= MPolynomialSystem = == Introduction == This page's purpose is to describe the design of a MPolynomialSystem class. This class is supposed to model multivariate polynomial systems as they e.g. appear in algebraic cryptanalysis. The proposed and almost implemented design is as follows. There is a class MPolynomialSystem which models the actual polynomial system. Also there is a base class called MPolynomialSystemGenerator which is meant as a base class for specific generators for polynomial systems like AES or the Courtois Toy Cipher. == MPolynomialSystem == see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/681 == MPolynomialSystemGenerator == see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/681 == Implemented Polynomial System generators == * AES; see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/681 * CTC; not published yet == Example == {{{#!python sage: sr = mq.SR(1,1,1,4,gf2=True) sage: sr SR(1,1,1,4) sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system(); sage: F Polynomial System with 56 Polynomials in 20 Variables sage: s {k003: 0, k002: 1, k001: 1, k000: 0} sage: F.groebner_basis() [k003, k001 + k002, k000 + k002 + 1, s003 + k001 + k002 + 1, s002 + k001 + k002 + 1, s001 + s003 + k001 + k002 + k003, s000 + s002 + s003 + k001 + k003 + 1, w103 + k003, w102 + k002 + 1, w101 + k001 + 1, w100 + k000 + 1, x103 + s003, x102 + x103 + s002 + s003, x101 + x102 + x103 + s001 + s002 + s003, x100 + x103 + s000 + s003 + 1, k103 + s001 + s002 + s003 + 1, k102 + s000 + s001 + s002 + 1, k101 + s000 + s001 + s003 + 1, k100 + s000 + s002 + s003, k002^2 + k002] }}}