= Global Virtual Sage Days 110 = An event for the !SageMath user and developer community Talks will take place October 29-30, 2020, in various time zones. The schedule will be released soon. [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/Workshops|SageDays]] are gatherings of people interested in !SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days have been organized as local, regional, or international in-person meetings by a wide range of people around the globe. Because of the current global health crisis, Sage Days 110 will be a fully virtual event following [[days109|Sage Days 109]]. <> == About SageMath == [[https://www.sagemath.org/|SageMath]], or Sage for short, is a mature, comprehensive, free (open-source) mathematics software system based on Python, licensed under the GNU General Public License, that integrates computer algebra facilities and general computational packages. Sage, first released in 2005, in over a decade of incubation in the [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/tree/develop/build/pkgs|SageMath distribution, comprising 293 software packages]], has grown its own [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/tree/develop/src/sage|library of 1000 Cython and over 4400 Python modules]], ranging from `sage.algebras.*` over `sage.geometry.*` to `sage.tensor.*`, with a total of over 2.2 million lines of code. == How to register and participate == * '''Registration''': If you intend to participate, please register here: https://zulip.sagemath.org/#narrow/stream/128-sd110/topic/Registration * Join our [[https://zulip.sagemath.org/#narrow/stream/128-sd110|zulip #sd110]] messaging stream. This stream will contain all of the information regarding the talks and events for Sage Days 110. * '''Video conferencing''': We will primarily be using Zoom and [[https://bigbluebutton.org/|BigBlueButton]] (BBB; see [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BigBlueButton|Wikipedia page]]; [[https://bigbluebutton.org/open-source-license/|license]]) (with BBB servers at Orsay and/or other French institutions). However, other software such as Google Meet can also be used. * Details, how to access: will be announced on the Zulip stream. == Schedule, videos, and talk slides == The schedule, title, abstracts, videos, and supplementary materials of the talks can be found on [[https://researchseminars.org/seminar/SageDays110|researchseminars.org]]. == Speakers == * [[http://katja.not.si/|Katja Berčič]], KWARC, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia * [[https://rekhabiswal.github.io/index.html|Rekha Biswal]], Max Planck Institute, Germany * Guy Blachar, Bar-Ilan University, Israel * [[http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/David.Coudert/index.shtml|David Coudert]], Inria and COATI, France * [[https://github.com/isuruf|Isuru Fernando]], University of Illinois, USA * [[https://luth.obspm.fr/~luthier/gourgoulhon/en/|Éric Gourgoulhon]], CNRS, France * [[http://w3.impa.br/~heluani/|Reimundo Heluani]], Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil * [[https://mathstat.slu.edu/people/hutz|Ben Hutz]], Saint Louis University, USA * [[https://mjungmath.github.io/|Michael Jung]], Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands * [[https://users.fmi.uni-jena.de/~king/index.html|Simon King]], Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany * [[https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~mkoeppe/|Matthias Köppe]], UC Davis, USA * [[https://albamath.com/|Alba Málaga]], Université de Lorraine, France * [[https://riemann.unizar.es/~mmarco/|Miguel Marco-Buzunariz]], Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain * [[https://sites.google.com/view/jianping-pan|Jianping Pan]], UC Davis, USA * [[https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/dmitrii.pasechnik/|Dima Pasechnik]], University of Oxford, UK * Wencin Poh, UC Davis, USA * [[https://www.lri.fr/~pons/en/|Viviane Pons]], Paris-Saclay University, France * [[https://www.imsc.res.in/~amri/|Amri Prasad]], Instiute of Mathematical Sciences, India * [[https://smp.uq.edu.au/profile/8305/anna-puskas|Anna Puskas]], University of Queensland, Australia * [[http://www2.math.uconn.edu/~troby/|Tom Roby]], University of Connecticut, USA * [[http://www.maths.nuigalway.ie/~rossmann/|Tobias Rossmann]], NUI Galway, Ireland * [[https://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/rubey/|Martin Rubey]], TU Wien, Austria * [[https://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~striker/|Jessica Striker]], North Dakota State University, USA * (Gark Garcia, Mauricio Matera, Rocky Bernstein) https://mathics.org/ == Organizers == * Tomer Bauer * [[slelievre|Samuel Lelièvre]] * Julian Rüth * [[https://people.smp.uq.edu.au/TravisScrimshaw/|Travis Scrimshaw]] (lead contact; tcscrims at gmail {.com}) * [[https://math.as.uky.edu/users/yzh392|Yuan Zhou]] You can also join the [[https://zulip.sagemath.org/#narrow/stream/128-sd110/topic/Organization.20SageDays.20110|Zulip #sd110 organization topic]] to contact the organization team.