This is a survey of requirements for kindergarten math education by state and survey of math software for use in kindergarten classes. Base google search was: '''[[|kindergarten math math software software]]'''. A good overview of educational software in general is a [[|Wikipedia]] [[|article]] on the subject. This wiki page is the first step in a project for possible full K-math support in SAGE. The project is being undertaken by under the supervision of

This is the current stage of the project:
"The next thing you should do (when you have time), is for each software
that you can get a demo of, you should try it out and think about:
 (1) is it good or bad quality?
 (2) is there something that it does that is creative, useful, etc?
 (3) is there something the software does that would make sense
     to do in the context of SAGE?
 (4) anything else you can think of.
And make sure to record all your ideas regarding 1-4 for each program
you try it.", wstein, Feb 22, 2007 11:13 PM

As of Feburary 23, 2007, I am studying [[Investigations_in_Number,_Data,_and_Space_Kindergarten_guides]] to understand extactly what a kindergarten class might be doing regarding math.


== National standards for kindergarten math education ==

 * [[|NCTM: Standards: An Overview -- Principles and Standards for School Mathematics]]

== List of kindergarten standards for math education by U.S. state ==

 * [[|California]]

== List of directories of software ==

 * [['s/math.html|Children's Math Software]]
 * [[|Math Forum: Pre-Kindergarten Teachers: Software]]

== List of software ==

=== Interactive student software ===

 * [[|AAA]] - interactive lessons on number comparison, counting, numerals, patterns, addition, subtraction, spatial position, and time (NO DEMO)
 * [[|Building Blocks]] - student problem solving environment with grading capability ([[|SECURE DEMO]])
 * [[|Chalkboard Math Drills]] - covers basic operations on natural numbers one through nine (FREEWARE)
 * [[|Count Money]] - audio interactive tutor on money arithmetic ([[|Win DEMO]]/[[|Mac DEMO]])
 * [[,138374,353_138375&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL|Destination Math]] - fancy game covering counting up to one hundred, comparing naturals, patterns, triangles, rectangles, sums within twenty, differences within twenty, and basic measurement ([[,138374,353_138384&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL|DEMO]])
 * [[|Elementary math]] - small neighborhood environment with three to five activities per building covering searching, natural numbers up to twenty, measurement, addition, subtraction, counting, time, and money (NO DEMO)
 * [[|FUNdamentallyMATH]] - teaches mathematical concepts using programming language [[|Logo]] ([[|DEMO]])
 * [[|First Grade Math Games]] - group of educational games that add fun to learning (NO DEMO)
 * [[|Manipulative Math Series (3D Space, BaseTen Blocks, Logic Blocks, and Peg Board)]] - activity based old style graphical environment covering shapes, patterns, and positioning, addition, subtraction, numeral place value, primary geometry and problem solving (NO DEMO)
 * [[|Mastering Numeration]] - teaches counting, addition, subtraction, and number recognition (NO DEMO)
 * [[|Math Tutor 1]] - online tutor program with many practice problems covering addition, subtraction, time, money, and basic geometry concepts ([[|DEMO]])
 * [[|MicroWorlds JR]] - fully graphical and audio project oriented environment for creating patterns, and functions to develop understanding of logic ([[|DEMO]]/[[|STATIC DEMO]]) [[evaluation_of_MicroWorlds_JR|EVALUATION]]
 * [[|Orchard K3 software series]] - pretty graphical interface for different activities ([[|STATIC DEMO]])
 * [[|Quarter Mile Math: Level 1]] - covers basic operations, unknowns, counting, and place value (NO DEMO)
 * [[|Softbasics]] - scored activities covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with first twelve natural numbers (NO DEMO)

=== Software for teachers ===

==== Worksheet generators ====

 * [[|MathGen]] - features include selecting types of problems, two ranges of possible numbers for top and bottom, and select number of problems per page 

==== Worksheets ====

 * [[|Kindergarten Math Worksheets]] - has numerous math worksheets for teachers and students