists and dictionaries''' (lead by Jason Bandlow)|| || || Worksheet: [[attachment:SageDays20.5-BasicDataTypes.sws]] || || 3:00-3:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| || 3:30-4:30 ||'''Sage Tutorial III: loops and functions''' (lead by Mike Hansen) [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/functionstalk_mh.m4v|Video 326MB]]|| || || Worksheet: [[attachment:SageDays20.5-LoopsAndFunctions.sws]] [[http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/~fsaliola/sage/SienaLectures/worksheets/sws/Worksheet_5___3n_1_Conjecture.sws]] || || 4:30-onwards ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| ||||Tuesday 4 May 2010|| || 10:00-10:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| ||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||'''Burcin Erocal: Summation in Finite Terms over Algebraic Extensions'''|| || Abstract: The summation analogue of the Risch algorithm for indefinite integration was developed by Michael Karr based on towers of specialized difference fields called Pi-Sigma fields. In contrast to algorithms for indefinite integration, only transcendental extensions are allowed in these towers since algebraic extensions may force one to work over rings with zero divisors. This limits the set of expressions which can be modeled by Pi-Sigma fields. For example extensions involving $(-1)^n$ is outside the scope of Karr's algorithm. We present a new approach to this problem which allows us to have algebraic extensions in towers. This leads to effective algorithms extending the capabilities of Karr's algorithm. [[attachment:SageDays20.5-Talk-BurcinErocal.pdf|slides]] || ||<|2> 11:30-12:30 ||'''Ed Green: Noncommutative Groebner basis theory for path algebras''' [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/ncgbeg1.m4v|Video 493MB]]|| || Abstract: In this talk I will give an overview of the theory of noncommutative Groebner bases for path algebras.|| || 12:30-2:00 ||'''Lunch'''|| || 2:00-3:00 ||'''Sage Tutorial IV: Introduction to classes and inheritance''' (lead by Florent Hivert) Worksheet: [[attachment:object_class_talk.sws]]|| || 3:00-3:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| || 3:30-4:30 ||'''Mike Hansen: How to Contribute to Sage'''|| || || Slides: [[attachment:sd20.5.pdf]] || || 4:30-onwards ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| ||||Wednesday 5 May 2010|| || 10:00-10:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| ||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||'''Jason Bandlow: An introduction to categories and coercions in Sage''' [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/categoriesandcoersions_jb.m4v|Video 460MB]]|| || Abstract: This talk will demonstrate how to quickly and painlessly implement new algebraic structures (modules, algebras, hopf algebras, etc.) in Sage. Included in the discussion will be how to use the coercion framework to connect your {{{NewAlgebraicObject}}} to existing structures within Sage. Worksheet: [[attachment:AnIntroductionToAlgebraicObjects.sws]] || ||<|2> 11:30-12:30 ||'''Anne Schilling: Affine Stanley Symmetric Functions''' [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/affinestanley_as.m4v|Video 320MB]]|| || Abstract: We will first review the definition of Stanley symmetric functions and then use the methods in sage that Jason introduced to make them live in the correct quotient space. [[attachment:TorontoAffineStanley.sws]] [[attachment:sagedays10.pdf]]|| || 12:30-2:00 ||'''Lunch'''|| || 2:00-3:00 ||'''Sage Tutorial V: Implementing a new algebraic structure''' (lead by Nicolas Thiery)|| || 3:00-3:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| || 3:30 onwards ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| ||||Thursday 6 May 2010|| || 10:00-10:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| ||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||'''Ed Green: An algorithmic approach to projective resolutions''' [[attachment:edgreennotes.pdf|Notes]] [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/ncgb_eg2.m4v|Video 458MB]]|| || Abstract: I will present a method for constructing projective resolutions of modules over quotients of path algebras. This method uses Groebner basis techniques for both ideals and modules. A reference for this talk can be found in Green, Edward L.; Solberg, Øyvind; An algorithmic approach to resolutions. J. Symbolic Comput. 42 (2007), no. 11-12, 1012--1033.|| || 11:30-12:30 ||'''Florent Hivert : Computing the quiver of a finite dimensional algebra'''|| || 12:30-2:00 ||'''Lunch'''|| ||<|2> 2:00-3:00 ||'''Nicolas Thiery: Status and Roadmap for representation theory of finite dimensional algebras and finite semigroups'''|| || Slides: [[attachment:Roadmap.pdf]]; Worksheet: [[attachment:Roadmap.sws]]|| || 3:00-3:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| || 3:30 onwards ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| ||||Friday 7 May 2010|| || 10:00-10:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| ||<|2> 10:30-11:30 ||'''Sage Tutorial VI: How to create and submit a patch''' [[http://garsia.math.yorku.ca/sagedaystalks/commit.m4v|video 424MB]]|| ||'''YOU''' will go through the complete process of finding a bug in Sage, creating a trac ticket to report the bug, creating a patch to fix the bug, and submitting the patch.|| || 11:30-12:30 ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| || 12:30-2:00 ||'''Lunch'''|| || 2:00-3:00 ||'''Coding Sprints'''|| || 3:00-3:30 ||'''Coffee'''|| || 3:30 onwards ||'''Coding Sprints'''||